2. For my own part, it was not only the claim which my vocation has upon me, the duty of diligently preaching the Gospel which, as a bishop, I owe to the Church, that has led me on. My eagerness to write has increased with the increasing numbers endangered and enthralled by this heretical theory. There was a rich prospect of joy in the thought of multitudes who might be saved, if they could know the mysteries of the right faith in God, and abandon the blasphemous principles of human folly, desert the heretics and surrender themselves to God; if they would forsake the bait with which the fowler snares his prey, and soar aloft in freedom and safety, following Christ as Leader, prophets as instructors, apostles as guides, and accepting the perfect faith and sure salvation in the confession of Father and of Son. So would they, in obedience to the words of the Lord, He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which hath sent Him267 St. John v. 23., be setting themselves to honour the Father, through honour paid to the Son.
133 2. Ad eam refellendam quid Hilarium moveat. ---Ac mihi quidem praeter studii mei atque officii necessitatem, qua hoc Ecclesiae episcopus praedicationis evangelicae debeo ministerium; tamen eo propensior cura ad scribendum fuit, quo magis plures periculo infidelis intelligentiae detinebantur; uberius gaudium consectans ex salute multorum, si cognitis sacramentis perfectae in Deum fidei, impia humanae stultitiae instituta desererent, et se Deo redderent haereticis repudiatis, atque a cibo mortis, quo in laqueum aves solent illici, in volatum se liberae securitatis erigerent; sequerenturque Christum ducem, prophetas nuntios, Apostolos praevios, fidem consummatam, et salutem in Patris et Filii confessione 0158D perfectam; et cum dictum meminissent ore Domini: Qui non honorificat Filium, non honorificat 0159APatrem qui misit illum (Joan. V, 23), ad honorificandum Patrem per honorem Filii se referrent.