3. For of late the infection of a mortal evil has gone abroad among mankind, whose ravages have dealt destruction and death on every hand. The sudden desolation of cities smitten, with their people in them, by earthquake to the ground, the terrible slaughter of recurring wars, the widespread mortality of an irresistible pestilence, have never wrought such fatal mischief as the progress of this heresy throughout the world. For God, unto Whom all the dead live, destroys those only who are self-destroyed. From Him Who is to be the Judge of all, Whose Majesty will temper with mercy the punishment allotted to the mistakes of ignorance, they who deny Him can expect not even judgment, but only denial.
3. Haeresis Arianae lues.---Emersit enim pestifera et letalis populis proxime lues, quae ingenti grassata contagio ruinam miserandae mortis invexit. Non enim tantum aut considentium (f. concidentium) in chaos cum populis suis repens urbium vastitas, aut frequentes bellorum et funebres mortes, aut immedicatae aegritudinis populosa contagia desaevierunt, in quantum ad exitium generis humani haeresis haec funesta grassata est. Deo enim, cui omnia in mortuis vivunt, hoc solum perit quod sibi deperit. Nam judicaturus ipse de omnibus, et pro majestatis suae misericordia poenae meritum ignoranti moderaturus errori, negantes se non jam judicabit utique, sed negabit 0159B (Matth. X, 33; vid. Tr. psal. CXL, n. 8).