Chapter II. How the Will Variously Governs the Powers of the Soul.
Chapter III. How the Will Governs the Sensual Appetite.
Chapter V. Of the Affections of the Will.
Chapter VI. How the Love of God Has Dominion over Other Loves. 29
Chapter VII. Description of Love in General.
Chapter VIII. What Kind of Affinity (Convenance) It Is Which Excites Love.
Chapter IX. That Love Tends to Union.
Chapter X. That the Union to Which Love Aspires Is Spiritual.
Chapter XI. That There Are Two Portions in the Soul, and How. 45
Chapter XII. That in These Two Portions of the Soul There Are Four Different Degrees of Reason.
Chapter XIII. On the Difference of Loves.
Chapter XIV. That Charity May Be Named Love.
Chapter XV. Of The Affinity There Is between God and Man. 54
Chapter XVI. That We Have a Natural Inclination to Love God above All Things
Chapter XVII. That We Have not Naturally the Power to Love God above All Things.
Chapter XVIII. That the Natural Inclination Which We Have to Love God Is not Useless.
Chapter I. That the Divine Perfections Are Only a Single But Infinite Perfection.
Chapter II. That in God There Is But One Only Act, Which Is His Own Divinity. 66
Chapter III. Of the Divine Providence in General.
Chapter IV. Of the Supernatural Providence Which God Uses towards Reasonable Creatures.
Chapter V. That Heavenly Providence Has Provided Men with a Most Abundant Redemption.
Chapter VI. Of Certain Special Favours Exercised by the Divine Providence in the Redemption of Man.
Chapter VII. How Admirable the Divine Providence Is in the Diversity of Graces Given to Men.
Chapter VIII. How Much God Desires We Should Love Him.
Chapter X. How We Oftentimes Repulse the Inspiration and Refuse to Love God.
Chapter XI. That It Is no Fault of the Divine Goodness if We Have not a Most Excellent Love.
Chapter XII. That Divine Inspirations Leave Us in Full Liberty to Follow or Repulse Them
Chapter XIV. Of the Sentiment of Divine Love Which Is Had by Faith.
Chapter XV. Of the Great Sentiment of Love Which We Receive by Holy Hope.
Chapter XVI. How Love Is Practised in Hope.
Chapter XVII. That the Love Which Is in Hope Is Very Good, Though Imperfect. 109
Chapter XIX. That Penitence Without Love Is Imperfect.
Chapter XX. How the Mingling of Love and Sorrow Takes Place in Contrition. 117
Chapter XXI. How Our Saviour's Loving Attractions Assist and Accompany Us to Faith and Charity.
Chapter XXII. A Short Description of Charity.
Chapter I. That Holy Love May Be Augmented Still More and More in Every One of Us.
Chapter II. How Easy Our Saviour Has Made the Increase of Love.
Chapter III. How a Soul in Charity Makes Progress in It.
Chapter IV. Of Holy Perseverance in Sacred Love. 138
Chapter V. That the Happiness of Dying in Heavenly Charity Is a Special Gift of God. 141
Chapter VI. That We Cannot Attain to Perfect Union with God in This Mortal Life.
Chapter VIII. Of the Incomparable Love Which the Mother of God, Our Blessed Lady, Had.
Chapter IX. A Preparation for the Discourse on the Union of the Blessed with God.
Chapter X. That the Preceding Desire Will Much Increase the Union of the Blessed with God.
Chapter XI. Of the Union of the Blessed Spirits with God, in the Vision of the Divinity.
Chapter XIV. That the Holy Light of Glory Will Serve for the Union of the Blessed Spirits with God.
Chapter XV. That There Shall Be Different Degrees of the Union of the Blessed with God. 163
Chapter I. That as Long as We Are in This Mortal Life We May Lose the Love of God.
Chapter II. How the Soul Grows Cold in Holy Love.
Chapter III. How We Forsake Divine Love for That of Creatures. 171
Chapter IV. That Heavenly Love Is Lost in a Moment. 174
Chapter V. That the Sole Cause of the Decay and Cooling of Charity Is in the Creature's Will. 176
Chapter VI. That We Ought to Acknowledge All the Love We Bear to God to Be from God.
Chapter VII. That We Must Avoid All Curiosity, and Humbly Acquiesce in God's Most Wise Providence.
Chapter X. How Dangerous This Imperfect Love Is.
Chapter XI. A Means to Discern This Imperfect Love.
Chapter I. Of the Sacred Complacency of Love and First of What It Consists.
Chapter II. How by Holy Complacency We Are Made as Little Infants at Our Saviour's Breasts.
Chapter IV. Of the Loving Condolence by Which the Complacency of Love Is Still Better Declared. 207
Chapter V. Of the Condolence and Complacency of Love in the Passion of Our Lord.
Chapter VI. Of the Love of Benevolence Which We Exercise towards Our Saviour by Way of Desire.
Chapter VIII. How Holy Benevolence Produces the Praise of the Divine Well-Beloved. 217
Chapter IX. How Benevolence Makes Us Call All Creatures to the Praise of God.
Chapter X. How the Desire to Praise God Makes Us Aspire to Heaven.
Chapter I. A Description of Mystical Theology, Which Is No Other Thing Than Prayer.
Chapter II. Of Meditation the First Degree of Prayer or Mystical Theology.
Chapter V. The Second Difference between Meditation and Contemplation.
Chapter VII. Of the Loving Recollection of the Soul in Contemplation. 251
Chapter VIII. Of the Repose of a Soul Recollected in Her Well-Beloved.
Chapter IX. How This Sacred Repose Is Practised. 257
Chapter X. Of Various Degrees of This Repose, and How It Is to Be Preserved. 259
Chapter XII. Of the Outflowing (escoulement) or Liquefaction of the Soul in God 265
Chapter XIII. Of the Wound of Love.
Chapter XIV. Of Some Other Means by Which Holy Love Wounds the Heart. 272
Chapter XV. Of the Affectionate Languishing of the Heart Wounded with Love.
Chapter I. How Love Effects the Union of the Soul with God in Prayer.
Chapter II. Of the Various Degrees of the Holy Union Which Is Made in Prayer. 286
Chapter III. Of the Sovereign Degree of Union by Suspension and Ravishment.
Chapter IV. Of Rapture, and of the First Species of It. 294
Chapter V. Of the Second Species of Rapture.
Chapter VIII. An Admirable Exhortation of S. Paul to the Ecstatic and Superhuman Life. 304
Chapter X. Of Those Who Died by and for Divine Love.
Chapter XI. How Some of the Heavenly Lovers Died Also of Love.
Chapter XII. Marvellous History of the Death of a Gentleman Who Died of Love on Mount Olivet.
Chapter XIII. That the Most Sacred Virgin Mother of God Died of Love for Her Son.
Chapter XIV. That the Glorious Virgin Died by and Extremely Sweet and Tranquil Death.
Chapter I. Of the Love of Conformity Proceeding from Sacred Complacency.
Chapter III. How We Are to Conform Ourselves to That Divine Will Which Is Called the Signified Will.
Chapter IV. Of the Conformity of Our Will to the Will Which God Has to Save Us. 332
Chapter VIII. That the Contempt of the Evangelical Counsels Is a Great Sin.
Chapter XIII. Third Mark of Inspiration, Which Is Holy Obedience to the Church and Superiors. 359
Chapter XIV. A Short Method to Know God's Will. 362
Chapter I. Of the Union of Our Will to That Divine Will Which Is Called the Will of Good-Pleasure.
Chapter IV. Of the Union of Our Will to the Good-Pleasure of God by Indifference. 373
Chapter V. That Holy Indifference Extends to All Things.
Chapter VI. Of the Practice of Loving Indifference, in Things Belonging to the Service of God.
Chapter VII. Of the Indifference Which We Are to Have As to Our Advancement in Virtues.
Chapter VIII. How We Are to Unite Our Will with God's in the Permission of Sins.
Chapter IX. How the Purity of Indifference is to Be Practised in the Actions of Sacred Love. 388
Chapter X. Means to Discover When We Change in the Matter of This Holy Love. 390
Chapter XI. Of the Perplexity of a Heart Which Loves Without Knowing Whether It Pleases the Beloved.
Chapter XIII. How the Will Being Dead to Itself Lives Entirely in God's Will. 398
Chapter XIV. An Explanation of What Has Been Said Touching the Decease of Our Will.
Chapter XVI. Of the Perfect Stripping of the Soul Which Is United to God's Will.
Chapter V. Of Two Other Degrees of Greater Perfection, by Which We May Love God Above All Things.
Chapter VI. That the Love of God Above All Things Is Common to All Lovers.
Chapter VII. Explanation of the Preceding Chapter.
Chapter XI. How Holy Charity Produces the Love of Our Neighbour. 440
Chapter XIII. How God Is Jealous of Us.
Chapter XV. Advice for the Direction of Holy Zeal.
Chapter XVII. How Our Lord Practised All the Most Excellent Acts of Love.
Chapter I. How Agreeable All Virtues Are to God.
Chapter VII. That Perfect Virtues Are Never One without the Other.
Chapter VIII. How Charity Comprehends All the Virtues.
Chapter IX. That the Virtues Have Their Perfection from Divine Love. 489
Chapter X. A Digression upon the Imperfection of the Virtues of the Pagans.
Chapter XI. How Human Actions Are Without Worth When They Are Done without Divine Love.
Chapter XIII. How We Are to Reduce All the Exercise of Virtues, and All Our Actions to Holy Love.
Chapter XIV. The Practice of What Has Been Said in the Preceding Chapter.
Chapter XV. How Charity Contains in It the Gifts of the Holy Ghost. 509
Chapter XVI. Of the Loving Fear of Spouses a Continuation of the Same Subject.
Chapter XVII. How Servile Fear Remains Together with Holy Love. 514
Chapter XVIII. How Love Makes Use of Natural, Servile and Mercenary Fear.
Chapter I. That Our Progress in Holy Love Does Not Depend on Our Natural Temperament.
Chapter II. That We Are to Have a Continual Desire to Love.
Chapter III. That to Have the Desire of Sacred Love We Are to Cut Off All Other Desires.
Chapter IV. That Our Lawful Occupations Do Not Hinder Us from Practicising Divine Love. 538
Chapter V. A Very Sweet Example on This Subject.
Chapter VII. That We Must Take Pains to Do Our Actions Very Perfectly. 542
Chapter VIII. A General Means for Applying Our Works to God's Service. 543
Chapter X. An Exhortation to the Sacrifice Which We Are to Make to God of Our Free-Will.
Chapter XI. The Motives We Have of Holy Love.
Chapter XII. A Most Useful Method of Employing These Motives.
Chapter XIII. That Mount Calvary Is the Academy of Love. 554
And at last, as our conclusion,—the death and passion of Our Lord is the sweetest and most constraining motive that can animate our hearts in this mortal life: and it is the very truth, that mystical bees make their most excellent honey within the wounds of this Lion of the tribe of Judah, slain, rent and torn upon the Mount of Calvary. And the children of the cross glory in their admirable problem, which the world understands not: Out of death, the eater of all, has come forth the meat of our consolation; and out of death, strong above all, has come forth the sweetness of the honey of our love.[1] O Jesus, my Saviour, how love-worthy is thy death, since it is the sovereign effect of thy love!
So, in the glory of heaven above, next to the Divine goodness known and considered in itself, Our Saviour's death shall most powerfully ravish the blessed spirits in the loving of God. As a sign whereof, in the Transfiguration, where we have a glimpse of heaven, Moses and Elias talked with Our Saviour of the Excess[1] which he was to accomplish in Jerusalem. But of what excess, if not of that excess of love by which life was forced from the lover, to be bestowed on the well-beloved? So that in the eternal canticle I imagine to myself that this joyous exclamation will be repeated every moment:
Live, Jesus live, whose death doth prove,
The might supreme of heavenly love.
Theotimus, Mount Calvary is the mount of lovers. All love that takes not its beginning from Our Saviour's Passion is frivolous and dangerous. Unhappy is death without the love of the Saviour, unhappy is love without the death of the Saviour! Love and death are so mingled in the Passion of Our Saviour that we cannot have the one in our heart 555without the other. Upon Calvary one cannot have life without love, nor love without the death of Our Redeemer. But, except there, all is either eternal death or eternal love: and all Christian wisdom consists in choosing rightly; and to assist you in that, I have made this treatise, my Theotimus.
During this mortal life we must choose eternal love or eternal death, there is no middle choice.
O eternal love, my soul desires and makes choice of thee eternally! Ah! come, Holy Spirit and inflame our hearts with thy love! To love or to die! To die and to love! To die to all other love in order to live to Jesus's love, that we may not die eternally, but that, living in thy eternal love, O Saviour of our souls we may eternally sing: Vive Jésus! I love Jesus. Live Jesus whom I love! I love Jesus, who lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen.
May these things, Theotimus, which by the grace and help of charity have been written to your charity, so take root in your heart that this charity may find in you the fruit of good works, not the leaves of praises. Amen. Blessed be God! And thus I close this whole treatise in the words with which S. Augustine ended an admirable sermon on charity, which he made before an illustrious assembly.
[1]For our authorities and full information on this important controversy we refer our readers to the admirable "Dissertation," by Baudry, in the supplementary volume (ix.) of Migne's edition of the "Works of S. Francis and S. Jane Frances." There is an anonymous dissertation in vol. vi. which bears on the same subject.
[2]The following part of our Introduction—viz., the analysis of Books i., ii., will probably be found more intelligible and useful after reading the Saint's text.
[3]This division is the connecting chain of the whole Treatise, and it will be found that each Book treats of one or more of its parts. Thus the three following Books are on point 3, Book v. on point 2, Books vi.–ix. on points 4 and 5 (viz., union by affective and by effective love), x.–xii. on point 3.
[4]Certain expressions on p. 50 require explanation. It is there said that in the superior part of the soul there are two degrees of reason—the answer is that the Saint for the moment puts out of consideration the lowest degree of the higher reason, and concerns himself with the two supernatural degrees. And a little lower down he speaks of the action of faith "in the inferior part of the soul," but he really means in the lower one of the two highest degrees.
[5]It is true that elsewhere (Book iv. c. v.) S. Francis says, after S. Thomas and S. Francis Xavier, that God is sure to give grace to those who fulfil the natural law, but, since in the state of fallen nature the natural law itself cannot be fully observed without grace, there is already supposed in the hearts of such persons the existence of grace which draws the further grace. This the Saint expressly states (xi. 1).
[6]"Four Essays on the Life and Writings of S. Francis de Sales," Essay III. p. 88.
[7]From her life by Maupas, quoted by Bossuet in the "Instr. Past. sur les états d’oraison," viii.
[8]Pp. 82-4.
[9]The Saint is careful to qualify any ambiguous statement (as in ix. 4) by declaring that he speaks "par imagination de chose impossible."
[10]In the same "Instruction, &c."
[11]They occur in i. 5, 10; iv. 10; v. 1; vi. 15; vii. 1; viii. 1; ix. 10; x. 7, 9; xi. 4, 10, 11, 14.
[12]"A Treatise of the Love of God." Written in French by B. Francis de Sales, Bishope and Prince of Geneva. Translated into English by Miles Car, priest of the English Colledge of Doway. The eighteenth edition. Printed at Doway by Gerard Pinchon, at the sign of Coleyn, 1630.
[13]We would gladly have reintroduced such a fine old word as "yert," which represents the now untranslateable eslan or eslancement.
[14]For instance nuisance as if it were naissance; jeusnes et veilles, as if they were jeunes et vieilles.
[15]Cant. iv.
[16]Ps. lxvii. 14.
[17]M. Camus.
[18]1 Cor. i. 27.
[19]Cant. iv. 9.
[20]Of the Holy Spirit. (Tr.)
[21]1 Tim. iii. 15.
[22]Gen. xli. 40.
[23]Rom. vii. 15.
[24]Gen. iii. 16.
[25]Ib.iv. 7.
[26]Rom. vii. 23.
[27]De Civ. Dei, xiv. ix.
[28]De Civ. Dei, xiv.
[29]1 Cor. xv. 46.
[30]Cant. i. 1.
[31]Eccli. xix. 26.
[32]lxi. 9.
[33]1 Kings i. 15.
[34]Rom. xvi. 16; 1 Cor. xvi. 20.
[35]Of Ghent, uncle of the heretic, but himself an orthodox and esteemed writer. (Tr.)
[36]Acts iv. 32.
[37]John xvii. 21.
[38]Eph. iv. 3.
[39] Kings xviii. 1.
[40]Gen. xvii. 17.
[41]Ib. xv. 6.
[42]Meaning dear, dearly, to endear. The Saint's argument cannot be given in English. It rests on the connection between cher and charité, like the Latin carus and caritas. (Tr.)
[43]Hom. I. in Can.
[44]De Div. Nom. iv. § 12. The reference, of course, is to 2 Kings i. 26. S. Francis is careful to quote S. Denis, who used the Septuagint text, ????????. The Vulgate does not mark the difference. (Tr.)
[45]Acts xx. 35.
[46]Cant. i. 1.
[47]Rom. i. 20.
[48]Rom. vii. 18.
[49]Lam. ii. 15.
[50]Ps. lxxvii. 39.
[51]Ps. iv. 6.
[52]Ibid. 7.
[53]Apoc. xix. 12.
[54]Judges xiii. 18.
[55]Ecclus. xliii. 29
[56]1 John iii. 20.
[57]Ps. cxlviii. 5.
[58]Ps. xxxii. 6.
[59]1 John i. 3.
[60]Gen. i. 14.
[61]According to the opinion not uncommon in. S. Francis's day. (Tr.)
[62]Wisdom xiv. 3.
[63]Gen. xlv. 8; l. 20.
[64]Ps. lxxvii. 39.
[65]Col. i. 15.
[66]Prov. viii. 22.
[67]Col. i. 16.
[68]Rom. v. 20.
[69]Luke xv. 7.
[70]Rom. xii. 21.
[71]James ii. 13.
[72]Ps. cxliv. 9.
[73]Ps. xliv. 10.
[74]Ps. xv. 11.
[75]Apoc. ii. 17.
[76]1 Cor. xv. 41.
[77]1 Cor. vii. 7.
[78]Luke xii. 49.
[79]Matt. xxii. 37, 38.
[80]Prov. i. 20, 21, 22, 23.
[81]Ezech. xxxiii. 10, 12.
[82]1 John iii. 14.
[83]Apoc. iii. 20.
[84]Rom. ii. 4., 5.
[85]Cant. ii. 16.
[86]Ezech. xviii. 30.
[87]1 Tim. ii. 4.
[88]Jerem. xxxi. 3.
[89]Titus iii. 5.
[90]John vi. 44.
[91]i.e., Footless. [Tr.]
[92]2 Cor. iii. 5.
[93]Matt. xi. 21.
[94]Isa. xiv. 12.
[95]Osee xiii. 9.
[96]2 Cor. vi. 1.
[97]1 Tim. i. 15.
[98]Acts ix. 15.
[99]Osee xi. 4.
[100]John iv. 10.
[101]Cant. i. 3.
[102]Nous ne voyons pas, ains seluement nous entrevoyons.
[103]Cant. i. 4.
[104]4 Kings ix. 13.
[105]Cant. i. 14.
[106]Cant. i. 1.
[107]Ps. xli. 1.
[108]Ibid. 1, 2.
[109]Ps. xli. 4.
[110]Cant. v. 8.
[111]Cant. ii. 16.
[112]Matt. iv. 17.
[113]1 Cor. xiii. 3.
[114]2 Mach. i.
[115]Luke vii. 47.
[116]John xx. 13.
[117]Mark ix. 23.
[118]Cant. v. 10.
[119]Rom v. 5.
[120]Ps. xliv. 10.
[121]Wisdom vii. 11.
[122]Apoc. xxii. 11.
[123]Ecclus. xviii. 22.
[124]Prov. iv. 18.
[125]Eph. iv. 15.
[126]Phil. i. 9.
[127]Ps. lxxiii. 23.
[128]Job xiv. 2.
[129]1 Cor. ix. 24.
[130]Ps. cxviii. 112.
[131]Ibid. 1.
[132]Is. xiv. 13.
[133]Gen. xvii. 1.
[134]Ps. lxxxiii. 6.
[135]Luke xvii. 5.
[136]2 Cor. ix. 8.
[137]Matt. xiii. 12.
[138]Matt vi. 20.
[139]In nobis sine nobis (S. Aug.)
[140]1 Cor. xv. 10.
[141]2 Cor. vi. 1.
[142]Gal. vi. 10.
[143]1 Cor. ix. 24.
[144]Gen. xvii. 1.
[145]Gen. xlviii. 16.
[146]Ps. xxii.
[147]Is. xli. 13.
[148]Phil. ii. 13.
[149]Matt. x. 22.
[150]Rom. viii. 38-9
[151]John v. 14.
[152]Apoc. ii. 10.
[153]1 Cor. xvi. 13.
[154]1 Cor. ix. 24.
[155]Ps. lxx. 9.
[156]Ps. lxxii. 24.
[157]Eccles. i. 7.
[158]Ps. lxxii. 25-6.
[159]Cant. iii. 4.
[160]Ibid. iv. 9.
[161]Cant. i. 1.
[162]Luke vi. 38.
[163]Prov. xxxi. 29.
[164]1 Cor. vii. 32.
[165]Cant. ii. 7.
[166]Gen. xxxvii.; Apoc. xii. 1.
[167]Gen. xxxii. 30.
[168]Ps. cxviii. 103.
[169]Luke xxiv. 32.
[170]I Cor. xiii. 12.
[171]Osee. ii. 14.
[172]Is. lxvi. 10, 11, 12.
[173]Ps. cix. 3.
[174]Ps. xviii. 6.
[175]Ps. cxxxii.
[176]Ps. xxxv. 10.
[177]1 Cor. x. 12.
[178]Apoc. iii. 11.
[179]2 Peter i. 10.
[180]Ps. l. 13.
[181]Phil. ii. 12.
[182]Cant. viii. 6.
[183]Jer. ii. 12.
[184]Apoc. ii. 4.
[185]Matt. xxiv. 12.
[186]James i. 15.
[187]Rom. i. 21.
[188]Gen. xxx. 1.
[189]Apres ses chevaux toute sa chevance.
[190]1 John ii. 16.
[191]2 Kings xv.
[192]Jer. Lam. i. 1.
[193]Gen. xxi. 16.
[194]Ezech. xviii. 4.
[195]Osee xiii. 9.
[196]Luke xii. 49.
[197]Luke ii. 32.
[198]2 Peter iii. 9.
[199]1 Tim. ii. 4.
[200]Gal. iv. 5.
[201]Eccli. xv. 11.
[202]John i. 9.
[203]1 Cor. iv. 7.
[204]See Book iii. 3.
[205]Ps. lxxx. 11.
[206]i.e. pearl. See p. 82 [Tr.]
[207]Acts xiii. 46.
[208]Rom. xi. 33, 34.
[209]Rom. ix. 20.
[210]Eccli. iii. 22.
[211]Orat. xiv.: On Love of the Poor.
[212]Wis. viii. 1.
[213]Ibid. xi. 21.
[214]Ps. ciii. 24.
[215]Rom. xi.
[216]Ps. lxxvii. 9.
[217]Judges xiv.
[218]Cant. v. 16.
[219]Ps. xcix. xv. lxxii.
[220]Osee ix. 10.
[221]Gal. vi. 14.
[222]Prov. xv. 14.
[223]John iv. 34.
[224]Cant. v. 1.
[225]Cant. i. 3.
[226]Cant. i. 3.
[227]Cant. i. 1.
[228]Botrus Cypri. Our version wrongly translates this as a cluster of Cypress [Tr.]
[229]Gen. xlix. 11.
[230]Gen. xxvii. 27.
[231]Cant. ii. 2.
[232]Cant. ii. 2.
[233]1 Pet. i. 12.
[234]Ps. civ. 4.
[235]Luke ii. 35.
[236]Cant. i. 12.
[237]Gen. xxxvii. 35.
[238]Gen. xxi. 16.
[239]Gen. xlv. 28.
[240]Gen. xlvi. 30.
[241]Cant. v. 2.
[242]Ps. xv. 2.
[243]Luke i. 47.
[244]Cant. iii. 3.
[245]John xx. 13.
[246]Ps. xxvi. 6
[247]Ps. cii. 1.
[248]Ps. xxxiii. 1, 2.
[249]Ps. cl. 6.
[250]Ps. xxxiii. 4.
[251]Apoc. xix.
[252]Ps. cxli. 8.
[253]Cant. ii. 14.
[254]Gen. xxvii. 27.
[255]Cant. ii.
[256]Ps. lxiv. 1.
[257]Cant. v. 2.
[258]Apoc. ii. 17.
[259]Cant. iii. 6.
[260]Cant. vii. 11.
[261]Ps. xxvi. 8.
[262]Ps. cxviii. 82.
[263]Ps. xxxviii. 13.
[264]Jer. Lam. ii. 18.
[265]Job xvii. 11.
[266]Is. xxxviii. 14.
[267]Is. lix. 11.
[268]Cant. ii. 12.
[269]Cant. ii. 14.
[270]Is. xxxviii. 15.
[271]Deut. viii. 6.
[272]Josue i. 8.
[273]Heb. xii. 3.
[274]Ps. cxviii. 97.
[275]Lev. xi. 3.
[276]Cant. vii. 9.
[277]Gen. xxiv. 63.
[278]Ex. xix. 19.
[279]3 Kings x. 8.
[280]Ecclus. xxiv. 29.
[281]Cant. v.
[282]Cant. i. 12.
[283]Gen. i. 31.
[284]Ps. cxviii. 68.
[285]Cant. v. 16.
[286]Ps. cxviii. 103.
[287]Cant. iii. 4.
[288]Cant. v. 1.
[289]Cant. i.
[290]Cant. ii. 7.
[291]Luke x. 41, 42.
[292]Cant. iii. 4.
[293]La juste reigle de le bien affectionner, c’est de ne point l’affecter.
[294]Gen. xxix. 11.
[295]Luke xxiv.
[296]II. 2.
[297]Gen. xxviii. 16.
[298]Ezech. xxxvi. 26.
[299]Ps. xxi. 15.
[300]Cant. v. 6.
[301]Cant. i. 1, 2.
[302]Gal. ii. 20.
[303]Col. iii. 3.
[304]S. Denis (Tr.)
[305]Ps. xli. 3.
[306]Cant. v. 8.
[307]Prov. xiii. 12.
[308]Ps. liv. 7.
[309]Rom. vii. 24.
[310]Cant. iv. 9.
[311]Cant. v. 8.
[312]John xxi. 19.
[313]Ps. cxviii. 139.
[314]Cant. i. 12.
[315]1 Cor. iv. 11.
[316]Ps. xli. 3.
[317]Rom. vii. 24.
[318]Cant. i. 1.
[319]Cant. i. 3.
[320]Cant. vii. 10.
[321]Cant. i. 12.
[322]Ps. lxii. 9.
[323]Cant. ii. 16.
[324]Cant. i. 3.
[325]Cant. viii. 6.
[326]2 Cor. v. 14.
[327]John vi. 44.
[328]Cant. i. 3.
[329]Cant. iii. 4.
[330]Ps. lxxii. 25, 26.
[331]Gal. ii. 19.
[332]1 Kings xviii. 1
[333]Phil. i. 23.
[334]Col. iii. 14.
[335]?? ????? [Tr.]
[336]????? [Tr.]
[337]Gal. ii. 20
[338]1 Cor. xiii. 2.
[339]Rom. v. 5.
[340]Col. iii. 3.
[341]3 Kings xviii. 21.
[342]Soph. i. 5.
[343]Gal. ii. 20.
[344]Rom. vi. 6.
[345]Gal. v. 24.
[346]Rom. vi. 11
[347]2 Cor. v. 14.
[348]Cant. viii. 6.
[349]Wis. iv. 7.
[350]Cant. vii. 11.
[351]S. Francis's account of this blessed death is not strictly according to history. We cannot ascertain what Life of Venerable Bede he used (Tr.).
[352]Pss. v. 8; cxxxvii. 2.
[353]1 Cor. xiii. 7.
[354]John xvii. 4.
[355]1 Tim. i. 9.
[356]Ps. xxvi. 4.
[357]Rom. xii. 2.
[358]II. 6.
[359]Ps. cxviii. 71.
[360]Ps. cxviii. 4.
[361]vv. 97, 127, 103.
[362]Ps. cxviii. 54.
[363]Matt. xix. 21.
[364]1 Cor. vii. 5.
[365]Matt. xix. 11.
[366]1 Cor. xiii.
[367]Matt. xxi. 3.
[368]Ps. cxviii. 165.
[369]Cant. i. 2.
[370]Is. lxii. 14.
[371]Acts iv. 32.
[372]Ps. xxix. 6.
[373]Jer. ii. 20.
[374]Is. xlviii. 8.
[375]Ezech. xxviii. 2.
[376]Ps. xxxix. 9.
[377]2 Kings xxiii.
[378]Ps. ix. 38
[379]Cant. v. 6.
[380]Levit. xi. 44.
[381]Apoc. xxii. 11
[382]Matt. v. 48.
[383]Gen. i. 11.
[384]Job xiv. 2.
[385]Job xxi. 14.
[386]Prov. xxvii. 9.
[387]1 Cor. xv. 45
[388]4 Kings iv. 34.
[389]Is. xxviii. 19.
[390]Gen. xxiv. 12, 13, 14.
[391]III. 37.
[392]Ezech. i. 12.
[393]Acts ii. 2.
[394]Cant. v. 6.
[395]Cant. vii. 1.
[396]Mal. ii. 7.
[397]Ps. lxxii. 24, 23
[398]Ps. cxxxviii. 14, 6
[399]Ps. c. 1.
[400]Ps. cxviii. 137.
[401]Job ii. 10.
[402]Gal. vi. 14.
[403]Job ii. 10.
[404]Job i. 21.
[405]Phil. i. 23.
[406]Ps. lxxxiii. 1.
[407]Ps. lxxii. 25.
[408]2 Cor. vi. 4-10
[409]Ezech. viii. 3.
[410]Ps. xliv. 6. According to the Septuagint and the Hebrew (Tr.)
[411]IV. 11.
[412]Ps. cxviii. 137.
[413]Ps. iv. 5.
[414]Rom. vi. 12.
[415]2 Cor. xii. 9.
[416]Ps. cxviii. 53.
[417]Rom. ix. 2.
[418]Acts xx. 31, 26, 27.
[419]Acts xiii. 46.
[420]Matt. xxi. 43.
[421]Ps. lvi. 8, 9.
[422]Acts xii. 11.
[423]Ps. cxxv. 1.
[424]Ps. lxxii. 24.
[425]Luke xi. 27.
[426]1 Pet. v. 7.
[427]Job i. 21.
[428]Ps. xxiv. 15.
[429]Ps. liv. 23.
[430]Is. l. 5, 6.
[431]Cant. v. 3.
[432]Job i. 21.
[433]Ps. cxlii. 10
[434]Is. xx. 2.
[435]Cant. viii. 6.
[436]Ps. lviii.7.
[437]Ps. cxi. 10.
[438]Matt. xxiv. 30.
[439]John xix. 37.
[440]1 Tim. i. 9.
[441]Apoc. iv.
[442]Ps. lxxxiii. 5.
[443]Ps. cxviii.
[444]Kings xviii. 5.
[445]Kings xxiii. 25.
[446]Dan. iii. 35.
[447]Spouse of Solomon [Tr.]
[448]Luke xv. 32.
[449]Luke ix. 60.
[450]Matt. xvii. 4.
[451]Cant. vii. 10.
[452]Ps. lxxii. 25.
[453]Phil. iii. 8.
[454]Apoc. ii. 17.
[455]Cant. v. 10.
[456]Deut. vi. 4, 5.
[457]Gen. xxxix. 8.
[458]Gen. xvi. 6.
[459]Matt. v. 23, 24.
[460]John xv. 13.
[461]Gen. xxx.
[462]Matt. xxii. 37.
[463]Tobias vii. 2-8
[464]Deut. v. 9.
[465]Exod. xxxiv. 14.
[466]Matt. vi. 24.
[467]Jer. ii. 13.
[468]Cant. viii. 6.
[469]Ps. cxviii. 163.
[470]Ps. cxxxviii. 21.
[471]Ps. cxviii. 139.
[472]Ps. c. 8.
[473]2 Cor. xi. 2.
[474]1 Cor. xv. 31.
[475]2 Cor. xi. 29.
[476]Cant. i. 6.
[477]Matt. xiii. 29.
[478]Matt. viii. 9.
[479]4 Kings i. 12.
[480]Luke ix.54.
[481]James i. 20.
[482]Gal. iii. 13.
[483]Matt. viii. 17.
[484]1 Cor. xiii.
[485]2 Cor. v. 14.
[486]Prov. viii. 31.
[487]Gal. ii. 20.
[488]Luke xii. 50.
[489]John x. 18.
[490]Is. liii. 7.
[491]Ezech. xxix. 20.
[492]Dan. iv. 24.
[493]Rom. ii. 14.
[494]Luke x.
[495]1 Cor. xv. 57.
[496]Matt. xxvi. 41.
[497]Ps. xci. 13, 14.
[498]Ps. i. 3.
[499]Acts v. 15.
[500]1 Cor. iv. 58.
[501]Ezech. xxix. 20.
[502]Rom. viii. 28.
[503]1 Cor. xiii. 2.
[504]1 Cor. xiii. 7.
[505]Gen. xxx. 1.
[506]1 Cor. xiii. 3.
[507]Cant. iv. 9.
[508]2 Cor. iv. 17.
[509]Numb. xvii. 8.
[510]2 Cor. iii. 5.
[511]Apoc. xxi. 15.
[512]Apoc. xxi. 17.
[513]Apoc. xxii. 12.
[514]John xv. 5.
[515]John iv. 14.
[516]Ps. cxxxii. 1, 2.
[517]L’inconsideration—i.e., failure of the spiritual eye (Tr.)
[518]Jer. ix. 21.
[519]Gen. ii. 10.
[520]1 Cor. xiii. 4.
[521]The French has force, but it is clearly and error; S. Augustine's word is amor, as his argument requires. Se De Morib. Eccl. c. xv. [Tr.]
[522]1 Cor. xiii.
[523]Apoc. iii. 18.
[524]Col. iii. 14.
[525]John xiv. 23, 23, 24.
[526]1 John ii. 5.
[527]1 John v. 3.
[528]Gen. ii. 7.
[529]That is, the mutual love of parents and children—pietas (Tr.)
[530]Rom. i. 22, 21.
[531]Rom. viii. 17.
[532]xviii. 24
[533]Apoc. iii. 1.
[534]Matth. xvi. 26.
[535]Marc. v. 41.
[536]Ezech. viii. 27, 30.
[537]Job. xlii. 10.
[538]1 Cor. xv. 58.
[539]Hebr. vi. 10.
[540]Ezech. xviii. 24.
[541]Ps. l. 14.
[542]Ps. ciii. 15.
[543]Rom. v. 20; James ii. 13.
[544]2 Mac. i. 19.
[545]These words are often quoted by the early Fathers as words of our Saviour; they are not found in the Bible (Tr.).
[546]Gen. iv. 7. From the Septuagint (Tr.)
[547]Matt. xi. 26.
[548]The only authority for this accusation against Origen is a statement of S. Epiphanius (de Hær. lxiv. c. 2), which Baronius (ann. 253) rejects as an interpolation, and Tillemont (III. note xxii. on Origen) proves to be erroneous Tr.).
[549]1 Cor. xiii. 3.
[550]Cant. ii. 4. From the Septuagint (Tr.).
[551]2 Kings i. 26.
[552]Cant. i. 6.
[553]Prov. xxxi. 27.
[554]1 John iv. 18.
[555]Ps. i. 11.
[556]1 Kings xiv. 1.
[557]Ps. xviii. 8, 10.
[558]Acts xxviii. 4.
[559]Ps. cxlviii. 8.
[560]Ps. cxliii.
[561]1 Kings ii. 10.
[562]Ps. cxxxviii. 14.
[563]Ps. ii. 10, 11.
[564] xxvi. 18, according to the Hebrew [Tr.]
[565]Ps. xxxvii. 4
[566]Matt. x. 28.
[567]Luther [Tr.]
[568]Acts xxiv. 25.
[569]Dan. v. 6.
[570]Gen. l. 17.
[571]Gal. v. 22.
[572]Rom. v. 5.
[573]John iv. 13.
[574]Gen. xxv. 23.
[575]Matt. x. 28.
[576]Luke x. 20.
[577]Luke vi. 25.
[578]2 Cor. vii. 10.
[579]Phil. iii. 18.
[580]Tob. v. 12.
[581]2 Cor. vii. 10.
[582]Matt. vi. 20.
[583]Ps. cxviii. 20.
[584]Ps. ix. 38.
[585]Matt. v. 3. From the Greek [Tr.]
[586]John iv. 15.
[587]Prov. viii. 35.
[588]Cant. ii. 9.
[589]Cant. iv. 9.
[590]Ps. lxxii. 25.
[591]Ps. cxxxvi. 4.
[592]Ps. xvii. 26.
[593]Devout Life, iii. 35.
[594]1 Cor. x. 31.
[595]Col. iii. 17.
[596]Book viii. 14.
[597]Matt. xi. 26.
[598]Gen. xii. 1.
[599]Heb. xi. 8.
[600]Gen. xxii. 1.
[601]Matt. v. 28.
[602]1 Tim. i. 15.
[603]Gal. ii. 20.
[604]Judges xiv. 14.
[605]Excessum, Luke ix. 31.