18. For you attribute, most godless of heretics, the birth of the Son to an act of creative will; you say that He is not born from God, but that He was created and came into existence by the choice of the Creator. And the unity of the Godhead, as you interpret it, will not allow Him to be God, for, since God remains One, the Son cannot retain His original nature in that state into which He has been born. He has been endowed, through creation, you say, with a substance different from the Divine, although, being in a sense the Only-begotten, He is superior to God’s other creatures and works. You say that He was raised up, that He in His turn might perform the task committed to Him of raising up the created world; but that His birth did not confer upon Him the Divine nature. He was born, according to you, in the sense that He came into existence out of nothing. You call Him a Son, not because He was born from God, but because He was created by God. For you call to mind that God has deemed even holy men worthy of this title, and you consider that it is assigned to the Son in exactly the same sense in which the words, I have said, Ye are Gods, and all of you sons of the Most High275 Psalm lxxxi. (lxxxii.) 6., were spoken; that is, that He bears the name through the Giver’s condescension, and not by right of nature. Thus, in your eyes, He is Son by adoption, God by gift of the title, Only-begotten by favour, First-born in date, in every sense a creature, in no sense God. For you hold that His generation was not a birth from God, in the natural sense, but the beginning of the life of a created substance.
145 18. Filii nuncupationes qui ab haereticis intellectae. ---Usurpas enim, impiissime haeretice, nativitatem Filii ad creationis voluntatem; ut non ex Deo natus sit, sed volente eo qui creavit, ex creatione substiterit. Et tecum idcirco non Deus est, quia manente Deo uno, non teneat Filius originis suae in nativitate naturam; sed in substantiam alteram conditio, ipse tamquam unigenitus conditionibus et facturis caeteris praestantior sit: substitutus tamen, ut 0170D creationis indultae sibi habeat substitutionem, non 0171A Dei attulerit ex generatione naturam; et natum dicas, quod substitit ex nihilo: filium autem idcirco nuncupes, non quia ex Deo natus est, sed quia per Deum creatus est; quia et homines religiosos appellatione hujus nominis dignos a Deo habitos memineris: tum porro ei non alia conditione Dei nomen indulgeas, quam ea qua dictum sit: Ego dixi, dii estis: et filii Altissimi omnes (Psal. LXXXI, 6), ut utatur dignatione in vocabulo nuncupantis, non naturae in nomine veritate; sitque tecum ex adoptione filius, deus ex nuncupatione, unigenitus ex privilegio, primogenitus ex ordine, totus creatio, ex nullo Deus; quia generatio ejus non naturalis ex Deo nativitas sit, sed substantia creaturae.