The Seven Books of Arnobius Against the Heathen.…
The Seven Books of Arnobius Against the Heathen.
42. You worship, says my opponent , one who was born a mere But the He exhibited
16. But, they say , while we are moving swiftly down towards our mortal bodies, to be all even
35. But, say my opponents , if souls are mortal and One than we anything must who is if into
45. But let this monstrous and impious fancy be put far from us
74. And why, my opponent says , did God, the Ruler and Lord of the universe you ask
25. Unxia, my opponent says , presides over the anointing of door-posts
34. Some of your learned men —men, too, who do not chatter merely
12. But let them be true, as you maintain, yet will you have us also believe deity who are
32. But you err, says my opponent , and are mistaken, and show, even in criticising these gratify
7. But why do I speak of the body story in men’s minds which is of all
36. You say that some of them cause excite and these things these to be
38. If the immortal gods cannot be angry, says my opponent is the meaning of had they if
48. But some one will perhaps say that the care of such a god has been denied being to the city
27. But among you, is it only the males who lust; and has the female sex preserved its purity?988 All edd. read this without mark of interrogation. Is it not proved in your books that Tithonus was loved by Aurora; that Luna lusted after Endymion; the Nereid after Æacus; Thetis after Achilles’ father; Proserpina after Adonis; her mother, Ceres, after some rustic Jasion, and afterwards Vulcan, Phaeton,989 The ms. reads Phætontem: for which, both here and in Clem., Potter proposed Phaonem, because no such amour is mentioned elsewhere. Mars; Venus herself, the mother of Æneas, and founder of the Roman power, to marry Anchises? While, therefore, you accuse, without making any exception, not one only by name, but the whole of the gods alike, in whose existence you believe, of such acts of extraordinary shamefulness and baseness, do you dare, without violation of modesty, to say either that we are impious, or that you are pious, although they receive from you much greater occasion for offence on account of all the shameful acts which you heap up to their reproach, than in connection with the service and duties required by their majesty, honour, and worship? For either all these things are false which you bring forward about them individually, lessening their credit and reputation; and it is in that case a matter quite deserving, that the gods should utterly destroy the race of men; or if they are true and certain, and perceived without any reasons for doubt, it comes to this issue, that, however unwilling you may be, we believe them to be not of heavenly, but of earthly birth.
XXVII. Sed soli amant apud vos mares, et foemineo sexui sua conservata est sanctitas. Nonne vestris cautum est litteris adamatum esse ab Aurora Tithonum, 1059A arsisse in Endymionem Lunam, Nereidem in Aeacum, in Achillis genitorem Thetim, Proserpinam in Adonem, matrem ejus Cererem in Jasionem nescio quem rusticanum, et post Vulcanum, Phaethontem, Martem, in Anchisae nuptias ipsam illam Venerem Aeneadum matrem, et romanae dominationis auctorem? Cum talia igitur vos probra, et flagitiosa prodigia, non in unum aliquem nominatim, sed in omnem pariter superorum gentem, quam esse vos remini, sine ullius exceptione jaciatis, audetis, salva verecundia, 1060A dicere, aut esse nos impios, aut vos pios, cum multo majores ferant a vobis offensas ex omnibus probris quae in illorum maledicta conducitis, quam amplitudinis et honoris ex ritu atque officio cultionis? Aut enim falsa illa sunt cuncta, quae sunt prompta de singulis, existimationem illorum majestatemque laedentia: et res digna omnino est, propter quam dii funditus genus omne debeant abolere mortalium: aut si explorata et vera sunt, et sine ullis dubitationibus comprehensa, ad eam perducitur res summam, ut 1061A invitissimis vobis non generis superi, sed humani eos fuisse credamus.