St. Hilary, De synodis, LXXIII (PL 10:528).
St. Augustine, De Trinitate, I, 8 (PL 42:832); 13 (PL 42:841).
Glossa interlinearis, super Matt. 1:2 (V:5r).
In q. 14, a. 6.
As it stands, the quotation is from Hebrews 10:38. In Habacuc we read: "But the just shall live in his faith."
Ambrosiaster, In 1 Cor., super 8:2 (PL 17:239); In Rom., super 14:1 (PL 17:175).
E.g., Peter Lombard, Sentent., II, 27, 6 (QR I:447-48). Cf. editors' scholion, St. Bonaventure, In Sent., II, d. 27, a. 1, q. 2 (QR II:658); they assign this opinion to the Nominalists as well as to Scotus and Durandus. Also among those after St. Thomas who held this opinion was Richard of Middleton (Hocedez, op. cit., p. 305).
E.g., Ambrosiaster, In 1 Cor., super 8:2 (PL 17:239); Peter Lombard, Sentent., III, 23, 3 (QR II:656); St. Bonaventure, In Sent., II, d. 27, a. 1, q. 3 (QR II:657-58); St. Albert the Great, In Sent., III, d. 23, a. 11 (BO 28:425), hold this in some sense, at least in so far as they hold that grace and charity are not distinct.
Aristotle, De anima, II, 4 (416b 27); 5 (417a 7).
Aristotle, Ethica Nicomachea, VI, 13 (1144b 17).
In q. 14, a. 3.
Aristotle, Physica, IV, 4 (212b 18 ff.).
In q. 14, a. 6.
Aristotle, De anima, III, 10 (433a 14; 433b 15); 11 (434a 15).
In the answer to the fourth difficulty.
Aristotle, De anima, II, 4 (415a 23).