In his use of peccatum and peccare throughout this article, St. Thomas takes advantage of the twofold meaning of error and sin embodied in these words. Since in English we do not use sin in this broad sense, it has been necessary to translate the predominant idea in each instance. However, the dual meaning should be kept in mind throughout.
St. Jerome, In Ezech., I, super 1:7 (PL 25:22); Glossa ordinaria, ibid. (iv:210v).
Glossa ordinaria, super Ps. 7:17 (III:96v).
Aristotle, Metaph., {Th}, 5 (1048a 4).
Aristotle, Physica, I, 6 (189a 20).
St. Augustine, De Trinitate, XII, 12 (PL 42:1008).