8. These are not our own conjectures which we offer, nor do we falsely put together any of these things in order to deceive the ears of our hearers by perverting the meaning of words; but holding fast the form of sound teaching we know and preach the things which are true. For the Apostle shews that this unity of the faithful arises from the nature of the sacraments when he writes to the Galatians, For as many of you as were baptized into Christ did put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female; for ye are all one in Christ Jesus389 Gal. iii. 27, 28.. That these are one amid so great diversities of race, condition, sex,—is it from an agreement of will or from the unity of the sacrament, since these have one baptism and have all put on one Christ? What, therefore, will a concord of minds avail here when they are one in that they have put on one Christ through the nature of one baptism?
8. Pauli in eam rem sententia.---Non nostra loquimur, neque ad illudendas audientium aures corrupto 0242A dictorum sensu aliqua ex his ementita compingimus: sed sanae doctrinae formam tenentes, quae sincera sunt sapimus, et praedicamus. Docet enim Apostolus ex natura sacramentorum esse hanc fidelium unitatem, ad Galatas scribens: Quotquot enim in Christo baptizati estis, Christum induistis. Non inest Judaeus neque Graecus, non inest servus neque liber, non inest masculus neque femina; omnes 219 enim vos unum estis in Christo Jesu (Gal. III, 27, 28). Quod unum sunt in tanta gentium, conditionum, sexuum diversitate; numquid ex assensu voluntatis est, aut ex sacramenti unitate, quia his et baptisma sit unum, et unum Christum induti omnes sunt? Quid ergo hic animorum concordia faciet, cum per id unum sint, quod uno Christo per naturam unius 0242B baptismi induantur?