27. But you, heretic, as you wildly rave and are driven about by the Spirit of your deadly doctrine the Apostle seizes and constrains, establishing Christ for us as the foundation of our faith, being well aware also of that saying of our Lord, If a man love Me, he will also keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come unto him, and make Our abode with him412 St. John xiv. 23.. For by this He testified that while the Spirit of Christ abides in us the Spirit of God abides in us, and that the Spirit of Him that was raised from the dead differs not from the Spirit of Him that raised Him from the dead. For they come and dwell in us: and I ask whether they will come as aliens associated together and make Their abode, or in unity of nature? Nay, the teacher of the Gentiles contends that it is not two Spirits—the Spirits of God and of Christ—that are present in those who believe, but the Spirit of Christ which is also the Spirit of God. This is no joint indwelling, it is one indwelling: yet an indwelling under the mysterious semblance of a joint indwelling, for it is not the case that two Spirits indwell, nor is one that indwells different from the other. For there is in us the Spirit of God and there is also in us the Spirit of Christ, and when the Spirit of Christ is in us there is also in us the Spirit of God. And so since what is of God is also of Christ, and what is of Christ is also of God, Christ cannot be anything different from what God is. Christ, therefore, is God, one Spirit with God.
27. Filii et Patris una apud nos habitatio.---Sed te, haeretice, furentem, et spiritu doctrinae mortiferae circumactum tenet et coarctat Apostolus, Christum nobis fundamentum ponens fidei (I Cor., III, 11), dicti hujus quoque dominici non nescius: Si quis diligit me, et verbum meum servabit: et pater meus 0256Adiliget eum, et ad eum veniemus, et mansionem apud eum faciemus (Joan., XIV, 23). Per id enim, Spiritu Christi in nobis manente, Dei Spiritum in nobis manere testatus est, nec diversum a se esse Spiritum a mortuis excitati et Spiritum a mortuis excitantis. Veniunt enim, atque habitant in nobis: et rogo utrum comitatu diversitatum venient, mansionemque facient, an unitate naturae? Sed obnititur doctor gentium, non duos spiritus. Dei scilicet et Christi, sed Spiritum Christi, qui et Spiritus Dei est, inesse credentibus. Non est cohabitatio, sed habitatio est: sub sacramento tamen cohabitationis habitatio, dum neque duo habitant, neque ab alio diversus habitator est. Est enim in nobis Spiritus Dei, sed est in nobis Spiritus Christi: et cum Spiritus Christi inest, 0256B inest Spiritus Dei. Ita cum quod Dei est, et Christi est; et cum quod Christi est, Dei est: non potest aliud quid diversum Christus esse, quam Deus est. Deus igitur Christus est unus cum Deo Spiritus.