28. Now the Apostle asserts that those words in the Gospel, I and the Father are one413 St. John x. 30., imply unity of nature and not a solitary single Being, as he writes to the Corinthians, Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man in the Spirit of God calleth Jesus anathema414 1 Cor. xii. 3.. Perceivest thou now, O heretic, in what spirit thou callest Christ a creature? For since they are under a curse who have served the creature more than the Creator—in affirming Christ to be a creature, learn what thou art, since thou knowest full well that the worship of the creature is accursed. And observe what follows, And no one can call Jesus Lord, but in the Holy Spirit415 Ibid.. Dost thou perceive what is lacking to thee, when thou deniest Christ what is His own? If thou holdest that Christ is Lord through His Divine nature, thou hast the Holy Spirit. But if He be Lord merely by a name of adoption thou lackest the Holy Spirit, and art animated by a spirit of error: because no one can call Jesus Lord, but in the Holy Spirit. But when thou sayest that He is a creature rather than God, although thou stylest Him Lord, still thou dost not say that He is the Lord. For to thee He is Lord as one of a common class and by a familiar name, rather than by nature. Yet learn from Paul His nature.
28. Ariani a Spiritu sancto alieni Christum Deum negant, et tamen colunt.---Et illud evangelicum: Ego et Pater unum sumus (Joan., X, 30), docet Apostolus unitatem esse naturae, non solitudinem unionis, scribens Corinthiis: Propter quod notum facio vobis, quia nemo in Spiritu Dei dicit anathema Jesum. Scisne nunc, haeretice, in quo spiritu dicas Christum creaturam (I Cor., XII, 3)? Cum enim in anathemate sint, qui servierunt creaturae 233 potius quam Creatori (Rom., I, 25); Christum creaturam confitens, quid sis intellige, qui non ignores quin in maledicto 0256C sit religio creaturae. Et quid sequatur adverte: Et nemo potest dicere Dominum Jesum, nisi in Spiritu sancto (I Cor., XII, 3). Sentisne quid tibi desit, Christo negando quod suum est? Si per naturam Dei Christus tibi Dominus est, habes Spiritum sanctum: si vero per adoptivum nomen hic dominus est, Spiritu sancto carens, spiritu erroris animaris: quia nemo nisi in Spiritu sancto Dominum Jesum potest dicere. Et tu creaturam eum potius quam 0257A Deum dicens, dominum licet nuncupans, Dominum tamen esse non dicis; quia tibi ex communi genere potius et familiari nomine, quam ex natura sit Dominus. Sed a Paulo disce naturam.