The Seven Books of Arnobius Against the Heathen.…
The Seven Books of Arnobius Against the Heathen.
42. You worship, says my opponent , one who was born a mere But the He exhibited
16. But, they say , while we are moving swiftly down towards our mortal bodies, to be all even
35. But, say my opponents , if souls are mortal and One than we anything must who is if into
45. But let this monstrous and impious fancy be put far from us
74. And why, my opponent says , did God, the Ruler and Lord of the universe you ask
25. Unxia, my opponent says , presides over the anointing of door-posts
34. Some of your learned men —men, too, who do not chatter merely
12. But let them be true, as you maintain, yet will you have us also believe deity who are
32. But you err, says my opponent , and are mistaken, and show, even in criticising these gratify
7. But why do I speak of the body story in men’s minds which is of all
36. You say that some of them cause excite and these things these to be
38. If the immortal gods cannot be angry, says my opponent is the meaning of had they if
48. But some one will perhaps say that the care of such a god has been denied being to the city
13. We have shown sufficiently, as I suppose, that victims, and the things which go along with them, are offered in vain to the immortal gods, because they are neither nourished by them, nor feel any pleasure, nor lay aside their anger and resentment, so as either to give good fortune, or to drive away and avert the opposite. We have now to examine that point also which has been usually asserted by some, and applied to forms of ceremony. For they say that these sacred rites were instituted to do honour to the gods of heaven, and that these things which they do, they do to show them honour, and to magnify the powers of the deities by them. What if they were to say, in like manner, that they keep awake and sleep, walk about, stand still, write something, and read, to give honour to the gods, and make them more glorious in majesty? For what substance is there added to them from the blood of cattle, and from the other things which are prepared in sacrificing? what power is given and added to them? For all honour, which is said to be offered by any one, and to be yielded to reverence for a greater being, is of a kind having reference to the other; and consists of two parts, of the concession of the giver, and the increase of honour of the receiver. As, if any one, on seeing a man famed for his very great power1588 Lit., “of most powerful name.” and authority, were to make way for him, to stand up, to uncover his head, and leap down from his carriage, then, bending forward to salute him with slavish servility and1589 Lit., “imitating a slave’s servility”—ancillatum, the emendation of Hemsterhuis, adopted by Orelli, Hild., and Oehler for the unintelligible ms.ancillarum. trembling agitation, I see what is aimed at in showing such respect: by the bowing down of the one, very great honour is given to the other, and he is made to appear great whom the respect of an inferior exalts and places above his own rank.1590 Lit., “things.”
XIII. Satis, ut opinor, ostendimus, frustra diis immortalibus hostias rebus cum consequentibus admoveri: quod neque alantur his, neque ullam percipiant voluptatem, neque iras aut animos ponant, neque ut res tribuant faustas, neque ut abigant averruncentque contrarias. Sequitur, ut illam quoque 1232C inspiciamus partem, quae ab nonnullis consueta est asseri, et causis cerimonialibus applicari. Aiunt enim sacra haec honorandis esse instituta coelestibus, et ea, quod faciant, honoris ergo facere, et his numinum potentias auctitare. Quid si similiter 1233A dicant evigilare sese, atque dormire, deambulare, subsistere, conscribere aliquid et lectitare, ut honorem diis habeant, et dignitatibus eos faciant ampliores? Quid enim cruore de pecorum? Quid sacrorum confectione de caetera superadditur his rei? quid apponitur atque adjicitur potestatis? Etenim honos omnis, qui haberi ab aliquo dicitur, et reverentiae potioris attribui, relativi est ad alterum generis, et constans partibus duabus, ex concessione tribuentis, et amplificatione sumentis. Ut si quispiam viso potentissimi nominis atque auctoritatis viro, via decedat, assurgat, caput revelet, vehiculoque desiliat: tum deinde salutet acclinis: ancillatum servuli pavibunda trepidatione imitatus: video, quid agatur in hujusmodi venerationis officio: summissione alterius 1233B datur alteri plurimum: efficiturque, ut videatur magnus, quem suspectio minoris extulerit, et suis anteposuerit rebus.