46. At this point I ask whether He Who abides as God in the form of God is a God of another kind, as we perceive in the case of seals in respect of the likenesses which stamp and those which are stamped, since a steel die impressed upon lead or a gem upon wax shapes the figure cut in it or imprints that which stands in relief upon it. But if there be any one so foolish and senseless as to think that that, pertaining to Himself, which God fashions to be God, is aught but God, and that He Who is in the form of God is in any respect anything else save God after the mystery of His Incarnation and of His humility, made perfect through obedience even unto the death of the cross, he shall hear, by the confession of things in heaven and things on earth and things under the earth and of every tongue, that Jesus is in the glory of God the Father. If then, when His form had become that of a slave He abides in such glory, how, I ask, did He abide when in the form of God? Must not Christ the Spirit have been in the nature of Gods—for this is what is meant by ‘in the glory of God’—when Christ as Jesus, that is, born as man, exists in the glory of God the Father?
46. Christus verus Deus, etiam post assumptum hominem: quanto magis ante.--- Hic nunc quaero, utrum alterius generis Deus est, qui in forma Dei Deus maneat, ut secundum consignatas consignantesque species in sigillis cernimus, cum impressum plumbo ferrum, et gemma cerae, speciem vel concavae in se imaginis fingat, vel exstantis de se exprimat formae? Sed si quis exstiterit tam stultus et vecors, ut putet quod aliud ex se Deus in Deum quam Deum formet; et qui in forma Dei sit, aliud aliquid 0270C totus ipse quam Deus sit, post sacramenta hominis assumpti (Vide tract. in Psal. II, n. 27, in notis), et per obedientiam consummatae usque ad crucis mortem humilitatis: audiet, coelestium et terrestrium et infernorum et omnis linguae confessione, Jesum in gloria Dei patris (Ibid., 10). In hac igitur gloria, si cum jam forma servilis fuerit, manebit; tum 0271A cum in forma Dei esset, quaero quid manserit? utrumne in natura Dei, quae significatur in gloria, Christus Spiritus fuerit; cum in gloria Dei patris Christus Jesus, id est, homo natus exstabit?