18. That He did not shrink from the title of good, or decline the office of master, but resented the unbelief which perceived no more in Him than body and flesh, may be proved from the difference of His language, when the apostles confessed Him their Master, Ye call Me Master, and Lord, and ye say well, for so I am483 St. John xiii. 13.; and on another occasion, Be ye not called masters, for Christ is your Master484 St. Matt. xxiii. 10.. From the faithful, to whom He is master, He accepts the title with words of praise, but here He rejects the name “good master,” when He is not acknowledged to be the Lord and the Christ, and pronounces the one God alone good, but without distinguishing Himself from God, for He calls Himself Lord, and Christ, and guide to the heavenly treasures.
18. Magistri cum fide nomen accepit.---Quam igitur non bonitatis nomen refugerit, sed neque magistri honorem recusaverit, sed fidem ejus qui in se nihil nisi corporeum et carnale sapuisset, arguerit; hinc 0295A intelligitur, quod aliter ad Apostolos magistrum se confitentes locutus est, dicens: Vos me vocatis magistrum et Dominum, et bene dicitis; sum etenim (Joan. XIII, 13), et cum alibi dixisset: Ne vocemini magistri, quia magister vester Christus est (Matt. XXIII, 10). Ubi cum fide magister est, ibi adeo laudat, ut et profiteatur hoc nomen: hic vero boni magistri nomen non recognoscit, ubi nec Dominus intellectus est esse, nec Christus: solum unum Deum bonum praedicans, non se utique a Deo secernens, qui et Dominum se professus et Christum, ducem thesauri coelestis ostendat.