33. I know that laboured solutions of difficult questions do not find favour with the reader, but it will perhaps be to the advantage of the faith if I permit myself to postpone for a time the exposition of the full truth, and wrestle against the heretics with these words of the Gospel. You hear the statement of the Lord, This is life eternal, that they should know Thee, the only true God, and Him Whom Thou didst send, even Jesus Christ. What is it, pray, which suggests to you that Christ is not the true God? No further indication is given to shew you what you should think of Christ. There is nothing but Jesus Christ: not Son of Man, as He generally called Himself: not Son of God, as He often declared Himself: not the living bread which cometh down from Heaven515 St. John vi. 51., as He repeated to the scandal of many. He says, Thee, the only true God, and Him Whom Thou didst send, even Jesus Christ, omitting all His usual names and titles, natural and assumed. Hence, if the confession of the only true God, and of Jesus Christ, gives us eternal life, without doubt the name Jesus Christ has here the full sense of that of God.
33. Objecto loco Christus innuitur verus Deus.---Quamquam igitur sciam morosas difficilium quaestionum 0306B absolutiones legentium desideriis graves esse; tamen dilata ad modicum totius veritatis demonstratione, indulgeri mihi existimo non sine aliquo fidei profectu, his ipsis dictis evangelicis tecum, haeretice, luctanti. Audis professionem Domini 283 dicentis: Haec est autem vita aeterna, ut sciant te solum verum Deum, et quem misisti Jesum Christum. Quaero, quid sit quod sensum moveat, ne verus Deus Christus sit? Non enim tibi nunc quid de Christo crederes, significatio aliqua alia subjecta demonstrat. Non habes quidquam praeter quam Jesum Christum; non filium hominis, ut de se solet dicere; non filium Dei, ut profiteri ei de se usitatum est; non descendentem panem vivum de coelis, quod cum multorum scandalo de se frequentat (Joan. VI, 61). Sed 0306C dicens: te solum verum Deum, et quem misisti Jesum Christum (Joan. XVII, 3), omnem praenominum et cognominum suorum, vel naturalium, vel assumptorum consuetudinem praetermisit: ut cum confitendus solus verus Deus et Christus Jesus aeternitatem praestarent, sine dubio in ea Jesus Christus esset significatione, qua Deus est.