19. Being, then, Man with this body, Jesus Christ is both the Son of God and Son of Man, Who emptied Himself of the form of God, and received the form of a servant. There is not one Son of Man and another Son of God; nor one in the form of God, and another born perfect man in the form of a servant: so that, as by the nature determined for us by God, the Author of our being, man is born with body and soul, so likewise Jesus Christ, by His own power, is God and Man with flesh and soul, possessing in Himself whole and perfect manhood, and whole and perfect Godhead.
19. Christus perfectus Deus, perfectus homo.---Hujus igitur corporis homo Jesus Christus et Dei filius, et hominis est filius, et ex forma Dei se exinaniens formam servi accepit. Non alius filius hominis, quam qui filius Dei est: neque alius in forma Dei, quam qui in forma 0357B servi perfectus homo natus est: ut sicut per naturam constitutam nobis a Deo originis nostrae principe , corporis atque animae homo nascitur, ita Jesus Christus per virtutem suam carnis atque animae homo ac Deus esset, habens in se et totum verumque quod homo est, et totum verumque quod Deus est.