29. But, perhaps, in their misguided and impious perversity, they infer His weakness from the fact that His soul was sorrowful unto death628 St. Matt. xxvi. 38.. It is not yet the time to blame you, heretic, for misunderstanding the passage. For the present I will only ask you, Why do you forget that when Judas went forth to betray Him, He said, Now is the Son of Man glorified629 St. John xiii. 31.? If suffering was to glorify Him, how could the fear of it have made Him sorrowful? How, unless He was so void of reason, that He feared to suffer when suffering was to glorify Him?
29. An inde tristis.---Sed forte stulta atque impia perversitate hinc infirmis in eo naturae praesumetur assertio, quia tristis sit anima ejus usque ad mortem (Matth. XXVI, 38). Nondum te, haeretice, cur virtutem dicti non intelligas, arguo. Interim tamen a te 0368B requiro, cur exeunte ad proditionem Juda non memineris dictum fuisse: Nunc honorificatus est filius hominis (Joan. XIII, 31). Si enim passio honorificatura eum erat; quomodo tristem eum metus passionis effecerat? Nisi forte tam irrationabilis fuerit, ut pati timuerit 343, quae se essent glorificatura patientem.