Angel de Saavedra Remírez de Baquedano
Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Society of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Paccanarists)
Archdiocese of Saint Andrews and Edinburgh
Ancient Diocese of Saint Asaph
Jean-François Buisson de Saint-Cosme
Henri-Etienne Sainte-Claire Deville
Order of Saint James of Compostela
Diocese of Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne
Prefecture Apostolic of Saint-Pierre and Miquelon
Louis de Rouvroy, Duc de Saint-Simon
Saint-Simon and Saint-Simonism
Abbey of Saints Vincent and Anastasius
Diocese of Saint Thomas of Guiana
Diocese of Saint Thomas of Mylapur
Jean-Baptiste de Saint-Vallier
Society of Saint Vincent de Paul
Salmanticenses and Complutenses
Coluccio di Pierio di Salutati
Samaritan Language and Literature
Diocese of San Carlos de Ancud
Vicariate Apostolic of the Sandwich Islands
Diocese of San José de Costa Rica
Prefecture Apostolic of San León del Amazonas
Diocese of San Marco and Bisignano
Diocese of Santa Agata dei Goti
Diocese of Santa Cruz de la Sierra
Prelature Nullius of Santa Lucia del Mela
Abbey Nullius of Santa Maria de Monserrato
Diocese of Sant' Angelo de' Lombardi
Diocese of Sant' Angelo in Vado and Urbania
Archdiocese of Santiago de Chile
Diocese of Santiago del Estero
Giovanni Sante Gaspero Santini
Diocese of São Carlos do Pinhal
Diocese of São Luiz de Cáceres
Diocese of São Luiz de Maranhão
Archiocese of São Salvador de Bahia de Todos os Santos
Archdiocese of São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro
Diocese of São Thiago de Cabo Verde
Giovanni Battista Salvi da Sassoferrato
Constantine, Baron von Schäzler
Theodore, Count von Scherer-Boccard
John Frederick Henry Schlosser
Clerks Regular of the Pious Schools
Burghard Freiherr von Schorlemer-Alst
Friedrich, Prince of Schwarzenberg
Established Church of Scotland
Armenian Catholic Diocese of Sebastia
Sophie Rostopchine, Comtesse de Ségur
Vicariate Apostolic of Senegambia
Notre-Dame de Saint-Lieu Sept-Fons
Jean-Baptiste-Louis-George Seroux d'Agincourt
Congregation of the Servants of the Most Blessed Sacrament
Marie de Rabutin-Chantal, Madame de Sévigné
Vicariate Apostolic of Northern Shan-si
Vicariate Apostolic of Southern Shan-si
Vicariate Apostolic of Eastern Shan-tung
Vicariate Apostolic of Northern Shan-tung
Vicariate Apostolic of Southern Shan-tung
Vicariate Apostolic of Northern Shen-si
Vicariate Apostolic of Southern Shen-si
Shrines of Our Lady and the Saints in Great Britain and Ireland
Marie-Dominique-Auguste Sibour
Vicariate Apostolic of Sierra Leone (Sierræ Leonis, Sierra-Leonensis)
St. Simeon Stylites the Younger
Simplicius, Faustinus, and Beatrice
Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati, Ohio
Sisters of the Little Company of Mary
American Federation of Catholic Societies
Catholic Church Extension Society
Society of Foreign Missions of Paris
Society of the Blessed Sacrament
Society of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Ancient Diocese of Sodor and Man
Prefecture Apostolic of Solimôes Superiore
Prefecture Apostolic of Northern Solomon Islands
Prefecture Apostolic of Southern Solomon Islands
Feasts of the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Diocese of Sovana and Pitigliano
Spanish Language and Literature
Diocese of Spalato-Macarsca (Salona)
Johann and Wendelin von Speyer
Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius
Gasparo Luigi Pacifico Spontini
Vicariate Apostolic of Stanley Falls
Henry Benedict Maria Clement Stuart
Diocese of Stuhlweissenburg (Székes-Fehérvàr)
Sulpicians in the United States
Prefecture Apostolic of Sumatra
Sophie-Jeanne Soymonof Swetchine
Syriac Language and Literature
Vicariate Apostolic of Eastern Sze-Ch'wan
Vicariate Apostolic of North-western Sze-ch'wan
(Called ha-Zekan, "the Elder").
A famous Jewish scribe who together with Hillel made up the last of "the pairs" ( zúgóth), or, as they are sometimes erroneously named, "presidents and vice-presidents" of the Sanhedrin. The schools of Shammai and Hillel held rival sway, according to Talmudic tradition (Shabbath 15a), from about a hundred years before the destruction of Jerusalem (A.D. 70). Comparatively little is known about either of the great scribes. The Mischna, the only trustworthy authority in this matter, mentions Shammai in only eight passages (Maaser sheni, II, 4, 9; Orla, II, 5; Eduyoth I, 1-4, 10, II; Aboth, I, 12, 15, V, 17; Kelim, XXII, 4; Nidda, I, 1). He was the very opposite of Hillel in character and teaching. Stern and severe in living the law to the letter, he was strict to an extreme in legal interpretation. The tale tells that, on the feast of the Tabernacles, his daughter-in-law gave birth to a child; straightway Shammai had the roof broken through and the bed covered over with boughs, so that the child might celebrate the feast in an improvised sukka (tent or booth) and might not fail of keeping the law of Leviticus (xxiii, 42).
The strictness of the master characterizes the school of Shammai as opposed to that of Hillel. The difference between the two schools had regard chiefly to the interpretation of the first, second, third and fifth parts of the "Mishna" - i.e. to religious dues, the keeping of the Sabbath and of holy days, the laws in regard to marriage and purification. The law, for example, to prepare no food on the Sabbath had to be observed by not allowing even the beast to toil; hence it was argued that an egg laid on the Sabbath might not be eaten (Eduyoth, iv, 1). Another debate was whether, on a holy day, a ladder might be borne from one dove-cote to another or should only be glided from hole to hole. The need of fringes to a linen night-dress was likewise made a matter of difference between the two schools (Eduyoth, iv, 10). In these and many other discussions we find much straining out of gnats and swallowing of camels (Matt., xxiii, 24), much pain taken to push the Mosaic law to an unbearable extreme, and no heed given to the practical reform which was really needed in Jewish morals. It was the method of the school of Shammai rather than that of Hillel which Christ condemned. On this account non-Catholic scholars generally make Him out to have belonged to the school of Hillel. This opinion has been shared in by a few Catholics (Gigot, "General Introduction to the Study of the Holy Scripture", New York, 1900, p. 422). Most Catholic exegetes, however, refuse to admit that Christ belonged to any of the fallible Jewish schools of interpretation. He established His own school - to wit, the infallible teaching body to which He gave the Old Testament to have and to keep and to interpret to all nations without error.
SCHURER, The Jeuish People in the Time of Jesus Christ, I (Edinburgh, 1885), 361; GRATZ, Geschichte der Juden, III (3rd ed. Berlin, 1875), 671 (tr. Philadelphia, 1873).