58. But, further, no one who is endued with reason can impute to God a soul; though it is written in many places that the soul of God hates sabbaths and new moons: and also that it delights in certain things692 E.g. Isai. i. 14.. But this is merely a conventional expression to be understood in the same way as when God is spoken of as possessing body, with hands, and eyes, and fingers, and arms, and heart. As the Lord said, A Spirit hath not flesh and bones693 St. Luke xxiv. 39.: He then Who is, and changeth not694 Mal. iii. 6., cannot have the limbs and parts of a tangible body. He is a simple and blessed nature, a single, complete, all-embracing Whole. God is therefore not quickened into life, like bodies, by the action of an indwelling soul, but is Himself His own life.
58. Dei non est anima.---Sed nec Deo animam quisquam rationis particeps deputabit: quamquam frequenter anima Dei et sabbata et neomenias 363 odisse scripta sit, et etiam in quibusdam complacere (Esai. I, 14; XLII, 1). Sed ex ea istud significatione commemorari solitum est, qua et manus et oculi et digiti et brachium et cor in corporali Deo connumerantur. Nam cum spiritus, secundum Domini 0389C dictum, carnem et ossa non habeat (Luc. XXIV, 39); ei, qui est nec demutatur (Malach. III, 6), nulla ad soliditatem sui corporalium partium membra conveniunt; sed simplex ac beata natura, unum totum quod est omnia permanet. Non ergo Deus corporalibus modis officio interioris animae animatur ad vitam, sed ipse vita sibi vivit.