60. To grasp this divine mystery we must see the God in Him without ignoring the Man; and the Man without ignoring the God. We must not divide Jesus Christ, for the Word was made flesh: yet we must not call Him buried, though we know He raised Himself again: must not doubt His resurrection, though we dare not deny He was buried697 Hilary is playing on the mystery of the two natures in one Person. We cannot say the God-nature was buried: nor that the human nature brought itself back to life: yet Jesus Christ died, was buried, and rose again.. Jesus Christ was buried, for He died: He died, and even cried out at the moment of death, My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me? Yet He, Who uttered these words, said also: Verily I say unto thee, This day shalt thou be with Me in Paradise698 St. Luke xxiii. 43., and He Who promised Paradise to the thief cried aloud, Father, into Thy hands I commend My Spirit; and having said this He gave up the Ghost699 Ib. 46..
60. Quaestionis propositae solutio unde pendeat.---Sed sacramenti istud divini intelligentia est, non ignorare Deum, quem non nescias hominem; non nescire autem hominem, quem non ignores Deum; Jesum Christum 364 non dividere, quia Verbum caro factum est; sepultum non putare, quem resuscitasse intelligas; resuscitasse non ambigere, quem negare non audeas non sepultum. Sepultus enim est Jesus Christus, quia et mortuus est. Mortuus autem est, qui et moriturus locutus est: Deus, Deus meus, quare 0390Cme dereliquisti (Marc. XV, 34)? Locutus autem haec est, qui et dixerit: Amen dico tibi, quia hodie mecum eris in paradiso (Luc. XXIII, 43); paradisum quoque promittens, magna voce proclamaverit: Pater, in manus tuas commendo spiritum meum. Et hoc dicens exspiravit (Ibidem 46).