10. You credit with the weight of irresistible authority, heretic, that saying of the Lord, I ascend to My Father and your Father, and My God and your God726 St. John xx. 17.. The same Father, you say, is His Father and ours, the same God His God and ours. He partakes, therefore, of our weakness, for in the possession of the same Father we are not inferior as sons, and in the service of the same God we are equal as servants. Since, then, we are of created origin and a servant’s nature, but have a common Father and God with Him, He is in common with our nature a creature and a servant. So runs this infatuated and unhallowed teaching. It produces also the words of the Prophet, Thy God hath anointed Thee, O God, to prove that Christ does not partake of that glorious nature which belongs to God, since the God Who anoints Him is preferred before Him as His God727 Ps. xlv. 7. The general reading is, “Therefore God, thy God, &c.” (R.V.)..
10. Christum creatum et servum esse volunt, quia illi Deus et pater est nobis communis.---Gravis tibi auctoritas est, haeretice, et indissolubilis Domini de se professio, qua ait: Adscendo ad patrem meum et ad patrem 0406Bvestrum, et ad Deum meum et ad Deum vestrum; 381 ut per id, quod et nobis et illi unus et pater pater est, et Deus Deus est (Joan. XX, 17), sit in ea infirmitate qua sumus; dum et per eumdem patrem exaequamur in filios, et per eumdem Deum comparamur in servos: et cum nos simus et creatio ex origine, et ex natura servi, tamen dum et pater nobis communis et Deus est, sit ei nobiscum et creatio ad naturam communis et servitus. Et hic impiae praedicationis furor etiam hoc prophetico utitur dicto: Unxit te, Deus, Deus tuus (Psal. XLIV, 8): ut non sit in ea naturae virtute qua Deus est, dum ei ungens se Deus in Deum suum sit ante latus.