13. So the Dispensation of the great and godly mystery makes Him, Who was already Father of the divine Son, also His Lord in the created form which He assumed, for He, Who was in the form of God, was found also in the form of a servant. Yet He was not a servant, for according to the Spirit He was God the Son of God. Every one will agree also that there is no servant where there is no lord. God is indeed Father in the Generation of the Only-begotten God, but only in the case that the Other is a servant can we call Him Lord as well as Father. The Son was not at the first a servant by nature, but afterwards began to be by nature something which He was not before. Thus the Father is Lord on the same grounds as the Son is servant. By the Dispensation of His nature the Son had a Lord, when He made Himself a servant by the assumption of manhood.
13. Quem patrem habebat quia natus, coepit habere Dominum cum factus est servus.---Dispensatio itaque magni et pii sacramenti, nativitatis divinae Patrem, insuper etiam conditionis assumptae Dominum fecit : dum qui in forma Dei erat, repertus est in forma servi. Servus enim non erat, cum esset secundum spiritum Deus Dei filius. Et secundum 0408B commune judicium, ubi 383 non est servus, neque dominus est. Deus quidem et pater nativitatis est unigeniti Dei: sed ad id, quod servus est, non possumus nonnisi tunc ei dominum deputare, cum servus est: quia si cum ante per naturam non erat servus, et postea secundum naturam esse quod non erat coepit; non alia dominatus causa intelligenda est, quam quae exstitit servitutis; tunc habens ex naturae dispensatione dominum, cum praebuit ex hominis assumptione se servum.