32. The meaning of the abolishing of every power which is against Him is not obscure. The prince of the air, the power of spiritual wickedness, shall be delivered to eternal destruction, as Christ says, Depart from Me, ye cursed, into the eternal fire which My Father hath prepared for the devil and his angels770 St. Matt. xxv. 41.. The abolishing is not the same as the subjecting. To abolish the power of the enemy is to sweep away for ever his prerogative of power, so that by the abolition of his power is brought to an end the rule of his kingdom. Of this the Lord testifies when He says, My kingdom is not of this world771 St. John xviii. 36.: as He had once before testified that the ruler of that kingdom is the prince of the world, whose power shall be destroyed by the abolition of the rule of His kingdom772 Ib. xvi. 11. “The prince of this world hath been judged.”. A subjection, on the other hand, which implies obedience and allegiance, is a proof of submission and mutability.
32. Evacuatio quid. Illius a subjectione discrimen. ---Omnem autem contrariam virtutem evacuandam esse non obscura cognitio est, et hunc aeris principem et spiritalis nequitiae potestatem aeterno interitui tradendum, secundum illud: Discedite a me, maledicti, in ignem aeternum, quem praeparavit pater meus diabolo et 395 angelis ejus (Matth. XXV, 41). 0420C Evacuatio autem non idem est, quod subjectio. Nam evacuare adversantem potestatem, hoc est jus potestatis auferre ne maneat, et per potestatis evacuationem, regni est abolere dominatum. De quo et Dominus testatus est dicens, Regnum meum non est de hoc saeculo (Joan. XVIII, 36): hunc eumdem regni istius potentem mundi principem ante testatus, cujus potestas desinet regni sui evacuata dominatu (Joan. XVI, 21). Subjectio vero, quae et obedientiae et fidei est, eadem vel concessionis vel demutationis demonstratio est.