4. Does Christ, Who is God, speaking in Paul, fail to refute this impiety of falsehood? Does He fail to condemn this lying perversion of truth? For through the Lord Christ all things were created; and therefore it is His proper name that He should be the Creator. Does not both the reality and the title of His creative power belong to Him? Melchisedec is our witness, thus declaring God to be Creator of heaven and earth: Blessed be Abraham of God most high, Who created heaven and earth800 Gen. xiv. 19.. The prophet Hosea also is witness, saying, I am the Lord thy God, that establish the heavens and create the earth, Whose hands have created all the host of heaven801 Hos. xiii. 4 (LXX.).. Peter too is witness, writing thus, Committing your souls as to a faithful Creator802 1 Pet. iv. 19.. Why do we apply the name of the work to the Maker of that work? Why do we give the same name to God and to our fellowmen? He is our Creator, He is the Creator of all the heavenly host.
4. Christus proprie creator nuncupatur.---Parumne arguit hanc falsiloquii impietatem, loquens in Paulo Christus Deus? Parumne demutatae veritatis mendacium damnat? Per Dominum enim Christum creata omnia sunt: et idcirco ei proprium nomen est ut creator sit. Non cadit in eum efficientiae suae et natura et nuncupatio. Testis nobis est Melchisedech, creatorem coeli atque terrae Deum ita praedicans: Benedictus Abraham Deo summo, qui creavit coelum et terram (Gen. XIV, 19). Testis est et Osee propheta dicens: Firmans coelum, et creans terram ego Dominus Deus tuus, cujus manus creaverunt omnem militiam coeli (Osee, XIII, 4). Testis et Petrus ita scribens: Quasi fideli creatori commendantes animas vestras (I Pet. IV, 19). Quid operis nomen opifici imponimus? Quid 0436B nostris Deum cognominamus? Creator 411 noster est, creator omnis militiae coelestis est.