54. His birth is before times eternal. If anything exist which precedes eternity, it will be something which, when eternity is comprehended, still eludes comprehension. And this something is Thine, and is Thy Only-begotten; no portion, nor extension, nor any empty name devised to suit some theory of Thy mode of action. He is the Son, a Son born of Thee, God the Father, Himself true God, begotten by Thee in the unity of Thy nature, and meet to be acknowledged after Thee, and yet with Thee, since Thou art the eternal Author of His eternal origin. For since He is from Thee, He is second to Thee; yet since He is Thine, Thou art not to be separated from Him. For we must never assert that Thou didst once exist without Thy Son, lest we should be reproaching Thee either with imperfection, as then unable to generate, or with superfluousness after the generation. And so the exact meaning for us of the eternal generation is that we know Thee to be the eternal Father of Thy Only-begotten Son, Who was born of Thee before times eternal.
54. Filius ex Patris substantia natus, adeoque secundus ab eo, sed aeternus et individuus.---Nativitas ejus ante aeterna tempora est. Si aliquid in rebus est, quod antevenit aeternitatem; erit aliquid profecto, quod sensum aeternitatis excedat. Tua enim res est, et Unigenitus tuus est: non portio; non protensio, non secundum efficientiarum opinionem nomen aliquod inane; sed filius, filius ex te Deo patre Deus verus, et a te in naturae tuae unitate genitus; post te ita confitendus, ut tecum: quia aeternae originis suae auctor aeternus es. Nam dum ex te est, secundus a te est; dum vero tuus est, non separandus ab eo 0468C es: quia nec sine tuo fuisse confitendus aliquando es, ne aut imperfectus sine generatione, aut superfluus post generationem arguaris. Atque ita ad id tantum nativitas proficit aeterna, ut unigeniti ante aeterna tempora ex te filii patrem te sciamus aeternum.