Tractate L.
Chapter XI. 55–57; XII
1. Yesterday’s lesson in the holy Gospel, on which we spake as the Lord enabled us, is followed by to-day’s, on which we purpose to speak in the same spirit of dependence. Some passages in the Scriptures are so clear as to require a hearer rather than an expounder: over such we need not tarry, that we may have sufficient time for those which necessarily demand a fuller consideration.
TRACTATUS L. Ab eo loco, Proximum erat Pascha Judaeorum; usque ad id, Multi propter illum abibant, et credebant in Jesum. Cap. XI, V\ V\. 55, 56, et cap. XII, V\. 1-11.
1. Hesternam lectionem sancti Evangelii, de qua locuti sumus quod Dominus dedit, hodierna sequitur, de qua locuturi sumus quod Dominus dabit. Quaedam in Scripturis tam manifesta sunt, ut potius auditorem quam expositorem desiderent: in eis nos immorari non oportet, ut necessariis in quibus immorandum est, tempus sufficiat.