Sermon 1. The Philosophical Temper, First Enjoined by the Gospel
Sermon 2. The Influence of Natural and Revealed Religion Respectively
Sermon 3. Evangelical Sanctity the Completion of Natural Virtue
Sermon 4. The Usurpations of Reason
Sermon 5. Personal Influence, the Means of Propagating the Truth
Sermon 6. On Justice, as a Principle of Divine Governance
Sermon 7. Contest between Faith and Sight
Sermon 8. Human Responsibility, as Independent of Circumstances
Sermon 9. Wilfulness, the Sin of Saul
Sermon 10. Faith and Reason, contrasted as Habits of Mind
Sermon 11. The Nature of Faith in Relation to Reason
Sermon 12. Love the Safeguard of Faith against Superstition
Sermon 13. Implicit and Explicit Reason
Sermon 14. Wisdom, as Contrasted with Faith and with Bigotry