Eugippius, The Life of St. Severinus (1914). Indices

Eugippius, The Life of St. Severinus (1914). Indices



Acta Sanctorum, 58, 96, 108. See Bolland.

Adlzreitter, Johann, 46, 95.
Allgemeine Weltgeschichte,
Aloe, Stanislao d', 108.
Ambrose, Saint, 78.
Andilli, see Arnauld d'Andilly.
Anonymus Cuspiniani, 32.
Anonymus Valesianus, 18.
Antonini Augusti Itinerarium,
Arnauld d'Andilly, Robert, 121.
Athanasius, 93.
Atlantic Monthly, The,
Augustine, Saint, 64, 69.
Ausonius, 51.

Barker, Ernest, 42.
Baronius, Caesar, 67, 118.
Baudrillart, André, 102, 122.
Bible, The:
Acts, 102.
I Chronicles, 100.
Colossians, 33.
I Corinthians, 16, 44, 89.
Ephesians, 33, 39, 100.
Exodus, 35.
Genesis, 51, 96, 99.
Hebrews, 100, 112.
James, 84.
Jeremiah, 42.
Joel, 55, 56.
II Kings, 80, 100.
Luke, 51, 64.
I Maccabees, 112, 113.
Mark, 80.
Matthew, 19, 34, 38, 64, 80.
I Peter, 112.
Psalms, 101, 112.
Revelation, 113.
Romans, 100.
I Timothy, 112.
Bolland, Joannes, 33.
Brunner, Andreas, 34.
Brunner, Sebastian, 108, 109,122.
Buckland, W. W., 18.
Budinger, Max, 46, 107.
Bury, J. B., 104.
Butler, E. C, 37.

Cajetanus, Octavius, 107.
Cambridge Medieval History,The,
Cassiodorus, 105.
Ceillier, Remy, 121.
Codex Theodosianus,
Crusé, C. F., 93.
Curschmann, Fritz, 39 , 55.
Cuspinianus, Joannes, 36.

Dahn, Felix, 74.
Deacon, Thomas, 49.
Dictionary of Christian Biography,
Dreves, G. M., 121, 122.
Du Cange, 51, 53.

Encyclopaedia Britannica, 37.
Ennodius, 41, 45, 53, 86.
Eusebius, 93.
Evagrius, 93.
Excerptum Sangattense, 32.
Expositio totius Mundi et Gentium,
52, 81.

Falckenstein, J. H. von, 18, 63.
Frick, Karl, 32.

Galante, G. A., 108, 109.
Gelehrte Anzeigen der königlich bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Munich), 74.
Gregory of Tours, 67.
Gregory the Great, 71.

Hansitz, Marcus, 19, 38, 83.
Harnack, Adolf, 45.
Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, 58.
Hayes, C. H., 7, 29, 42.
Hilarius Arelatensis, 103.
Historia Translationis,
Hodgkin, Thomas, 70, 107.
Holstenius, Lucas, 103. Hymnarius Severinianus, 121.

Isidorus Hispalensis, 30.

Jerome, Saint, 64, 101.
Joannes Diaconus Neapolitanus, 107.
John Chrysostom, Saint, 64.
Jordanes, 18, 38, 41, 52, 66, 72.
Jung, Julius, 89, 105, 107.

Kaufmann, Georg, 36.
Kingsley, Charles, 95.
Knoell, Pius, 33, 52, 122.

Lazius, Wolfgang, 37.
Le Nain de Tillemont, Sebastian, 49, 121.

Marcellinus Comes, 55.
Menander Protector, 52.
Migne, J. P., 51, 64, 103, 122.
Mommsen, Theodor, 32, 33, 122.
Montalembert, Comte de, 95.
Monumenta Germaniae Historica,
8, 32, 108.
Morgan, M. H., 58.
Muchar, A. A., 52.
Muratori, L. A., 107.

Napoli e i Luoghi Celebri dette sue Vicinanze, 108.
Nicolas, Sir Harris, 32.
Notitia Dignitatum, 60, 66, 6g.

Ozanam, A. F., 95, 121, 122.

Palladius, 93.
Pallmann, Reinhold, 74, 78, 89.
Parascandolo, Luigi, 108.
Paulinus Mediolanensis, 90.
Paulinus of Nola, 51.
Paulus Diaconus, 104.
Penck, Albrecht, 39.
Pflugk-Harttung, Julius von, 41.
Philo Judaeus, 93.
Priscus, 18.

Quitzmann, E. A., 60, 105.

Rader, Matthaeus, 97.
Ranke, Leopold von, 104.
Rettberg, F. W., 37, 74.
Rodenberg, Karl, 7, 29, 33, 42.
Roesler, C. F., 32.
Roncallius, Thomas, 32.
Rosweyde, Heribert, 81.
Rutilius Namatianus, 103.

Salvian, 34, 53.
Sauppe, Hermann, 33, 122.
Sidonius Apollinaris, 67.
Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Vienna), 107.
Smith, William, 74.
Sommerlad, Theo, 19, 51.
Stabius, Joannes, 37.
Stokes, G. T., 74.
Sulpicius Severus, 50, 63, 90,103, 111.
Surius, Laurentius, 33.
Swarowsky, Anton, 39.

Thierry, Amédée, 52, 53, 104.
Tillemont, see Le Nain de Tillemont.
Translatio Sancti Severini,

Valesius, 93.
Valois, Henri de, see Valesius.
Velserus, Marcus, 30, 50.
Venantius Fortunatus, 97.
Viard, Paul, 64.
Vita Willibaldi, 8.

Wace, Henry, 74.
Watteribach, Wilhelm, 20.
Wietersheim, Eduard von, 72.
Workman, H. B., 91, 94.


Abel, 112.
Abraham, patriarch, 100.
Adamnan, abbot of Iona, 74, n. 2.
Ad Vineas, cell of Severinus at, 36.
Aedituus, 51, n. 2.
Aegidius, ruler in Gaul, 41, n. 1, 78, n. 2.
Aenus (Inn), river, 34, 67, 71, 97, n. 1.
Aëtius, Roman general, 78, n. 2.
Alamanni, German tribe, 23, 41, n. 1, 85.
lay waste Noricum Mediterraneum, 24, 76.
overthrown by the Romans at Batavis, 24, 77 f.
Almsgivings, enjoined by Severinus, 22, 24, 30, 31, 34, 44, 56, 57, 63-67.
Alps, the, 60, n. 2, 81, 97, n. 1.
Alveus (or Alneus), Gallic saint, 58, n. 3.
Amantius, deacon, 68 f.
Ambrose, Saint, bishop of Milan, 89 f.
Ambrosius, exile, 25, 87.
Anthony, Saint, Egyptian monk, 93, n. 1.
Antonius, disciple of Severinus, 45, n. 1, 53, n. 2.
Arians, Christian sect, 41, n. 1, 46, n. 2.
Ariminum, city in Italy, 15.
Asturis, town near the Danube, 21, 29, 31.
Attila, king of the Huns, 29, 41, n. 1, 125.
Austria, 36, n. 2, 38, n. 2.
Avitianus, soldier, 103.

Bajovarius, 97, n. 1.
Barbaria, lady of rank, 27, 107, 126.
Basil the Great, Saint, monastic rule of, 37, n. 1.
Bassus, monk, 15.
Batavis (Passau), town on the Danube, 67, 68, 69, 71 f.,74.
attacked by Hunimund, 72 f.
the Alamanni defeated at, 24, 77 f.
stormed by the Thuringi, 24, 78.
Bavaria, 38, n. 2.
Bear, miracle of the, 25, 81 f.
Belenus, Celtic deity, 51, n. 2.
Benedictine monastery of Saint Severinus, at Naples, 107, n. 3.
Boethius, 70, n. 1.
Bojotro (Innstadt), church at, 71.
Bojotro, monastery of Severinus at, 71, 89.
Bonosus, monk, 25, 88 f.
Boundary wall, the, 69.
Breones, Alpine tribe, 97, n. 1.
Brunner, Sebastian, 10.
Bulgaria, 104, n. 2.
Burgum, near Favianis, 38.
Businca, affluent of the Danube, 60 f.
Byrrus, river in Noricum, 97, n. 1.

Capraria, island, 103, n. 1.
Castellum, 52, n. 3.
Catholic faith, the, 29, 41.
Catholics, 41, n. 1, 46.
Christ, 15, 17, 19, 34, 36, 43, 45, 47, 48, 61, 62, 63, 66 f., 72, 73, 80,83, 84,85,91, 92, 98, 99, 101, 110, 111, 113, 121, 123, 124, 125.
Christian literature, 51, n. 2.
Christian narratives, early, 81, n. 2.
Colman, Irish pilgrim, 36, n. 2.
Columba, Saint, biography of, by Adamnan, 74, n. 2.
Comagenis, town in Riverside Noricum, 21, 25, 30, 33, 87.
earthquake at, 31 f.
Constantius, bishop of Lauriacum, 53, n. 2, 83.
Cucullis (Kuchel), town of Riverside Noricum, 53 n. 1.
abominable sacrifices at, 53.
miracle of the tapers of the faithful at, 22, 53 ff., 123, 124.
miracle of the locusts at, 22, 55 ff.
Custos ecclesiae,
30, n. 1, 51, n. 2.

Dalmatia, 72, n. 1, 78, n. 2, 103, n. 1.
Danube, the, 29, 33, 34, 38, 41, n. 1, 46, 49, 52, 60, 67, 72, 73, 79, 98, 104, 105.
Danube flotilla, the, 66, n. 2.
Deogratias, bearer of letters, 17.
Dumb man, miracle of the, 27, 106, 123, 125.

Earthquake, at Comagenis, 31 f.
date of, 32, n. 1, 125.
East, the, 19, 29, 125.
Egypt, 93, n. 3, 95.
Egyptian bondage, house of,105.
Elisha the prophet, 80, 100.
Empire, dissolution of the, 78, n. 2.
Ens, 66, n. 2.
Epiphany, 97.
Eugippius, priest, sends the Life of Severinus to Deacon Paschasius, 15-20, 111-113, 126.

Famine, at Favianis, 21, 33 f.
at Lauriacum, relieved by Severinus, 23, 66 f., 122, 124.
in Gaul, 67, n. 1.
Fasts, 31.
practised by Severinus, 38,64, 93 f.
enjoined by him, 24, 30, 31, 44, 54, 55 f., 76, 77, 79, 90, 92.
denounced by the gabbling priest, 72.
practised by the Therapeutae, 93, n. 3.
Favianis, city in Riverside Noricum, 21, 33, 36, 46, 52, 72, 85, 98.
famine at, 33 f.
defeat of the raiders near, 35 f.
wrongly identified with Vienna, 36, n. 2.
monastery of Severinus at, see Monastery.
Feba, prince of the Rugii, probably the same as Feletheus, or Feva, 40, n. 1, 71.
Feletheus, or Feva, king of the Rugii, son of Flaccitheus, 22, 26,47,48, 87.
his friendship with Severinus, 46.
removes the provincials from Lauriacum, 25, 84 ff.
his final interview with Severinus, 26, 94 f.
gives Favianis to Ferderuchus, 98.
taken prisoner and removed to Italy, 104, 125.
said to have been put to death by Odoacer, 104, n. 1. See Feba.
Ferderuchus, brother of King Feva, 40, n. 1.
lord of Favianis, 98.
adjured by Severinus, 26, 98 f., 104.
characterized, 103.
seizes the possessions of the monastery, 26, 103 f.
slain by Fredericus, 26, 104.
Feva, see Feletheus.
Flaccitheus, king of the Rugii, 21, 22, 46, 98.
interview of, with Severinus, 40-43.
Florian, martyr, 36, n. 2.
Franks, German tribe, 41, n. 1, 53, n. 2.
Fratta Maggiore, town near Naples, 107, n. 3.
Fredericus, prince of the Rugii, 40, n. 1.
seized by the goldsmiths, 22, 47 f.
slays Ferderuchus, 104.
flees before Odoacer, 104, 125.
returns home, 104, 125.
again put to flight, 104, 125.
goes to Theodoric, 104, 126.
18, n. 3.

Gaul, 67, n. 1, 78, n. 2.
Gelasius, Saint, pope (492-496), 107, 126.
Gervasius, Saint, martyr of Milan, 49, n. 1.
relics of, 22, 49 f.
Gibuldus, king of the Alamanni, 23, 67 ff. 136
Giso, queen of King Feletheus, 22, 40, n. 1.
troubles of, because of her opposition to Severinus, 46 ff.
strongly marked character of, 46, n. 1.
her final interview with Severinus, 94 f.
removed to Italy, 104, 125.
her fate unknown, 104, n. 1.
Goths (Ostrogoths), the, 41, n. 1, 42.
hostile to Flaccitheus, 40.
destitution of, 66, n. 1.
beleaguer Tiburnia, 41, n. 1, 65f.
at war with the Suevi, 72, n. 1.

Harmony, Pennsylvania, 93, n. 3.
Heruli, German tribe, 24, 41, n. 1, 53, n. 2, 75.
Homo saecularis,
101, n. 2.
Hunimund, 72 f.
Huns, the, 29.

Ice, formation of, on the Danube, 38.
melting of, on the Aenus, 34.
Importunus, Roman consul (509), 15.
Inn, the, 60, n. 2. See Aenus.
Innstadt, see Bojotro.
Islands, part of, in the history of monasticism in the Occident, 103, n. 1.
Isonzo, battle of the (489), 126.
Israel, children of, 95.
Italy, 18, 40, 45, 46, 69, 78, n. 2, 102, n. 3, 104, 106, 107, 125,126.

Jacob, patriarch, 99.
James the apostle, 84.
Januarius, martyr, 107, n. 3.
Jesus, 47, 61, 62, 80, 89, 99. See Christ.
John the Baptist, Saint, blessing of, 24, 71, 74.
relics of, 24, 73 f.
Joseph, patriarch, 96.
Joviaco (Schlügen), town of Riverside Noricum, 74.
sacked by the Heruli, 24, 75.
Juvao (Salzburg), town of Riverside Noricum, 58, n. 1.
miracle of the saint's taper at, 22, 58 f., 123, 124.
miracle of the sick woman at, 22 f., 59 f.

Klosterneuburg, 29, n. 3.
Kuchel, see Cucullis.

Laici, 101, n. 2.
Laudicius, blind man, miracle of, 109 f., 123, 125.
Lauriacum, chief town of Riverside Noricum, 53, n. 2, 66, n. 2, 89, n. 1.
miracle of the rust at, 23, 66 f.
people of Batavis remove to, 78.
Lauriacum, miracle of the oil at, 24,79 f., 123, 124.
preserved by Severinus, 25, 82 ff.
abandoned at the behest of Feva, 25, 84 ff.
Lent, 93.
Leopold III the Pious, margrave of Austria (1096-1136), 36, n. 2.
Leper from the territory of Milan, miracle of the, 24, 76 f.
Leper named Tejo, miracle of the, 25, 88.
Lerina, isle in the Mediterranean, 45, n. 1, 103, n. 1.
Locellum, 102, n. 3.
Loculum, 102, n. 3.
Locusts, ravages of, 22, 55 ff.
Lorch, 66, n. 2.
Lot's wife, 51.
Lower Hungary, 38, n. 2.
Lower Pannonia, 40.
Lucania, district in Italy, 15.
Lucillus, Saint, priest, 26, 69, 97, 105, 106.
Lucullan castle, the, near Naples, 107, 121, n. 2, 126.
Macerata di Monte Feltre, town in Italy, 106, n. 1.
Mâcon, second council of (585), 64, n. 1.
Mamertinus, tribune, 35.
pursues the robbers, 35.
victorious at the brook Tiguntia, 36.
ordained bishop, 35.
Marcellinus, ruler in Dalmatia, 41, n. 1, 78, n. 2.
Marcianus, monk, 26, 91.
a citizen of Cucullis, 53.
priest of the monastery of Saint Severinus, 53, 107.
Marcus, subdeacon, 62, 63.
Marinus, precentor of the church at Naples, 110.
Martin, Saint, of Tours, 50, n. 2, 63, n. 1.
Maternus, doorkeeper, 62, 63.
Mattathias, Jewish leader, 112.
Maurus, janitor, 22, 51 f.
Maximianus, Saint, priest, 75.
Maximilian, martyr, 36, n. 2.
Maximus, man of Noricum, 75 f.
leads a party across the Alps, 81.
saved by the bear, 81 f.
Mediterranean, the, 103, n. 1.
Milan, 76, 89.
Moderatus, singer, 74.
Moesia, province, 104, 126.
101, n. 2.
Monastery of Severinus near Favianis, 26, 36 f., 43 f., 49 f., 51, 72,73,75,86,89, 92 f., 98, 103, 104, 125.
at Batavis, 67.
at Bojotro, 71, 89 f.
Mount Feleter, castle in Italy, 106, 126.

Naples, 8, n. 1, 27, 107, 109, 110, 121, n. 2, 126.
Norica rura,
97, n. 1.
Norici, 23, 65, 67, n. 1.
Noricum, district in Central Europe, 8, 41, n. 1, 53, n. 2, 78, n. 2.
use of the word, 65, n. 1.
Riverside Noricum, 19, 29, 52, 66, n. 2, 105, n. 1, 125, 126.
Noricum Mediterraneum (Noricum), 24, 65, 70, 75, 81, 105, n. 1.
Novae, city of Moesia, 104, 126.

Occident, the, island monasteries of, 103, n. 1.
Odoacer, visits cell of Severinus, 45.
Severinus foretells his greatness, 21, 45 f.
and his downfall, 25, 87, 126.
proclaimed ruler of Italy, 125.
friendly relations with Severinus, 25, 86 f.
wages war against the Rugii, 104, 125 f.
commands the removal of the provincials, 104.
overthrown and slain by Theodoric, 126.
Oil, miracle of the, 24, 79 f., 123, 124.
Onoülfus, brother of Odoacer, 104, 125 f.
Orestes, patrician, 18, 107, n. 1, 125.
Orient, the, 37, n. 1.
Osterhofen, see Quintanis.
30, n. 1, 51, n. 2.

Pachomius, Egyptian monk, 90, n. 3.
Pannonia, 18, n. 1, 41, n. 1, 52, n. 2.
Pannonias, the, 29, 41, n. 1, 53, n. 2, 111, 125.
Pannonias, the two, 29.
Paphnutius Cephala, Egyptian monk, 93, n. 2.
Paschasius, Roman deacon, 126. addressed by Eugippius, 15-20.
replies, 111-113.
Passau, see Batavis.
Paul, Saint, 39, n. 1, 112.
Paulinus, priest of Noricum Mediterraneum, 23, 70.
elected bishop of Tiburnia in accordance with the prophecy of Severinus, 24, 70.
warned by Severinus of the incursion of the Alamanni, 24, 75 f.
Pennsylvania, 93, n. 3.
Phoebicius, professor at Burdigala, 51, n. 2.
Pientissimus, bystander, 80.
Pierius, Count, official of Odoacer, 105, 125 f.
Pizzofalcone, near Naples, 107, n. 2.
Poor man's corn, miracle of the, 22, 56 f., 117, n. 1.
Postumianus, 90.
Primenius, Italian priest, 18, 19, 125.
Processa, woman of Naples, 108 f.
Procula, wealthy widow, 33 f.
Protasius, Saint, martyr of Milan, 49, n. 1.
relics of, 22, 49 f.

Quintanis (Osterhofen), municipality of Raetia Secunda, 60, n. 1, 75.
miracle of the church by the river at, 23, 60 f.
the inhabitants remove to Batavis, 77.
Quirinus, martyr, 36, n. 2.

Raetia, 69, n. 1.
Raetia Prima, 60, n. 2.
Raetia Secunda, 60.
Raetias, the, 34, 69, n. 1, 97.
Raetii, 60, n. 1, 67, n. 1.
Rapp, George, 93, n. 3.
Reliquiae, 71, n. 2.
Renatus, monk, 26, 91.
Retica annona, 69, n. 1.
Roman dominion, 69.
Roman province, the, 96.
Roman territory, 68.
Romans, 30,32,41, n. 1,46,48, 77, 104.
Rome (city), 70, n. 1, 104, n. 1.
Rome (empire), 41,n. 1,60, n. 2.
Romulus Augustulus, last emperor of the West (475-476), 107, n. 1.
Royal Neapolitan State Archives, the, 107, n. 3.
Rugian royal house, genealogical table of the, 40, n. 1.
Rugian widow's only son, miracle of the, 21, 43-45. 139
Rugii, German tribe on the Danube, 21, 22, 25, 40, 43, 45, 7i, 84, 85, 86, 94, 98.
distinctive position of, 41, n. 1.
attacked by Odoacer, 104, 125.
Rumania, 38, n. 2.

Sabaria, town in Pannonia,
destroyed by earthquake, 32, n. 1, 125.
Salzburg, see Juvao.
Sanct Peter im Holz, town, 65, n. 2.
Sanctuaria, 71, n. 2.
San Marino, 106, n. 1.
Saracens, 107, n. 3.
Satan, 25, 45, n. 1, 72, 89, 90.
Saviour, the, 38, 39, 48, 80. See Christ.
Saxons, German tribe, 41, n. 1, 53, n. 2.
Scamarae, robbers, 52.
Schlögen, see Joviaco. Severin, village, 36, n. 2.
Severinus, Saint, 15, 16, 19 f.
life of, 21-110.
founds a monastery near Favianis, 36 f.
trains the monks, 37, 50 f., 92 f., 122, 124.
mode of life of, 38 ff., 92 ff.
redeems captives, 23, 48, 67 ff.
collects relics of martyrs, 22, 24, 49 f., 71, 73 f
Severinus, declines the office of bishop, 22, 50.
fame of, 38, 52, 70.
cares for captives and the needy, 23, 63 ff., 122, 123, 124.
establishes tithes, 64-67.
reviled by the gabbling priest, 24, 72.
disciplines the three proud monks, 25 f., 89 f.
his final address to his followers, 26, 99-102, 117, n. 1.
death of, 26, 102.
burial of, 102.
first translation of the body, to Mount Feleter, 27, 105 f.
second translation, to the Lucullan castle, 27, 107-110, 123, 125.
third translation, to the Benedictine monastery of Saint Severinus in Naples, 107, n. 3.
fourth translation, to Fratta Maggiore (1807), 107, n.3.
patron saint of Austria, 36, n. 2.
called apostle of Noricum, 39, n. 2.
called second apostle of Austria, 36, n. 2.
Silenus, 121, n. 2.
Silvinus, priest of Quintanis, recalled from the dead by Severinus, 23, 61 ff., 121,n. 2, 123, 124.
engravings representing the scene, 9, 63, n. 1.
Sistova, town in Bulgaria, 104, n. 2.
Soldiers, at Favianis under Mamertinus, 35 f.
at Batavis, 69 f.
Sosius, martyr, 107, n. 3.
Spital, 65, n. 2.
Stilicho, 72, n. 1, 89.
Suevi, German tribe, 72, n. 1.
Sulpicius Severus, 90.

Taper of the saint, miracle of the, 22, 58 f., 123, 124.
Tapers of the faithful, miracle of the, 22, 53 ff., 123, 124.
Tejo, leper, miraculously healed, 25, 88.
Theodemir, king of the Ostrogoths, 66, n. 1.
Theodoric, king of the Ostrogoths, 60, n. 2, 104, 105, n. 1, 126.
Therapeutae, Egyptian ascetics, 93, n. 3.
Three proud monks, miracle of the, 25 f., 89 f.
Thuringi, German tribe, 41, n. 1, 85.
storm Batavis, 78.
Tiburnia, metropolis of Noricum Mediterraneum, 41, n. 1, 65 f., 70.
Tiguntia, brook, battle at the, 36.
Timothy, Saint, 112.
Titas, mountain near Ariminum, 15.
Tithes, 23, 64-67.
Tulln, 30, n. 2.
Tyrrhenian Sea, the, 103, n. 1.

Upper Pannonia, 19, 32, n. 1.
Ursus, monk, 26, 92.

Valentine, Saint, bishop of the Raetias, 97.
Verona, battle of (489), 126.
Victor, Saint, bishop of Naples, 107, 126.
Victory, goddess, 78, n. 1.
Vienna, 29, n.3,36, n. 2,38,n. 2.
church of Saint Severinus at, 120.
Visigoths, the, 67, n. 1.
Vulgate, the, 52, n. 3.

Western Empire, the, 41, n. 1, 72, n. 1.
Willibald, Saxon pilgrim, 8, n. 1.
Wurtemberg, 93, n. 3.

Zeno, Byzantine emperor (474 -491), 126.