Spicilegium Syriacum (1855). Works by Rev. W. Cureton
BOOK OF RELIGIOUS AND PHILOSOPHICAL SECTS, by MUHAMMAD AL-SHAHRASTANI: now first edited from the collation of several MSS. 8vo. London. For the Society for the Publication of Oriental Texts. 2 Voll. 1842,1846.
...: TANCHUMI HIEROSOLYMITANI Commentarius Arabicus in LAMENTATIONES: e codice unico Bodleiano literis Hebraicis exarato. 8vo. Londini, apud Jac. Madden, 1843.
...: PILLAR OF THE CREED OF THE SUNNITES; being a brief Exposition of their principal Tenets, by AL-NASAFI. 8vo. London. For the Society for the Publication of Oriental Texts. 1843.
CATALOGUS CODICUM MANUSCRIPTORUM ARABICORUM, qui in MUSEO BRITANNICO asservantur. fol. Londini, Impensis Curatorum Musei Britannici. Pars. 1.1846. Pars. II. 1852.
VINDICIAE: IGNATIANAE: or, The Genuine Writings of St. Ignatius, as exhibited in the Syriac Version, vindicated from the charge of Heresy. 8vo. London, Rivingtons. 1846.
...: THE FESTAL LETTERS OF ST. ATHANASIUS, discovered in an Ancient Syriac Version, and edited with a Preface. 8vo. London. For the Society for the Publication of Oriental Texts. 1848.
THREE SERMONS, preached at the Chapel Royal, St. James': The Essential Connection of Christian Faith and Practice, being Two Sermons delivered on Sunday, Feb. 27; The Revelations of Christianity with respect to Temporal Polity, preached on Wednesday, March 22. 8vo. London, Rivingtons; Oxford, Parker, 1848.
CORPUS IGNATIANUM. A Complete Collection of the Ignatian Epistles, genuine, interpolated, and spurious, together with numerous Extracts from them as quoted by Ecclesiastical Writers down to the Tenth Century, in Syriac, Greek, and Latin. An English Translation of the Syriac Text, with copious Notes and Introduction. Royal 8vo. London. Rivingtons. 1849.
FRAGMENTS OF THE ILIAD OF HOMER, from a Syriac Palimpsest. 4to. London. Printed by order of the Trustees of the British Museum. 1851.
The Third Part of the ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY OF JOHN BISHOP OF EPHESUS, now first edited. 4to. Oxford. At the University Press. 1853.