On Baptism, Against the Donatists.



 Book I.

 Chapter 1.—1. In the treatise which we wrote against the published epistle of Parmenianus to Tichonius,

 Chapter 2.—3. And so the Donatists in some matters are with us in some matters have gone out from us. Accordingly, those things wherein they agree wi

 Chapter 3.—4. There are two propositions, moreover, which we affirm,—that baptism exists in the Catholic Church, and that in it alone can it be rightl

 Chapter 4.—5. Further, if any one fails to understand how it can be that we assert that the sacrament is not rightly conferred among the Donatists, wh

 Chapter 5.—6. I prefer, he says, to receive Christ’s baptism where both parties agree that it exists. But those whom you intend to join say that it ca

 Chapter 6.—8. Between us, then, and what we may call the genuine Donatists, whose bishop is Primianus at Carthage, there is now no controversy on this

 Chapter 7.—9. For, in the next place, that I may not seem to rest on mere human arguments,—since there is so much obscurity in this question, that in

 Chapter 8.—10. Nor indeed were the prayers of the Gentile Cornelius unheard, nor did his alms lack acceptance nay, he was found worthy that an angel

 Chapter 9.—12. Let them see how many things, and what important things, are of no avail, if a certain single thing be wanting, and let them see what t

 Chapter 10.—13. But they think within themselves that they show very great subtlety in asking whether the baptism of Christ in the party of Donatus ma

 Chapter 11.—15. They ask also, Whether sins are remitted in baptism in the party of Donatus: so that, if we say that they are remitted, they may ans

 Chapter 12.—18. What if he approached baptism itself in deceit? were his sins remitted, or were they not? Let them choose which they will. Whichever t

 Chapter 13.—21. For it often happens that a man has an enemy whom he hates most unjustly although we are commanded to love even our unjust enemies, a

 Chapter 14.—22. It is to no purpose, then, that they say to us, If you acknowledge our baptism, what do we lack that should make you suppose that we

 Chapter 15.—23. For it is the Church that gives birth to all, either within her pale, of her own womb or beyond it, of the seed of her bridegroom,—(e

 Chapter 16.—25. But the same mother which brought forth Abel, and Enoch, and Noah, and Abraham, brought forth also Moses and the prophets who succeede

 Chapter 17.—26. Therefore, whether they seem to abide within, or are openly outside, whatsoever is flesh is flesh, and what is chaff is chaff, whether

 Chapter 18.—27. On the question of baptism, then, I think that I have argued at sufficient length and since this is a most manifest schism which is c

 Chapter 19.—29. But that I may not seem to be uttering these praises of the blessed martyr (which, indeed, are not his, but rather those of Him by who

 Book II.

 Chapter 1.—1. How much the arguments make for us, that is, for catholic peace, which the party of Donatus profess to bring forward against us from the

 Chapter 2.—3. When, on the calends of September, very many bishops from the provinces of Africa, Numidia, and Mauritania, with their presbyters and d

 Chapter 3.—4. Now let the proud and swelling necks of the heretics raise themselves, if they dare, against the holy humility of this address. Ye mad D

 Chapter 4.—5. Wherefore the holy Cyprian, whose dignity is only increased by his humility, who so loved the pattern set by Peter as to use the words,

 Chapter 5.—6. And so it is that often something is imperfectly revealed to the more learned, that their patient and humble charity, from which proceed

 Chapter 6.—7. What then, ye Donatists, what have ye to say to this? If our opinion about baptism is true, yet all who thought differently in the time

 Chapter 7.—10. Wherefore, then, have ye severed yourselves? If there is any sense left in you, you must surely see that you can find no possible answe

 Chapter 8.—13. Nor do I think that the blessed Cyprian had any other motive in the free expression and earlier utterance of what he thought in opposit

 Chapter 9.—14. This, moreover, says he, Agrippinus, a man of excellent memory, with the rest, bishops with him, who at that time governed the Churc

 Chapter 10.—15. But what attitude do they assume, when it is shown that the holy Cyprian, though he did not himself admit as members of the Church tho

 Chapter 11.—16. For this reason, then, we hold them to be enemies, because we speak the truth, because we are afraid to be silent, because we fear to

 Chapter 12.—17. What answer they can give about the followers of Maximianus whom they have received, they cannot divine. If they say, Those we receiv

 Chapter 13.—18. But who can fail to understand what they may be saying in their hearts? What then are we to do, say they, with those whom we have a

 Chapter 14.—19. But which is the worse, not to be baptized at all, or to be twice baptized, it is difficult to decide. I see, indeed, which is more re

 Chapter 15.—20. Since the Catholic Church, both in the time of the blessed Cyprian and in the older time before him, contained within her bosom either

 Book III.

 Chapter 1.—1. I think that it may now be considered clear to every one, that the authority of the blessed Cyprian for the maintenance of the bond of p

 Chapter 2.—2. Nevertheless, I see what may still be required of me, viz., that I should answer those plausible arguments, by which, in even earlier ti

 Chapter 3.—4. Let us therefore, seeing that we adhere to the example of Cyprian, go on now to consider Cyprian’s Council. What says Cyprian? Ye have

 Chapter 4.—6. Next his colleagues proceed to deliver their several opinions. But first they listened to the letter written to Jubaianus for it was re

 Chapter 5.—7. But if any one should ask what I hold in the meantime, while discussing this question, I answer that, in the first place, the letter of

 Chapter 6.—9. Libosus also of Vaga says: The Lord says in the gospel, ‘I am the Truth.’ He does not say, ‘I am custom.’ Therefore, when the truth is

 Chapter 7.—10. Zosimus also of Tharassa said: When a revelation of the truth has been made, error must give way to truth for even Peter, who at the

 Chapter 8.—11. Likewise Felix of Buslacene said: In admitting heretics without the baptism of the Church, let no one prefer custom to reason and trut

 Chapter 9.—12. Likewise Honoratus of Tucca said: Since Christ is the Truth, we ought to follow truth rather than custom.

 Chapter 10.—13. Therefore Cyprian writes to Jubaianus as follows, concerning the baptism of heretics, who, being placed without, and set down out of

 Chapter 11.—16. But Cyprian was right in not being moved by what Jubaianus wrote, that the followers of Novatian rebaptize those who come to them fro

 Chapter 12.—17. But the blessed Cyprian shows that it was no new or sudden thing that he decided, because the practice had already begun under Agrippi

 Chapter 13.—18. But as regards the remission of sins, whether it is granted through baptism at the hands of the heretics, I have already expressed my

 Chapter 14.—19. Nor is it material, when we are considering the question of the genuineness and holiness of the sacrament, what the recipient of the

 Chapter 15.—20. Accordingly, if Marcion consecrated the sacrament of baptism with the words of the gospel, In the name of the Father, and of the Son,

 Chapter 16.—21. But when it is said that the Holy Spirit is given by the imposition of hands in the Catholic Church only, I suppose that our ancestor

 Chapter 17.—22. For as regards the fact that to preserve the figure of unity the Lord gave the power to Peter that whatsoever he should loose on eart

 Chapter 18—23. As my Father hath sent me, says our Lord, even so send I you. And what He had said this, He breathed on them, and saith unto them, R

 Chapter 19.—25. They indeed who say that baptism is not to be repeated, because only hands were laid on those whom Philip the deacon had baptized, are

 Book IV.

 Chapter 1.—1. The comparison of the Church with Paradise shows us that men may indeed receive her baptism outside her pale, but that no one outside ca

 Chapter 2.—2. All the more, then, because we are fighting for the honor and unity of the Church, let us beware of giving to heretics the credit of w

 Chapter 3.—4. And if they would have obeyed him, and begun to live rightly, not as false but as true Christians, would he have ordered them to be bapt

 Chapter 4.—6. We do not, therefore, acknowledge the baptism of heretics, when we refuse to baptize after them but because we acknowledge the ordina

 Chapter 5.—8. Further, Cyprian goes on to say, in vain do some, who are overcome by reason, oppose to us custom, as though custom were superior to

 Chapter 6.—9. But as regards his saying, Nor let any one affirm that what they have received from the apostles, that they follow for the apostles ha

 Chapter 7.—11. For in fact, as to what some opposed to the reasoning of Cyprian, that the apostle says, Notwithstanding every way, whether in pretenc

 Chapter 8.—12. In short, we may see how great an evil in itself is envy, which cannot be other than malicious. Let us not look for other testimony. Cy

 Chapter 9.—13. By this patience of Christian love he not only endured the difference of opinion manifested in all kindliness by his good colleagues on

 Chapter 10.—15. But some one may say that the tares within may more easily be converted into wheat. I grant that it is so but what has this to do wit

 Chapter 11.—18. What shall we say of what is also wonderful, that he who carefully observes may find that it is possible that certain persons, without

 Chapter 12.—19. But he urges that we find that the apostles, in all their epistles, execrated and abhorred the sacrilegious wickedness of heretics, s

 Chapter 13.—20. There is therefore no fellowship between righteousness and unrighteousness, not only without, but also within the Church for the L

 Chapter 14.—22. But we must not despair of the conversion of any man, whether situated within or without, so long as the goodness of God leadeth him

 Chapter 15.—23. To go on to the point which he pursues at great length, that they who blaspheme the Father of Christ cannot be baptized in Christ, s

 Chapter 16.—24. Some one says, Does it then make no difference, if two men, rooted in like error and wickedness, be baptized without change of life or

 Chapter 17.—25. Can the power of baptism, says Cyprian, be greater or better than confession? than martyrdom? that a man should confess Christ befo

 Chapter 18.—26. Nor indeed, is it of heresies alone that the apostle says that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. But i

 Chapter 19.—27. Let us therefore not flatter the Catholic who is hemmed in with all these vices, nor venture, merely because he is a Catholic Christia

 Chapter 20.—28. But on the question whether we ought to prefer a Catholic of the most abandoned character to a heretic in whose life, except that he i

 Chapter 21.—29. With regard to the objection brought against Cyprian, that the catechumens who were seized in martyrdom, and slain for Christ’s name’s

 Chapter 22.—30. That the place of baptism is sometimes supplied by martyrdom is supported by an argument by no means trivial, which the blessed Cypria

 Chapter 23.—31. But what is the precise value of the sanctification of the sacrament (which that thief did not receive, not from any want of will on h

 Chapter 24.—32. And if any one seek for divine authority in this matter, though what is held by the whole Church, and that not as instituted by Counci

 Chapter 25.—33. By all these considerations it is proved that the sacrament of baptism is one thing, the conversion of the heart another but that man

 Chapter 26.—34. A few things still remain to be noticed in the epistle to Jubaianus but since these will raise the question both of the past custom o

 Book V.

 Chapter 1.—1. We have the testimony of the blessed Cyprian, that the custom of the Catholic Church is at present retained, when men coming from the si

 Chapter 2.—2. But now that we have begun a disputation with a man of peace like Cyprian, let us go on. For when he had brought an objection against hi

 Chapter. 3.—3. But in what Cyprian adds, saying, Nor yet because men once have erred must there be always error, since it rather befits wise and God-

 Chapter 4.—4. But since now, as I said before, we have begun a disputation with the epistles of Cyprian, I think that I should not seem even to him, i

 Chapter 5.—5. Wherefore, even if heretics should be truly anxious to correct their error and come to the Church, for the very reason that they believe

 Chapter 6.—7. For when this is done occasionally in the case of individuals, at great intervals of time and space, the enormity of the deed is not equ

 Chapter 7.—8. Truly, when I look at the actual words of Cyprian, I am warned to say some things which are very necessary for the solution of this ques

 Chapter 8.—9. Wherefore, as the apostle said of the law, The law is good, if a man use it lawfully, so we may fairly say of baptism, Baptism is good

 Chapter 9.—10. Now we must see what is said of the baptism of John. For we read in the Acts of the Apostles, that those who had already been baptized

 Chapter 10.—12. I ask, therefore, if sins were remitted by the baptism of John, what more could the baptism of Christ confer on those whom the Apostle

 Chapter 11.—13. For we must look at the point which especially concerns the matter before us (whatever be the nature of the baptism of John, since it

 Chapter 12.—14. Accordingly, I too might use the words of the blessed Cyprian to turn the hearts of those that hear me to the consideration of somethi

 Chapter 13.—15. For the Lord Jesus might, if He had so thought fit, have given the power of His baptism to some one or more of His chief servants, who

 Chapter 14.—16. Accordingly we find the apostles using the expressions, My glorying, though it was certainly in the Lord and Mine office,

 Chapter 15.—17. That therefore the baptism of John was not the same as the baptism of Christ, has, I think, been shown with sufficient clearness and

 Chapter 16.—Wherefore, since it is manifest that the baptism remains in the baptized person when he is separated from the Church, the baptism which is

 Chapter 17.—22. But, having considered and handled all these points, we have now come to that peaceful utterance of Cyprian at the end of the epistle,

 Chapter 18.—24. Whence Cyprian himself again admonishes us with the greatest fullness, that many who were dead in their trespasses and sins, although

 Chapter 19.—25. Wherefore, as regards those who received the persons who came from heresy in the same baptism of Christ with which they had been bapti

 Chapter 20.—How does a murderer cleanse and sanctify the water? How can darkness bless the oil? But if God is present in His sacraments to confirm His

 Chapter 21.—29. But as to what he says, that he who comes to the Church is to be baptized and renewed, that within he may be hallowed through the hol

 Chapter 22.—30. Accordingly we agree with Cyprian that heretics cannot give remission of sins but we maintain that they can give baptism,—which ind

 Chapter 23.—31. Cyprian writes also to Pompeius about this selfsame matter, and clearly shows in that letter that Stephen, who, as we learn, was then

 Chapter 24.—34. I remember that I have already discussed at sufficient length the question of the temple of God, and how this saying is to be taken,

 Chapter 25.—36. I am unwilling to go on to handle again what Cyprian poured forth with signs of irritation against Stephen, as it is, moreover, quite

 Chapter 26.—37. To go on to what he says, that a bishop should be ‘teachable,’ adding, But he is teachable who is gentle and meek to learn for a b

 Chapter 27.—38. And in that the Church is thus described in the Song of Songs, A garden enclosed is my sister, my spouse a spring shut up, a fountai

 Chapter 28.—39. Hence, therefore, we have now set before us an easier and more simple consideration of that ark of which Noah was the builder and pilo

 Book VI.

 Chapter 1.—1. It might perhaps have been sufficient, that after the reasons have been so often repeated, and considered, and discussed with such varie

 Chapter 2.—3. Again, if any one not having charity, and walking in the abandoned paths of a most wicked life, seems to be within while he really is wi

 Chapter 3.—5. But I think that we have sufficiently shown, both from the canon of Scripture, and from the letters of Cyprian himself, that bad men, wh

 Chapter 4.—6. And so it is clear that no good ground is shown herein why the bad man, who has baptism, may not also confer it and as he has it to des

 Chapter 5.—7. Wherefore all bad men are separated in the spirit from the good but if they are separated in the body also by a manifest dissension, th

 Chapter 6.—9. First, then, let us record for further consideration the case proposed for decision by Cyprian himself, with which he initiates the proc

 Chapter 7.—10. I have already, I think, argued to the best of my power, in the preceding books, in the interests of Catholic unanimity and counsel, in

 Chapter 8.—11. Cæcilius of Bilta said: I know of one baptism in the one Church and of none outside the Church. The one will be where there is true ho

 Chapter 9.—13. The elder Felix of Migirpa said: I think that every one coming from heresy should be baptized. For in vain does any one suppose that h

 Chapter 10.—15. To the declaration of Polycarp of Adrumetum, that those who declare the baptism of heretics to be valid, make ours of none effect, w

 Chapter 11.—16. Novatus of Thamugadis said: Though we know that all Scripture gives its testimony respecting saving baptism, yet we ought to express

 Chapter 12.—18. Nemesianus of Tubunæ said: That the baptism which is given by heretics and schismatics is not true is everywhere declared in the holy

 Chapter 13.—20. Januarius of Lambæse said: Following the authority of the holy Scriptures, I pronounce that all heretics should be baptized, and so a

 Chapter 14.—22. Lucius of Castra Galbæ said: Since the Lord hath said in His gospel, ‘Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his sav

 Chapter 15.—24. Crescens of Cirta said: The letters of our most beloved Cyprian to Jubaianus, and also to Stephen,

 Chapter 16.—26. Nicomedes of Segermi said: My judgment is that heretics coming to the Church should be baptized, because they can obtain no remission

 Chapter 17.—28. Monnulus of Girba said: The truth of our mother, the Catholic Church, hath continued, and still continues among us, brethren, especia

 Chapter 18.—30. Secundinus of Cedias said: Since our Lord Christ said, ‘He that is not with me is against me,’

 Chapter 19.—32. Felix of Bagai said: As when the blind leads the blind, both fall into the ditch,

 Chapter 20.—34. Polianus of Mileum said: It is right that a heretic should be baptized in the holy Church.

 Chapter 21.—36. Theogenes of Hippo Regius said: According to the sacrament of the heavenly grace of God which we have received, we believe in the one

 Chapter 22.—38. Dativus of Badiæ said We, so far as lies within our power, refuse to communicate with a heretic, unless he has been baptized in the C

 Chapter 23.—40. Successus of Abbir Germaniciana said: Heretics may either do nothing or everything. If they can baptize, they can also give the Holy

 Chapter 24.—42. Fortunatus of Thuccabori said: Jesus Christ our Lord and God, the Son of God the Father and Creator, built His Church upon a rock, no

 Chapter 25.—46. Sedatus of Tuburbo said: Inasmuch as water, sanctified by the prayer of the priest in the Church, washes away sins, just so much does

 Chapter 26.—49. Privatianus of Sufetula said: He who says that heretics have the power of baptizing should first say who it was that founded heresy.

 Chapter 27.—51. Privatus of Sufes said: What can be said of the man who approves the baptism of heretics, save that he communicates with heretics?

 Chapter 28.—53. Hortensianus of Lares said: How many baptisms there are, let those who uphold or favor heretics determine. We assert one baptism of t

 Chapter 29.—55. Cassius of Macomades said: Since there cannot be two baptisms, he who grants baptism unto heretics takes it away from himself. I ther

 Chapter 30.—57. Another Januarius of Vicus Cæsaris said: If error does not obey truth, much more does truth refuse assent to error and therefore we

 Chapter 31.—59. Another Secundinus of Carpis said: Are heretics Christians or not? If they are Christians, why are they not in the Church of God? If

 Chapter 32.—61. Victoricus of Thabraca said: If heretics may baptize, and give remission of sins, why do we destroy their credit, and call them heret

 Chapter 33.—63. Another Felix of Uthina said: No one can doubt, most holy brethren in the priesthood, that human presumption has not so much power as

 Chapter 34.—65. Quietus of Burug said: We who live by faith ought with believing observance to obey what has been before foretold for our instruction

 Chapter 35.—67. Castus of Sicca said: He who presumes to follow custom in despite of truth is either envious and evilly disposed towards the brethren

 Chapter 36.—69. Eucratius of Theni said: Our God and Lord Jesus Christ, teaching the apostles with His own mouth, fully laid down our faith, and the

 Chapter 37.—71. Libosus of Vaga said: The Lord says in the gospel, ‘I am the truth ’

 Chapter 38.—73. Lucius of Thebaste said: I declare my judgment that heretics, and blasphemers, and unrighteous men, who with various words pluck away

 Chapter 39.—75. Eugenius of Ammedera said: I too pronounce this same judgment, that heretics should be baptized.

 Chapter 40.—77. Also another Felix of Ammacura said: I too, following the authority of the holy Scriptures, give my judgment that heretics should be

 Chapter 41.—79. Also another Januarius of Muzuli said: I wonder that, while all acknowledge that there is one baptism, all do not understand the unit

 Chapter 42.—81. Adelphius of Thasbalte said: It is surely without cause that they find fault with the truth in false and invidious terms, saying that

 Chapter 43.—83. Demetrius of the Lesser Leptis said: We uphold one baptism, because we claim for the Catholic Church alone what is her own. But those

 Chapter 44.—85. Vincentius of Thibari said: We know that heretics are worse than heathens. If they, being converted, wish to come to God, they have a

 Book VII.

 Chapter 1.—1. Let us not be considered troublesome to our readers, if we discuss the same question often and from different points of view. For althou

 Chapter 2.—2. Marcus of Mactaris said: It is not to be wondered at if heretics, being enemies and opponents of the truth, claim to themselves what ha

 Chapter 3.—4. Satius of Sicilibba said: If heretics receive forgiveness of their sins in their own baptism, it is without reason that they come to th

 Chapter 4.—6. Victor of Gor said: Seeing that sins are forgiven only in the baptism of the Church, he who admits heretics to communion without baptis

 Chapter 5.—8. Aurelius of Utica said: Since the apostle says that we ought not to be partakers with the sins of other men,

 Chapter 6.—10. Iambus of Germaniciana said: Those who approve the baptism of heretics disapprove ours, so as to deny that such as are, I will not say

 Chapter 7.—12. Lucianus of Rucuma said: It is written, ‘And God saw the light that it was good, and God divided the light from the darkness.’

 Chapter 8.—14. Pelagianus of Luperciana said: It is written, ‘Either the Lord is God, or Baal is God.’

 Chapter 9.—16. Jader of Midila said: We know that there is but one baptism in the Catholic Church, and therefore we ought not to admit a heretic unle

 Chapter 10.—18. Likewise another Felix of Marazana said: There is one faith, one baptism,

 Chapter 11.—20. Paul of Bobba said: I for my part am not moved if some fail to uphold the faith and truth of the Church, seeing that the apostle says

 Chapter 12.—22. Pomponius of Dionysiana said: It is manifest that heretics cannot baptize and give remission of sins, seeing that no power is given t

 Chapter 13.—24. Venantius of Tinisa said: If a husband, going on a journey into foreign countries, had entrusted the guardianship of his wife to a fr

 Chapter 14.—26. Aymnius of Ausuaga

 Chapter 15.—28. Saturninus of Victoriana said: If heretics may baptize, they are excused and defended in doing unlawful things nor do I see why eith

 Chapter 16.—30. Another Saturninus of Tucca said: The Gentiles, although they worship idols, yet acknowledge and confess the supreme God, the Father

 Chapter 17.—32. Marcellus of Zama said: Since sins are remitted only in the baptism of the Church, he who does not baptize a heretic holds communion

 Chapter 18.—34. Irenæus of Ululi said: If the Church does not baptize a heretic, because it is said that he has been baptized already, then heresy is

 Chapter 19.—36. Donatus of Cibaliana said: I acknowledge one Church, and one baptism that appertains thereto. If there is any one who says that the g

 Chapter 20.—38. Zozimus of Tharassa said: When a revelation has been made of the truth, error must give way to truth inasmuch as Peter also, who bef

 Chapter 21.—40. Julianus of Telepte said: It is written, ‘A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven ’

 Chapter 22.—42. Faustus of Timida Regia said: Let not these persons flatter themselves who favor heretics. He who interferes with the baptism of the

 Chapter 23.—44. Geminius of Furni said: Certain of our colleagues may prefer heretics to themselves, they cannot prefer them to us: and therefore wha

 Chapter 24.—46. Rogatianus of Nova said: Christ established the Church, the devil heresy: how can the synagogue of Satan have the baptism of Christ?

 Chapter 25.—48. Therapius of Bulla said: If a man gives up and betrays the baptism of Christ to heretics, what else can he be said to be but a Judas

 Chapter 26.—50. Also another Lucius of Membresa said: It is written, ‘God heareth not sinners.’

 Chapter 27.—52. Also another Felix of Buslaceni said: In admitting heretics to the Church without baptism, let no one place custom before reason and

 Chapter 28.—54. Another Saturninus of Abitini said: If Antichrist can give to any one the grace of Christ, then can heretics also baptize, who are ca

 Chapter 29.—56. Quintus of Aggya said: He who has a thing can give it but what can the heretics give, who are well known to have nothing?

 Chapter 30.—58. Another Julianus of Marcelliana said: If a man can serve two masters, God and mammon,

 Chapter 31.—60. Tenax of Horrea Celiæ said: There is one baptism, but of the Church and where the Church is not, there baptism also cannot be.

 Chapter 32.—62. Another Victor of Assuras said: It is written, that ‘there is one God and one Christ, one Church and one baptism.’

 Chapter 33.—64. Donatulus of Capse said: I also have always entertained this opinion, that heretics, who have gained nothing outside the Church, shou

 Chapter 34.—66. Verulus of Rusiccade said: A man that is a heretic cannot give that which he has not much more is this the case with a schismatic, w

 Chapter 35.—68. Pudentianus of Cuiculi said: My recent ordination to the episcopate induced me, brethren, to wait and hear what my elders would decid

 Chapter 36.—70. Peter of Hippo Diarrhytus said: Since there is one baptism in the Catholic Church, it is clear that a man cannot be baptized outside

 Chapter 37.—72. Likewise another Lucius of Ausafa said: According to the motion of my mind and of the Holy Spirit, since there is one God, the Father

 Chapter 38.—74. Felix of Gurgites said: I give my judgment, that, according to the precepts of the holy Scriptures, those who have been unlawfully ba

 Chapter 39.—76. Pusillus of Lamasba said: I believe that baptism is not unto salvation except within the Catholic Church. Whatsoever is without the C

 Chapter 40.—78. Salvianus of Gazaufala said: It is generally known that heretics have nothing and therefore they come to us, that they may receive w

 Chapter 41.—80. Honoratus of Tucca said: Since Christ is the truth, we ought to follow the truth rather than custom that we may sanctify by the bapt

 Chapter 42.—82. Victor of Octavus said: As ye yourselves also know, I have not been long appointed a bishop, and therefore I waited for the counsel o

 Chapter 43.—84. Clarus of Mascula said: The sentence of our Lord Jesus Christ is manifest, when He sent forth His apostles, and gave the power which

 Chapter 44.—86. Secundianus of Thambei said: We ought not to deceive heretics by our too great forwardness, that not having been baptized in the Chur

 Chapter 45.—88. Also another Aurelius of Chullabi said: The Apostle John has laid down in his epistle the following precept: ‘If there come any unto

 Chapter 46.—90. Litteus of Gemelli

 Chapter 47.—92. Natalis of Oëa said: It is not only I myself who am present, but also Pompeius of Sabrati,

 Chapter 48.—94. Junius of Neapolis said: I do not depart from the judgment which we once pronounced, that we should baptize heretics on their coming

 Chapter 49.—96. Cyprian of Carthage said: My opinion has been set forth with the greatest fullness in the letter which has been written to our collea

 Chapter 50.—98. It is indeed worth while to consider the whole of the passage in the aforesaid letter to Magnus, which he has put together as follows:

 Chapter 51.—99. Taking all these things, therefore, into consideration, I think that I am not rash in saying that there are some in the house of God a

 Chapter 52.—100. Of all these several classes, then, no one doubts respecting those first, who are in the house of God in such a sense as themselves t

 Chapter 53.—101. The question is also commonly raised, whether baptism is to be held valid which is received from one who had not himself received it,

 Chapter 54.—103. But now I think that it is fully time for me to bring to their due termination these books also on the subject of baptism, in which o

On Baptism, Against the Donatists.