Letters of St. Augustin

 Letter II.

 Letter III.

 Letter IV.

 Letter V.

 Letter VI.

 Letter VII.

 Letter VIII.

 Letter IX.

 Letter X.

 Letter XI.

 Letter XII.

 Letter XIII.

 Letter XIV.

 Letter XV.

 Letter XVI.

 Letter XVII.

 Letter XVIII.

 Letter XIX.

 Letter XX.

 Letter XXI.

 Letter XXII.

 Letter XXIII.

 Letter XXIV.

 Letter XXV.

 Letter XXVI.

 Letter XXVII.

 Letter XXVIII.

 Letter XXIX.

 Letter XXX.

 Second Division.

 Letter XXXII.

 Letter XXXIII.

 Letter XXXIV.

 Letter XXXV.

 Letter XXXVI.

 Letter XXXVII.

 Letter XXXVIII.

 Letter XXXIX.

 Letter XL.

 Letter XLI.

 Letter XLII.

 Letter XLIII.

 Letter XLIV.

 Letter XLV.

 Letter XLVI.

 Letter XLVII.

 Letter XLVIII.

 Letter XLIX.

 (a.d. 399.)

 Letter LI.

 Letter LII.

 Letter LIII.

 Letter LIV.

 Letter LV.

 Letters LVI. Translation absent

 Letter LVII. Translation absent

 Letter LVIII.

 Letter LIX.

 Letter LX.

 Letter LXI.

 Letter LXII.

 Letter LXIII.

 Letter LXIV.

 Letter LXV.

 Letter LXVI.

 Letter LXVII.

 Letter LXVIII.

 Letter LXIX.

 Letter LXX.

 Letter LXXI.

 Letter LXXII.

 Letter LXXIII.

 Letter LXXIV.

 Letter LXXV.

 Letter LXXVI.

 Letter LXXVII.

 Letter LXXVIII.

 Letter LXXIX.

 Letter LXXX.

 Letter LXXXI.

 Letter LXXXII.

 Letter LXXXIII.

 Letter LXXXIV.

 Letter LXXXV.

 Letter LXXXVI.

 Letter LXXXVII.


 Letter LXXXIX.

 Letter XC.

 Letter XCI.

 Letter XCII.

 Letter XCIII.

 Letter XCIV.

 Letter XCV.

 Letter XCVI.

 Letter XCVII.

 Letter XCVIII.

 Letter XCIX.

 Letter C.

 Letter CI.

 Letter CII.

 Letter CIII.

 Letter CIV.

 Letter CV. Translation absent

 Letter CVI. Translation absent

 Letter CVII. Translation absent

 Letter CVIII. Translation absent

 Letter CIX. Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Letter CXI.

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Letter CXV.

 Letter CXVI.

 Letter CXVII.

 Letter CXVIII.

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Letter CXXII.

 Letter CXXIII.

 Third Division.

 Letter CXXV.

 Letter CXXVI.

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Letter CXXX.

 Letter CXXXI.

 Letter CXXXII.

 Letter CXXXIII.

 Letter CXXXV.

 Translation absent

 Letter CXXXVI.

 Letter CXXXVII.


 Letter CXXXIX.

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Letter CXLIII.

 Letter CXLIV.

 Letter CXLV.

 Letter CXLVI.

 Translation absent

 Letter CXLVIII.

 Translation absent

 Letter CL.

 Letter CLI.

 Translation absent

 Letter CLVIII.

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Letter CLIX.

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Letter CLXIII.

 Letter CLXIV.

 Letter CLXV.

 Letter CLXVI.

 Letter CLXVII.

 Translation absent

 Letter CLXIX.

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Letter CLXXII.

 Letter CLXXIII.

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Letter CLXXX.

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Translation absent


 Translation absent

 Letter CLXXXIX.

 Translation absent

 Letter CXCI.

 Letter CXCII.

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Letter CXCV.

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Letter CCI.

 Letter CCII.

 Translation absent

 Letter CCIII.

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Letter CCVIII.

 Letter CCIX.

 Letter CCX.

 Letter CCXI.

 Letter CCXII.

 Letter CCXIII.

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Letter CCXVIII.

 Letter CCXIX.

 Letter CCXX.

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Letter CCXXVII.


 Letter CCXXIX.

 Translation absent

 Letter CCXXXI.

 Fourth Division.

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Translation absent


 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Letter CCXLV.

 Letter CCXLVI.

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Letter CCL.

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Letter CCLIV.

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Letter CCLXIII.

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Translation absent

 Letter CCLXIX.

 Translation absent

Letter XXX.

(a.d. 396.)

This letter of Paulinus was written before receiving a reply to his former letter, No. 27, p. 248.

To Augustin, Our Lord and Holy and Beloved Brother, Paulinus and Therasia, Sinners, Send Greeting.

1. My beloved brother in Christ the Lord, having through your holy and pious works come to know you without your knowledge, and to see you though absent long ago, my mind embraced you with unreserved affection, and I hastened to secure the gratification of hearing you through familiar brotherly exchange of letters. I believe also that by the Lord’s hand and favour my letter has reached you; but as the youth whom, before winter, we had sent to salute you and others equally loved in God’s name, has not returned, we could no longer either put off what we feel to be our duty, or restrain the vehemence of our desire to hear from you. If, then, my former letter has been found worthy to reach you, this is the second; if, however, it was not so fortunate as to come to your hand, accept this as the first.

2. But, my brother, judging all things as a spiritual man, do not estimate our love to you by the duty which we render, or the frequency of our letters. For the Lord, who everywhere, as one and the same, worketh His love in His own, is witness that, from the time when, by the kindness of the venerable bishops Aurelius and Alypius, we came to know you through your writings against the Manichæans, love for you has taken such a place in us, that we seemed not so much to be acquiring a new friendship as reviving an old affection. Now at length we address you in writing; and though we are novices in expressing, we are not novices in feeling love to you; and by communion of the spirit, which is the inner man, we are as it were acquainted with you. Nor is it strange that though distant we are near, though unknown we are well known to each other; for we are members of one body, having one Head, enjoying the effusion of the same grace, living by the same bread, walking in the same way, and dwelling in the same home. In short, in all that makes up our being,—in the whole faith and hope by which we stand in the present life, or labour for that which is to come,—we are both in the spirit and in the body of Christ so united, that if we fell from this union we would cease to be.

3. How small a thing, therefore, is that which our bodily separation denies to us!—for it is nothing more than one of those fruits that gratify the eyes, which are occupied only with the things of time. And yet, perhaps, we should not number this pleasure which in the body we enjoy among the blessings which are only in time the portion of spiritual men, to whose bodies the resurrection will impart immortality; as we, though in ourselves unworthy, are bold to expect, through the merit of Christ and the mercy of God the Father. Wherefore I pray that the grace of God by our Lord Jesus Christ may grant unto us this favour too, that we may yet see your face. Not only would this bring great gratification to our desires; but by it illumination would be brought to our minds, and our poverty would be enriched by your abundance. This indeed you may grant to us even while we are absent from you, especially on the present occasion, through our sons Romanus and Agilis, beloved and most dear to us in the Lord (whom as our second selves we commend to you), when they return to us in the Lord’s name, after fulfilling the labour of love in which they are engaged; in which work we beg that they may especially enjoy the goodwill of your Charity. For you know what high rewards the Most High promises to the brother who gives his brother help. If you are pleased to impart to me any gift of the grace that has been bestowed on you, you may safely do it through them; for, believe me, they are of one heart and of one mind with us in the Lord. May the grace of God always abide as it is with you, O brother beloved, venerable, most dear, and longed for in Christ the Lord! Salute on our behalf all the saints in Christ who are with you, for doubtless such attach themselves to your fellowship; commend us to them all, that they may, along with yourself, remember us in prayer.

EPISTOLA XXX . Paulinus Augustino, non recepto ab eo responso, denuo per alios scribit.

Domino fratri sancto et unanimo AUGUSTINO, PAULINUS et THERASIA peccatores.

1. Jamdudum, frater in Christo Domino mi unanime, ut te in sanctis et piis laboribus tuis nescientem agnovi, absentemque vidi, tota mente complexus, alloquio quoque familiari atque fraterno per litteras audire properavi . Et credo in manu, et in gratia Domini sermonem meum ad te fuisse perlatum; sed morante adhuc puero quem ad te aliosque dilectos aeque Deo salutandos, ante hiemem miseramus , non potuimus ultra et officium 0121nostrum suspendere, et desiderium sermonis tui cupidissimum temperare. Scripsimus itaque iterato nunc, si priores ad te litterae nostrae pervenire meruerunt; aut primo, si illis in manus tuas perveniendi felicitas non fuit.

2. Sed tu, frater spiritualisomnia judicans, amorem in te nostrum ne pendas officio solo, aut tempore litterarum. Dominus enim testis est, qui unus atque idem operatur in suis ubique charitatem suam, jam abinde nobis, ex quo te beneficio venerabilium episcoporum Aurelii et Alypii, per tua in Manichaeos opera cognovimus, ita inditam dilectionem tuam, ut nobis non novam aliquam amicitiam sumere, sed quasi veterem charitatem rosumere videremur. Denique nunc etsi sermone, non tamen tanquam et affectu rudes scribimus, teque vicissim spiritu per interiorem hominem, quasi recognoscimus. Nec mirum si et absentes adsumus nobis, et ignoti nosmet novimus; cum unius corporis membra simus, unum habeamus caput, una perfundamur gratia, uno pane vivamus, una incedamus via, eadem habitemus domo. Denique in omne quod sumus, tota spe ac fide, qua stamus in praesenti, nitimur in futurum, tam in spiritu, quam in corpore Domini unum sumus, ne simus nihil si ab uno excidamus.

3. Quantulum ergo est, quod absentia corporalis nobis 0122invidet nostri, nisi sane fructum istum, quo pascuntur oculi temporalium exspectatores? quamvis nec corporalis quidem gratia, temporalis in spiritualibus dici debeat, quibus etiam corporum aeternitatem resurrectio largietur, ut audemus in virtute Christi et bonitateDei Patris, vel indigni praesumere. Quare utinam hoc quoque nobis munus annueret gratia Dei, per Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum, ut etiam in carne faciem tuam videremus! non solum desideriis nostris magnum conferretur gaudium; sed etiam mentibus lumen accresceret, et ex tua copia locupletaretur inopia nostra. Quod quidem et absentibus largiri potes, hac praesertim occasione, qua filii nostri unanimes et charissimi nobis in Domino, Romanus et Agilis, quos ut nos alteros tibi commendamus, in nomine Domini revertentur, opere charitatis impleto; in quo tuae charitatis affectu specialiter utantur, rogamus. Nosti enim quam celsa promittat Altissimus fratri fratrem adjuvanti. Per hos, si quo me gratiae, quae tibi data est, dono remunerari voles, tuto facies. Sunt enim, velim credas, unum cor et una in Domino anima nobiscum. Gratia Dei tecum, ut est, in aeternum maneat, frater in Christo Domino unanime, venerabilis, dilectissime, et desiderabilis. Omnes in Christo sanctos, quales tibi cohaerere non dubium est, a nobis saluta. Commenda nos omnibus sanctis, ut tecum pro nobis orare dignentur.