Concerning Faith of Things Not Seen

 1. There are those who think that the Christian religion is what we should smile at rather than hold fast, for this reason, that, in it, not what may

 2. But, say they, those things which are in the mind, in that we can by the mind itself discern them, we have no need to know through the eyes of the

 3. But you say, that you therefore believe your friend, whose heart you cannot see, because you have proved him in your trials, and have come to know

 4. If this faith be taken away from human affairs, who but must observe how great disorder in them, and how fearful confusion must follow? For who wil

 5. But you will say, the good will of a friend towards me, although I cannot see it, yet can I trace it out by many proofs but you, what things you w


 6. If this Queen ye see not, now rich also with royal progeny. If she see not that fulfilled which she heard to have been promised, she, unto whom it

 7. “Give heed unto me,” the Church says unto you give heed unto me, whom ye see, although to see ye be unwilling. For the faithful, who were in those


 8. But as the wills of friends, which are not seen, are believed through tokens which are seen thus the Church, which is now seen, is, of all things

 9. If they suspect this, let them examine carefully the copies of our enemies the Jews. There let them read those things of which we have made mention

 10. Although, even if there went before no testimonies concerning Christ and the Church, whom ought it not to move unto belief, that the Divine bright

 11. But you, beloved, who possess this faith, or who have begun now newly to have it, let it be nourished and increase in you. For as things temporal


9. If they suspect this, let them examine carefully the copies29    Codices of our enemies the Jews. There let them read those things of which we have made mention, foretold concerning Christ in Whom we believe, and the Church whom we discern from the toilsome beginning of faith even unto the eternal blessedness of the kingdom. But, whilst they read, let them not wonder that they, whose are the books, understand not by reason of the darkness of enmity. For that they would not understand was foretold beforehand by the same Prophets; which it behoved should be fulfilled in like manner as the rest, and that by the secret and just judgment of God due punishment should be rendered to their deserts. He indeed, Whom they crucified, and unto Whom they gave gall and vinegar, although when hanging upon the Tree, by reason of those whom He had been about to lead forth from darkness into light, He said unto the Father, “Forgive them, for they know not what they do;”30    Luke xxiii. 34 yet by reason of those whom through more hidden causes He had been about to desert, by the Prophet so long before foretold, “They gave Me gall for My meat, and in My thirst they gave Me vinegar to drink; let their table become a snare before them, and a recompense, and a stumbling-block: let their eyes be darkened that they see not, and ever bow Thou down their back.”31    Ps. lxix. 21–23 Thus, having with them the clearest testimonies of our cause, they walk round about with eyes darkened, that by their means those testimonies may be proved, wherein they themselves are disapproved. Therefore was it brought to pass, that they should not be so blotted out, as that this same sect should altogether exist not: but it was scattered abroad upon the earth, in order that, carrying with it the prophecies of the grace conferred upon us, more surely to convince unbelievers, it might every where profit us. And this very thing which I assert, receive ye after what manner it was prophesied of: “Slay them not,” saith He, “lest at any time they forget Thy law, but scatter them abroad in Thy might.”32    Ps. lix. 11 Therefore they were not slain, in that they forgot not those things which were read and heard among them. For if they were altogether to forget, albeit they understand not, the Holy Scriptures, they would be slain in the Jewish ritual itself; because, when the Jews should know nothing of the Law and of the Prophets, they would be unable to profit us. Therefore they were not slain, but scattered abroad; in order that, although they should not have in faith, whence they might be saved; yet they should retain in their memory, whence we might be helped; in their books our supporters, in their hearts our enemies, in their copies our witnesses.


9. Judaeorum codices fidei nostrae astipulantur. Judaeorum secta quare non prorsus deleta. Quod si suspicantur, inimicorum nostrorum Judaeorum codices perscrutentur. Ibi legant ista quae commemoravimus, praenuntiata de Christo in quem credimus, et Ecclesia quam cernimus ab initio laborioso fidei usque ad sempiternam beatitudinem regni. Sed cum legunt, non mirentur quod ista illi quorum codices sunt, propter inimicitiarum tenebras non intelligunt. Nam eos non intellecturos ab eisdem Prophetis ante praedictum est: quod ut caetera oportebat impleri, et occulto justoque judicio Dei meritis eorum poenam debitam reddi. Ille quippe quem crucifixerunt, et cui fel et acetum dederunt, quamvis in ligno pendens, propter eos quos fuerat in lucem de tenebris educturus, dixerit Patri, Ignosce illis, quia nesciunt quid faciunt (Luc. XXIII, 34); tamen propter caeteros, quos occultioribus causis fuerat deserturus, per prophetam tanto ante praedixit, Dederunt in escam meam fel, et in siti mea potaverunt me aceto: fiat mensa eorum coram ipsis in muscipulam, et in retributionem et in scandalum; obscurentur oculi eorum, ne videant, et dorsum illorum semper incurva (Psal. LXVIII, 22-24). Cum causae itaque nostrae praeclarissimis testimoniis 0179 circumquaque ambulant oculis obscuratis, ut per eos haec probentur, ubi et ipsi reprobantur. Ideo factum est, ne sic delerentur, ut eadem secta omnino nulla esset ; sed dispersa est super terras, ut portans in nos collatae gratiae prophetias ad convincendos firmius infideles, nobis ubique prodesset. Et hoc ipsum quod dico, accipite quemadmodum fuerit prophetatum: Ne occideris eos, inquit, ne quando obliviscantur legem tuam; disperge eos in virtute tua (Psal. LVIII, 12). Non sunt ergo occisi, in eo quod non sunt quae apud eos legebantur et audiebantur obliti. Si enim Scripturas sanctas, quamvis eas non intelligant, penitus obliviscerentur, in ipso Judaico ritu occiderentur; quia cum Legis et Prophetarum nihil nossent Judaei, prodesse non possent. Ergo occisi non sunt, sed dispersi: ut quamvis in fide , unde salvi fierent, non haberent; tamen unde nos adjuvaremur, memoria retinerent, in Libris suffragatores, in cordibus nostri hostes, in codicibus testes.