Concerning Faith of Things Not Seen

 1. There are those who think that the Christian religion is what we should smile at rather than hold fast, for this reason, that, in it, not what may

 2. But, say they, those things which are in the mind, in that we can by the mind itself discern them, we have no need to know through the eyes of the

 3. But you say, that you therefore believe your friend, whose heart you cannot see, because you have proved him in your trials, and have come to know

 4. If this faith be taken away from human affairs, who but must observe how great disorder in them, and how fearful confusion must follow? For who wil

 5. But you will say, the good will of a friend towards me, although I cannot see it, yet can I trace it out by many proofs but you, what things you w


 6. If this Queen ye see not, now rich also with royal progeny. If she see not that fulfilled which she heard to have been promised, she, unto whom it

 7. “Give heed unto me,” the Church says unto you give heed unto me, whom ye see, although to see ye be unwilling. For the faithful, who were in those


 8. But as the wills of friends, which are not seen, are believed through tokens which are seen thus the Church, which is now seen, is, of all things

 9. If they suspect this, let them examine carefully the copies of our enemies the Jews. There let them read those things of which we have made mention

 10. Although, even if there went before no testimonies concerning Christ and the Church, whom ought it not to move unto belief, that the Divine bright

 11. But you, beloved, who possess this faith, or who have begun now newly to have it, let it be nourished and increase in you. For as things temporal


10. Although, even if there went before no testimonies concerning Christ and the Church, whom ought it not to move unto belief, that the Divine brightness hath on a sudden shone on the human race, when we see, (the false gods now abandoned, and their images every where broken in pieces, their temples overthrown or changed into other uses, and so many vain rites plucked out by the roots from the most inveterate usage of men,) the One True God invoked by all? And that this hath been brought to pass-by One Man, by men mocked, seized, bound, scourged, smitten with the palms of the hand, reviled, crucified, slain: His disciples, (whom He chose common men,33    Idiotas and unlearned, and fishermen, and publicans, that by their means His teaching might be set forth,) proclaiming His Resurrection, His Ascension, which they asserted that they had seen, and being filled with the Holy Ghost, sounded forth this Gospel, in all tongues which they had not learned. And of them who heard them, part believed, part, believing not, fiercely withstood them who preached. Thus while they were faithful even unto death for the truth, strove not by returning evil, but by enduring, overcame not by killing, but by dying; thus was the world changed unto this religion, thus unto this Gospel were the hearts of mortals turned, of men and women, of small and great, of learned and unlearned, of wise and foolish, of mighty and weak, of noble and ignoble, of high and low, and, throughout all nations the Church shed abroad so increased, that even against the Catholic faith itself there arises not any perverse sect, any kind of error, which is found so to oppose itself to Christian truth, as that it affect not and go not about to glory in the name of Christ: which very error would not be suffered to spring up throughout the earth, were it not that the very gainsaying exercised an wholesome discipline. How34    Lit. “when.” would The Crucified have availed so greatly, had He not been God that took upon Him Man, even if He had through the Prophet foretold no such things to come? But when now this so great mystery of godliness hath had its prophets and heralds going before, by whose divine voices it was afore proclaimed; and when it hath come in such manner as it was afore proclaimed, who is there so mad as to assert that the Apostles lied concerning Christ, of Whom they preached that He was come in such manner as the Prophets foretold afore that He should come, which Prophets were not silent as to true things to come concerning the Apostles themselves? For concerning these they had said, “There is neither speech nor language, whereof their voices are not heard; their sound went out into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world.”35    Ps. xix. 3, 4 And this at any rate we see fulfilled in the world, although we have not yet seen Christ in the flesh. Who therefore, unless blinded by amazing madness, or hard and steeled by amazing obstinacy, would be unwilling to put faith in the sacred Scriptures, which have foretold the faith of the whole world?


10. Totius mundi fides in Christum mirabiliter conciliata. Quanquam etiam si de Christo et Ecclesia testimonia nulla praecederent, quem non movere deberet ut crederet, repente illuxisse divinam humano generi claritatem, quando videmus relictis diis falsis, et eorum confractis usquequaque simulacris, templis subversis, sive in usus alios commutatis, atque ab humana veternosissima consuetudine tot vanis ritibus exstirpatis, unum verum Deum ab omnibus invocari? Et hoc esse factum per unum hominem ab hominibus illusum, comprehensum, vinctum, flagellatum, expalmatum , exprobratum, crucifixum, occisum: discipulis ejus, quos idiotas, et imperitos, et piscatores, et publicanos, per quos ejus magisterium commendaretur, elegit, annuntiantibus ejus resurrectionem, ascensionem, quam se vidisse dixerunt, et impleti Spiritu sancto, hoc Evangelium linguis omnibus, quas non didicerant, sonuerunt. Quos qui audierunt, partim crediderunt, partim non credentes praedicantibus ferociter restiterunt. Ita fidelibus usque ad mortem pro veritate, non mala rependendo, sed perpetiendo certantibus, nec occidendo, sed moriendo vincentibus; sic in istam religionem mutatus est mundus, sic ad hoc Evangelium corda conversa mortalium, marium et feminarum, parvulorum atque magnorum, doctorum et indoctorum, sapientium et insipientium, potentium et infirmorum, nobilium et ignobilium, excelsorum et humilium, et per omnes gentes Ecclesia 0180 diffusa sic crevit, ut etiam contra ipsam catholicam fidem nulla secta perversa, nullum genus exoriatur erroris, quod ita reperiatur christianae veritati adversari, ut non affectet atque ambiat Christi nomine gloriari: quod quidem non sineretur pullulare per terram, nisi exerceret sanam et ipsa contradictio disciplinam. Quando tantum crucifixus ille potuisset, nisi Deus hominem suscepisset, etiamsi nulla per Prophetas futura talia praedixisset? Cum vero tam magnum pietatis sacramentum habuerit antecedentes vates suos atque praecones, quorum divinis vocibus est praenuntiatum, et sic venerit quemadmodum est praenuntiatum, quis ita sit demens, ut dicat Apostolos de Christo fuisse mentitos, quem sic venisse praedicaverunt, quemadmodum eum venturum Prophetae ante praedixerunt, qui nec de ipsis Apostolis vera futura tacuerunt? De his quippe dixerant: Non sunt loquelae neque sermones, quorum non audiantur voces eorum; in omnem terram exivit sonus eorum, et in fines orbis terrae verba eorum (Psal. XVIII, 4 et 5). Quod certe in orbe videmus impletum, etsi in carne nondum vidimus Christum. Quis itaque nisi mirabili dementia caecatus, aut mirabili pertinacia durus ac ferreus, nolit habere sacris Litteris fidem, quae totius orbis praedixerunt fidem?