On the Good of Widowhood.

 Augustin the Bishop, servant of Christ, and of the servants of Christ, unto the religious handmaiden of God, Juliana, in the Lord of lords health.

 2. Whereas, therefore, in every question, which relates to life and conduct, not only teaching, but exhortation also is necessary in order that by te

 3. Therefore (thus) saith the Apostle, the teacher of the Gentiles, the vessel of election, “But I say unto the unmarried and the widows, that it is g

 4. Lo, there is your good compared to that good, which the Apostle calls his own, if faith be present: yea, rather, because faith is present. Short is

 5. Wherefore also when he was advising married persons not to defraud one another of the due of carnal intercourse lest, by this means, the one of th

 6. Wherefore this in the first place you ought to know, that by the good, which you have chosen, second marriages are not condemned, but are set in lo

 7. But whereas the Apostle, when commending the fruit of unmarried men and women, in that they have thought of the things of the Lord, how to please G

 8. Whence, also, what the Apostle Paul said of the unmarried woman, “that she may be holy both in body and spirit ” we are not so to understand, as th

 9. Learn, therefore, that thy good, yea, rather, remember what thou hast learned, that thy good is more praised, because there is another good than wh

 10. Nor, because I called Ruth blessed, Anna more blessed, in that the former married twice, the latter, being soon widowed of her one husband, so liv

 11. But thou who both hast sons, and livest in that end of the world, wherein now is the time not of casting stones, but of gathering not of embracin

 12. But since, as the Lord saith, “Not all receive this word ” therefore let her who can receive it, receive it and let her, who containeth not, marr

 13. Wherefore they who say that the marriages of such are not marriages, but rather adulteries, seem not to me to consider with sufficient acuteness a

 14. Wherefore I cannot indeed say, of females who have fallen away from a better purpose, in case they shall have married, that they are adulteries, n

 15. Men are wont to move a question concerning a third or fourth marriage, and even more numerous marriages than this. On which to make answer strictl

 16. For that also is no foolish question which is wont to be proposed, that whoso can may say, which widow is to be preferred in desert whether one w

 17. Let us therefore set before our eyes three widows, each having one of the things, the whole of which were in her: let us suppose one who had had o

 18. No one indeed of these six widows could come up to your standard. For you, in case that you shall have maintained this vow even unto old age, maye

 19. These discussions, therefore, concerning the different deserts of married women, and of different widows, I would not in this work enter upon, if,

 20. Wherefore, forasmuch as in the beginning of this little work I had proposed certain two necessary matters, and had undertaken to follow them out

 21. These things I am compelled to admonish by reason of certain little discourses of some men, that are to be shunned and avoided, which have begun t

 22. Now it has been my wish on this account to say something on this subject, by reason of certain of our brethren most friendly and dear to us, and w

 23. If, therefore, you had not as yet vowed unto God widowed continence, we would assuredly exhort you to vow it but, in that you have already vowed

 24. Let the inner ear of the virgin also, thy holy child, hear these things. I shall see how far she goes before you in the Kingdom of That King: it i

 25. The past day returns not hereafter, and after yesterday proceeds to-day, and after to-day will proceed to-morrow and, lo, all times and the thing

 26. Therefore let spiritual delights succeed to the place of carnal delights in holy chastity reading, prayer, psalm, good thought, frequency in good

 27. Indeed in all spiritual delights, which unmarried women enjoy, their holy conversation ought also to be with caution lest haply, though their lif

 28. Go on therefore in your course, and run with perseverance, in order that ye may obtain and by pattern of life, and discourse of exhortation, carr

 29. Next I entreat you, by Him, from Whom ye have both received this gift, and hope for the rewards of this gift, that ye be mindful to set me also in

23. If, therefore, you had not as yet vowed unto God widowed continence, we would assuredly exhort you to vow it; but, in that you have already vowed it, we exhort you to persevere. And yet I see that I must so speak as to lead those also who had as yet thought of marriage to love it and to seize on it. Therefore let us give ear unto the Apostle, “She who is unmarried,” saith he, “is careful about the things of the Lord, to be holy both in body and spirit; but she who is married is careful about the things of the world, how to please her husband.”59    1 Cor. vii. 34 He saith not, is careful about the things of the world, so as not to be holy; but certainly that that marriage holiness60    Most mss. “but certainly that divine holiness.” is less, in regard of that portion of cares, which hath thought of the pleasure of the world. Whatever, therefore, I of earnest purpose of mind would be expended also on these things whereby she would have to please a husband, the unmarried Christian woman ought in a certain way to gather and bring together unto that earnest purpose whereby she is to please the Lord. And consider, Whom she pleases, who pleases the Lord; and assuredly she is by so much the more blessed by how much the more she pleases Him; but by how much the more her thoughts are of the things of the world, by so much the less does she please Him. Therefore do ye with all earnest purpose please Him, Who is “’fair of form above the sons of men.”61    Ps. xlv. 2 For that ye please Him, it is by His grace which is “shed abroad on His lips.” Please ye Him in that portion of thought also, which would be occupied by the world, in order to please a husband. Please ye Him, Who displeased the world, in order that such as please Him might be set free from the world. For This One, fair of form above the sons of men, men saw on the Cross of the Passion; “and He had not form or beauty, but His face cast down, and His posture unseemly.”62    Is. liii. 2. [See R.V.] Yet from this unseemliness of your Redeemer flowed the price of your beauty, but of a beauty within, for “all the beauty of the King’s daughter is within.”63    Ps. lxv. 13. [See R.V.] By this beauty please ye Him, this beauty order ye with studious care and anxious thought. He loves not dyes of deceits; the Truth delighteth in things that are true, and He, if you recognize what you have read, is called the Truth. “I am,” saith He, “the Way, and the Truth, and the Life.”64    John xiv. 6 Run ye to Him through Him, please ye Him of Him; live ye with Him, in Him, of Him. With true affections and holiest chastity love ye to be loved by such a Husband.


23. Exhortatur ad viduitatis bonum. Ut tota intentio Julianae viduae sit ad placendum Deo. Demetriadis virginis aviaeque ipsius, perinde atque matris, vult esse unum studium Deo placendi. Si ergo nondum Deo vovisses continentiam vidualem, exhortaremur profecto ut voveres: quia vero jam vovisti, exhortamur ut perseveres. Talia mihi tamen video esse dicenda, quibus eam diligant et arripiant et quae adhuc nubere cogitabant. Aurem igitur inclinemus Apostolo: Quae innupta est, inquit, sollicita est ea quae sunt Domini, ut sit sancta et corpore et spiritu; quae autem nupta est, sollicita est quae sunt mundi, quomodo placeat viro (I Cor. VII, 34). Non ait, Sollicita est ea quae sunt mundi, ut sancta non sit: sed certe minor est ea conjugalis sanctitas , ex ea parte curarum qua mundana cogitatur voluptas. Quidquid itaque intentionis animi etiam his rebus impenderetur quibus placendum esset viro, colligere quodam modo et redigere debet innupta christiana in eam intentionem qua placendum est Domino. Et vide cui placeat, quae Domino placet: et utique tanto est beatior, quanto plus placet ei; quanto autem magis cogitat ea quae sunt mundi, tanto minus placet. Placete itaque tota intentione specioso forma prae filiis hominum. Ejus enim gratia illi placetis, quae diffusa est in labiis ejus. Placete illi ea quoque parte cogitationis, quae occuparetur mundo, ut placeretur viro. Placete illi qui displicuit mundo, ut placentes ei liberarentur ex mundo. Hunc enim speciosum forma prae filiis hominum viderunt homines in cruce passionis; et non habuit speciem neque decorem, sed facies ejus abjecta, et deformis positio ejus (Isai. LIII, 3). Ex hac tamen deformitate Redemptoris vestri, manavit pretium decoris vestri, sed decoris interioris. Omnis enim pulchritudo filiae regis intrinsecus (Psal. XLIV, 3, 14). Hac 0446 pulchritudine illi placete; hanc pulchritudinem studiosa cura et sollicita cogitatione componite. Non amat ille fallaciarum fucos: veris veritas delectatur; et ille, si quod legisti agnoscis, veritas vocatur. Ego sum, inquit, via, et veritas, et vita (Joan. XIV, 6). Currite ad illum per illum; placete illi ex illo; vivite cum illo, in illo, de illo. Affectibus veris et sanctissima castitate a viro tali amate amari.