on augustin’s forwarding to him what he calls his first book “on marriage and concupiscence.”

 On Marriage and Concupiscence,

 Chapter 1.—Concerning the Argument of This Treatise.

 Chapter 2. [II.]—Why This Treatise Was Addressed to Valerius.

 Chapter 3 [III.]—Conjugal Chastity the Gift of God.

 What, then, have we to say when conjugal chastity is discovered even in some unbelievers? Must it be said that they sin, in that they make a bad use o

 Chapter 5 [IV.]—The Natural Good of Marriage. All Society Naturally Repudiates a Fraudulent Companion. What is True Conjugal Purity? No True Virginity

 Chapter 6 [V.]—The Censuring of Lust is Not a Condemnation of Marriage Whence Comes Shame in the Human Body. Adam and Eve Were Not Created Blind Mea

 Chapter 7 [VI.]—Man’s Disobedience Justly Requited in the Rebellion of His Own Flesh The Blush of Shame for the Disobedient Members of the Body.

 Chapter 8 [VII.]—The Evil of Lust Does Not Take Away the Good of Marriage.

 Chapter 9 [VIII.]—This Disease of Concupiscence in Marriage is Not to Be a Matter of Will, But of Necessity What Ought to Be the Will of Believers in

 Chapter 10 [IX.]—Why It Was Sometimes Permitted that a Man Should Have Several Wives, Yet No Woman Was Ever Allowed to Have More Than One Husband. Nat

 Chapter 11 [X.]—The Sacrament of Marriage Marriage Indissoluble The World’s Law About Divorce Different from the Gospel’s.

 Chapter 12 [XI.]—Marriage Does Not Cancel a Mutual Vow of Continence There Was True Wedlock Between Mary and Joseph In What Way Joseph Was the Fathe

 Chapter 13.—In the Marriage of Mary and Joseph There Were All the Blessings of the Wedded State All that is Born of Concubinage is Sinful Flesh.

 [XII.] Only there was no nuptial cohabitation because He who was to be without sin, and was sent not in sinful flesh, but in the likeness of sinful f

 Chapter 14 [XIII.]—Before Christ It Was a Time for Marrying Since Christ It Has Been a Time for Continence.

 Chapter 15.—The Teaching of the Apostle on This Subject.

 Chapter 16 [XIV.]—A Certain Degree of Intemperance is to Be Tolerated in the Case of Married Persons The Use of Matrimony for the Mere Pleasure of Lu

 Chapter 17 [XV.]—What is Sinless in the Use of Matrimony? What is Attended With Venial Sin, and What with Mortal?

 Chapter 18 [XVI.]—Continence Better Than Marriage But Marriage Better Than Fornication.

 Chapter 19 [XVII.]—Blessing of Matrimony.

 Chapter 20 [XVIII]—Why Children of Wrath are Born of Holy Matrimony.

 Chapter 21 [XIX.]—Thus Sinners are Born of Righteous Parents, Even as Wild Olives Spring from the Olive.

 Chapter 22 [XX.]—Even Infants, When Unbaptized, are in the Power of the Devil Exorcism in the Case of Infants, and Renunciation of the Devil.

 Chapter 23 [XXI.]—Sin Has Not Arisen Out of the Goodness of Marriage The Sacrament of Matrimony a Great One in the Case of Christ and the Church—A Ve

 Chapter 24.—Lust and Shame Come from Sin The Law of Sin The Shamelessness of the Cynics.

 Chapter 25 [XXIII.]—Concupiscence in the Regenerate Without Consent is Not Sin In What Sense Concupiscence is Called Sin.

 Chapter 26.—Whatever is Born Through Concupiscence is Not Undeservedly in Subjection to the Devil by Reason of Sin The Devil Deserves Heavier Punishm

 Chapter 27 [XXIV.]—Through Lust Original Sin is Transmitted Venial Sins in Married Persons Concupiscence of the Flesh, the Daughter and Mother of Si

 Chapter 28 [XXV.]—Concupiscence Remains After Baptism, Just as Languor Does After Recovery from Disease Concupiscence is Diminished in Persons of Adv

 Chapter 29 [XXVI.]—How Concupiscence Remains in the Baptized in Act, When It Has Passed Away as to Its Guilt.

 Chapter 30 [XXVII.]—The Evil Desires of Concupiscence We Ought to Wish that They May Not Be.

 Chapter 31 [XXVIII.]—Who is the Man that Can Say, “It is No More I that Do It”?

 [XXIX.] That man, therefore, alone speaks the truth when he says, “It is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me,” who only feels the concup

 Chapter 32.—When Good Will Be Perfectly Done.

 Chapter 33 [XXX.]—True Freedom Comes with Willing Delight in God’s Law.

 Chapter 34.—How Concupiscence Made a Captive of the Apostle What the Law of Sin Was to the Apostle.

 Chapter 35 [XXXI.]—The Flesh, Carnal Affection.

 Chapter 36.—Even Now While We Still Have Concupiscence We May Be Safe in Christ.

 Chapter 37 [XXXII.]—The Law of Sin with Its Guilt in Unbaptized Infants. By Adam’s Sin the Human Race Has Become a “Wild Olive Tree.”

 Chapter 38 [XXXIII.]—To Baptism Must Be Referred All Remission of Sins, and the Complete Healing of the Resurrection. Daily Cleansing.

 Chapter 39 [XXXIV.]—By the Holiness of Baptism, Not Sins Only, But All Evils Whatsoever, Have to Be Removed. The Church is Not Yet Free from All Stain

 Chapter 40 [XXXV.]—Refutation of the Pelagians by the Authority of St. Ambrose, Whom They Quote to Show that the Desire of the Flesh is a Natural Good

 Book II

 Chapter 1 [I.]—Introductory Statement.

 Chapter 2 [II.]—In This and the Four Next Chapters He Adduces the Garbled Extracts He Has to Consider.

 Chapter 3.—The Same Continued.

 Chapter 4.—The Same Continued.

 Chapter 5.—The Same Continued.

 Chapter 6.—The Same Continued.

 Chapter 7 [III.]—Augustin Adduces a Passage Selected from the Preface of Julianus. (See “The Unfinished Work,” i. 73.)

 Chapter 8.—Augustin Refutes the Passage Adduced Above.

 Chapter 9.—The Catholics Maintain the Doctrine of Original Sin, and Thus are Far from Being Manicheans.

 Chapter 10 [IV.]—In What Manner the Adversary’s Cavils Must Be Refuted.

 Chapter 11.—The Devil the Author, Not of Nature, But Only of Sin.

 Chapter 12.—Eve’s Name Means Life, and is a Great Sacrament of the Church.

 Chapter 13.—The Pelagian Argument to Show that the Devil Has No Rights in the Fruits of Marriage.

 Chapter 14 [V.]—Concupiscence Alone, in Marriage, is Not of God.

 Chapter 15.—Man, by Birth, is Placed Under the Dominion of the Devil Through Sin We Were All One in Adam When He Sinned.

 Chapter 16 [VI.]—It is Not of Us, But Our Sins, that the Devil is the Author.

 Chapter 17 [VII.]—The Pelagians are Not Ashamed to Eulogize Concupiscence, Although They are Ashamed to Mention Its Name.

 Chapter 18.—The Same Continued.

 Chapter 19 [VIII.]—The Pelagians Misunderstand “Seed” In Scripture.

 Chapter 20.—Original Sin is Derived from the Faulty Condition of Human Seed.

 Chapter 21 [IX.]—It is the Good God That Gives Fruitfulness, and the Devil That Corrupts the Fruit.

 Chapter 22.—Shall We Be Ashamed of What We Do, or of What God Does?

 Chapter 23 [X.]—The Pelagians Affirm that God in the Case of Abraham and Sarah Aroused Concupiscence as a Gift from Heaven.

 Chapter 24 [XI.]—What Covenant of God the New-Born Babe Breaks. What Was the Value of Circumcision.

 Chapter 25 [XII.]—Augustin Not the Deviser of Original Sin.

 Chapter 26 [XIII.]—The Child in No Sense Formed by Concupiscence.

 Chapter 27.—The Pelagians Argue that God Sometimes Closes the Womb in Anger, and Opens It When Appeased.

 Chapter 28 [XIV.]—Augustin’s Answer to This Argument. Its Dealing with Scripture.

 Chapter 29.—The Same Continued. Augustin Also Asserts that God Forms Man at Birth.

 Chapter 30 [XV.]—The Case of Abimelech and His House Examined.

 Chapter 31 [XVI.]—Why God Proceeds to Create Human Beings, Who He Knows Will Be Born in Sin.

 Chapter 32 [XVII.]—God Not the Author of the Evil in Those Whom He Creates.

 Chapter 33 [XVIII.]—Though God Makes Us, We Perish Unless He Re-makes Us in Christ.

 Chapter 34 [XIX.]—The Pelagians Argue that Cohabitation Rightly Used is a Good, and What is Born from It is Good.

 Chapter 35 [XX.]—He Answers the Arguments of Julianus. What is the Natural Use of the Woman? What is the Unnatural Use?

 Chapter 36 [XXI.]—God Made Nature Good: the Saviour Restores It When Corrupted.

 Chapter 37 [XXII.]—If There is No Marriage Without Cohabitation, So There is No Cohabitation Without Shame.

 Chapter 38 [XXIII.]—Jovinian Used Formerly to Call Catholics Manicheans The Arians Also Used to Call Catholics Sabellians.

 Chapter 39 [XXIV.]—Man Born of Whatever Parentage is Sinful and Capable of Redemption.

 Chapter 40 [XXV.]—Augustin Declines the Dilemma Offered Him.

 Chapter 41 [XXVI.]—The Pelagians Argue that Original Sin Cannot Come Through Marriage If Marriage is Good.

 Chapter 42.—The Pelagians Try to Get Rid of Original Sin by Their Praise of God’s Works Marriage, in Its Nature and by Its Institution, is Not the Ca

 Chapter 43.—The Good Tree in the Gospel that Cannot Bring Forth Evil Fruit, Does Not Mean Marriage.

 Chapter 44 [XXVII.]—The Pelagians Argue that If Sin Comes by Birth, All Married People Deserve Condemnation.

 Chapter 45.—Answer to This Argument: The Apostle Says We All Sinned in One.

 Chapter 46.—The Reign of Death, What It Is The Figure of the Future Adam How All Men are Justified Through Christ.

 Chapter 47.—The Scriptures Repeatedly Teach Us that All Sin in One.

 [XXVIII.] What means this passage of his: “He sins not who is born he sins not who begat him He sins not who created him. Amidst these intrenchments

 Chapter 48.—Original Sin Arose from Adam’s Depraved Will. Whence the Corrupt Will Sprang.

 Chapter 49 [XXIX.]—In Infants Nature is of God, and the Corruption of Nature of the Devil.

 Chapter 50.—The Rise and Origin of Evil. The Exorcism and Exsufflation of Infants, a Primitive Christian Rite.

 Chapter 51.—To Call Those that Teach Original Sin Manicheans is to Accuse Ambrose, Cyprian, and the Whole Church.

 Chapter 52 [XXX.]—Sin Was the Origin of All Shameful Concupiscence.

 Chapter 53 [XXXI.]—Concupiscence Need Not Have Been Necessary for Fruitfulness.

 Chapter 54 [XXXII.]—How Marriage is Now Different Since the Existence of Sin.

 Chapter 55 [XXXIII.]—Lust is a Disease The Word “Passion” In the Ecclesiastical Sense.

 Chapter 56.—The Pelagians Allow that Christ Died Even for Infants Julianus Slays Himself with His Own Sword.

 Chapter 57 [XXXIV.]—The Great Sin of the First Man.

 Chapter 58.—Adam’s Sin is Derived from Him to Every One Who is Born Even of Regenerate Parents The Example of the Olive Tree and the Wild Olive.

 Chapter 59 [XXXV.]—The Pelagians Can Hardly Venture to Place Concupiscence in Paradise Before the Commission of Sin.

 Chapter 60.—Let Not the Pelagians Indulge Themselves in a Cruel Defence of Infants.

Chapter 15.—Man, by Birth, is Placed Under the Dominion of the Devil Through Sin; We Were All One in Adam When He Sinned.

He then proceeds to ask: “Why, then, are they in the devil’s power whom God created?” And he finds an answer to his own question apparently from a phrase of mine. “Because of sin,” says he, “not because of nature.” Then framing his answer in reference to mine, he says: “But as there cannot be offspring without the sexes, so there cannot be sin without the will.” Yes, indeed, such is the truth. For even as “by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; so also has death passed through to all men, for in him all have sinned.”173    Rom. v. 12. By the evil will of that one man all sinned in him, since all were that one man, from whom, therefore, they individually derived original sin. “For you allege,” says he, “that the reason why they are in the devil’s power is because they are born of the union of the two sexes.” I plainly aver that it is by reason of transgression that they are in the devil’s power, and that their participation, moreover, of this transgression is due to the circumstance that they are born of the said union of the sexes, which cannot even accomplish its own honourable function without the incident of shameful lust. This has also, in fact, been said by Ambrose, of most blessed memory, bishop of the church in Milan, when he gives as the reason why Christ’s birth in the flesh was free from all sinful fault, that His conception was not the result of a union of the two sexes; whereas there is not one among human beings conceived in such union who is without sin. These are his precise words: “On that account, and being man, He was tried by every sort of temptation, and in the likeness of man He bore them all; inasmuch, however, as He was born of the Spirit, He abstained from all sin. For every man is a liar, and none is without sin, but God only. It has accordingly,” adds he, “been constantly observed, that clearly no one who is born of a man and a woman, that is to say, through the union of their bodies, is free from sin; for whoever is free from sin is free also from conception of this kind.”174    Ambrose On Isaiah; see also his Epistle (81) to Siricius. Well now, will you dare, ye disciples of Pelagius and Cœlestius, to call this man a Manichean? as the heretic Jovinian did, when the holy bishop maintained the permanent virginity of the blessed Mary even after child-bearing, in opposition to this man’s impiety. If, however, you do not dare to call him a Manichean, why do you call us Manicheans when we defend the catholic faith in the self-same cause and with the self same opinions? But if you will taunt that most faithful man with having entertained Manichean error in this matter, there is no help for it, you must enjoy your taunts as best you may, and so fill up Jovinian’s measure more fully; as for ourselves, we can patiently endure along with such a man of God your taunts and jibes. And yet your heresiarch Pelagius commends Ambrose’s faith and extreme purity in the knowledge of the Scriptures so greatly, as to declare that not even an enemy could venture to find fault with him. Observe, then, to what length you have gone, and refrain from following any further in the audacious steps of Jovinian. And yet that man, although by his excessive commendation of marriage he put it on a par with holy virginity, never denied the necessity of Christ to save those who are born of marriage even fresh from their mother’s womb, and to redeem them from the power of the devil. This, however, you deny; and because we oppose you in defence of those who cannot yet speak for themselves, and in defence of the very foundations of the catholic faith, you taunt us, with being Manicheans. But let us now see what comes next.

15. Sed adjungit, et dicit: «Per quid igitur sub diabolo sunt, quos Deus fecit?» Sibique veluti ex nostra voce respondet: «Per peccatum,» inquit, «non per naturam.» Deinde nostrae responsioni suam referens: «Sed ut non potest,» inquit, «sine sexibus esse fetus, ita nec sine voluntate delictum.» Ita vero, ita est. Sic enim per unum hominem peccatum intravit in mundum, et per peccatum mors; et ita in omnes homines pertransiit, in quo omnes peccaverunt (Rom. V, 12). Per unius illius voluntatem malam omnes in eo peccaverunt, quando omnes ille unus fuerunt, de quo propterea singuli peccatum originale traxerunt. «Dicis enim,» inquit, «ideo illos esse sub diabolo, quia de sexus utriusque commixtione nascuntur.» Dico plane, propter delictum eos esse sub diabolo: ideo autem expertes non esse delicti, quia de illa commixtione sunt nati, quae sine pudenda libidine non potest etiam quod honestum est operari. Dixit hoc etiam beatissimae memoriae Ambrosius Ecclesiae Mediolanensis episcopus, cum Christi carnalem nativitatem ideo diceret expertem esse delicti, quia conceptus ejus utriusque sexus commixtionis est expers; nullum autem hominum esse sine delicto, qui de illa commixtione conceptus sit. Nam ejus verba ista sunt: «Ideo,» inquit, «et quasi homo per universa tentatus est, et 0445 in similitudine hominum cuncta sustinuit: sed quasi de spiritu natus, abstinuit a peccato (Hebr. IV, 15). Omnis enim homo mendax (Psal. CXV, 2), et nemo sine peccato, nisi unus Deus. Servatum est igitur,» inquit, «ut ex viro et muliere, id est, per illam corporum commixtionem nemo videatur expers esse delicti. Qui autem expers est delicti, expers est etiam hujusmodi conceptionis .» Numquid etiam istum, o Pelagiani et Coelestiani, audebitis dicere Manichaeum? quod eum dicebat esse Jovinianus haereticus, contra cujus impietatem vir ille sanctus etiam post partum permanentem virginitatem sanctae Mariae defendebat. Si ergo illum Manichaeum dicere non audetis; nos cum in eadem causa, eadem sententia fidem catholicam defendamus, cur dicitis Manichaeos? Aut si et illum fidelissimum virum hoc secundum Manichaeos sapuisse jactatis, jactate, jactate, ut mensuram Joviniani perfectius impleatis: nos cum illo homine Dei patienter vestra maledicta et convicia sustinemus. Et tamen haeresiarches vester Pelagius fidem et purissimum in Scripturis sensum sic laudat Ambrosii, ut dicat, ne inimicum quidem ausum esse reprehendere. Quo ergo progressi fueritis attendite, et vos ab ausibus Joviniani tandem aliquando cohibete. Quamvis ille nimis laudando nuptias, sanctae illas virginitati adaequavit; et tamen nuptiarum fructibus ab utero etiam recentibus Christum salvatorem et de potestate diaboli redemptorem necessarium non negavit: quod vos negatis; et quia vobis pro eorum salute, qui nondum pro se loqui possunt, et pro fidei catholicae fundamentis resistimus, Manichaeos nos esse jactatis. Sed jam sequentia videamus.