The Great Catechism.

 Chapter I.

 Chapter II.

 Chapter III.

 Chapter IV.

 Chapter V.

 Chapter VI.

 Chapter VII.

 Chapter VIII.

 Chapter IX.

 Chapter X.

 Chapter XI.

 Chapter XII.

 Chapter XIII.

 Chapter XIV.

 Chapter XV.

 Chapter XVI.

 Chapter XVII.

 Chapter XVIII.

 Chapter XIX.

 Chapter XX.

 Chapter XXI.

 Chapter XXII.

 Chapter XXIII.

 Chapter XXIV.

 Chapter XXV.

 Chapter XXVI.

 Chapter XXVII.

 Chapter XXVIII.

 Chapter XXIX.

 Chapter XXX.

 Chapter XXXI.

 Chapter XXXII.

 Chapter XXXIII.

 Chapter XXXIV.

 Chapter XXXV.

 Chapter XXXVI.

 Chapter XXXVII.

 Chapter XXXVIII.

 Chapter XXXIX.

 Chapter XL.

Chapter XXXVI.

For common sense as well as the teaching of Scripture shows that it is impossible for one who has not thoroughly cleansed himself from all the stains arising from evil to be admitted amongst the heavenly company. This is a thing which, though little in itself, is the beginning and foundation of great blessings. I call it little on account of the facility of the means of amendment. For what difficulty is there in this matter? viz. to believe that God is everywhere, and that being in all things He is also present with those who call upon Him for His life-supporting power, and that, thus present, He does that which properly belongs to Him to do. Now, the work properly belonging to the Divine energy is the salvation of those who need it; and this salvation proves effectual101    S. John iii. 5 by means of the cleansing in the water; and he that has been so cleansed will participate in Purity; and true Purity is Deity. You see, then, how small a thing it is in its beginning, and how easily effected; I mean, faith and water; the first residing within the will, the latter being the nursery companion of the life of man. But as to the blessing which springs from these two things, oh! how great and how wonderful it is, that it should imply relationship with Deity itself!

[36] Μὴ γὰρ εἶναι δυνατὸν ὅ τε κοινὸς δείκνυσι λόγος καὶ ἡ τῶν γραφῶν διδασκαλία ἐντὸς τοῦ θείου γενέσθαι χοροῦ τὸν μὴ καθαρῶς πάντας τοὺς ἐκ κακίας σπίλους ἀπορρυψάμενον. τοῦτό ἐστιν ὃ μικρὸν ὂν καθ' ἑαυτὸ μεγάλων ἀγαθῶν ἀρχή τε καὶ ὑπόθεσις γίνεται. μικρὸν δέ φημι τῇ εὐκολίᾳ τοῦ κατορθώματος. τίς γὰρ πάρεστι πόνος τῷ πράγματι, πιστεῦσαι πανταχοῦ τὸν θεὸν εἶναι, ἐν πᾶσι δὲ ὄντα, παρεῖναι καὶ τοῖς ἐπικαλουμένοις τὴν ζωτικὴν αὐτοῦ δύναμιν, παρόντα δὲ τὸ οἰκεῖον ποιεῖν; ἴδιον δὲ τῆς θείας ἐνεργείας ἡ τῶν δεομένων ἐστὶ σωτηρία. αὕτη δὲ διὰ τῆς ἐν ὕδατι καθάρσεως ἐνεργὸς γίνεται. ὁ δὲ καθαρθεὶς ἐν μετουσίᾳ τῆς καθαρότητος ἔσται, τὸ δὲ ἀληθῶς καθαρὸν ἡ θεότης ἐστίν. ὁρᾷς ὅπως μικρόν τι τὸ κατὰ τὴν ἀρχήν ἐστι καὶ εὐκατόρθωτον, πίστις καὶ ὕδωρ, ἡ μὲν ἐντὸς τῆς προαιρέσεως ἡμῶν ἀποκειμένη, τὸ δὲ σύντροφον τῇ ἀνθρωπίνῃ ζωῇ. ἀλλὰ τὸ ἐκ τούτων ἀναφυόμενον ἀγαθὸν ὅσον καὶ οἷον, ὡς πρὸς αὐτὸ τὸ θεῖον ἔχειν τὴν οἰκειότητα.