Lives of the Eminent Philosophers
Book I .
Of songs still sung these verses belong to him:
Here too are certain current apophthegms assigned to him:
I may also cite one of my own, from my first book, Epigrams in Various Metres
Solon inserted one of his own:
That he foresaw the tyranny of Pisistratus is proved by a passage from a poem of his:
Of the songs sung this is attributed to Solon:
The inscription on his statue runs thus:
His apophthegm is: Give a pledge, and suffer for it. A short letter is also ascribed to him.
To him belongs the apophthegm, Know thine opportunity.
and Hipponax thus: More powerful in pleading causes than Bias of Priene.
For this earns most gratitude the headstrong spirit often flashes forth with harmful bane.
His apophthegm was: Moderation is best. And he wrote to Solon the following letter:
There is also an epigram of my own in the Pherecratean metre:
Book II .
I also have written an epigram upon him:
And again he calls Euripides an engine riveted by Socrates. And Callias in The Captives :
This disdainful, lofty spirit of his is also noticed by Aristophanes when he says:
There is another on the circumstances of his death:
Aristippus, however, put on the dress and, as he was about to dance, was ready with the repartee:
The pun upon καινοῦ (new) and καὶ νοῦ (mind as well) recurs vi. 3.
Book III
Moreover, there are verses of Timon which refer to Plato:
Then there is Timon who puns on his name thus:
And Alexis in the Olympiodorus :
Anaxilas, again, in the Botrylion Circe Rich Women
This, they say, was actually inscribed upon his tomb at Syracuse.
There are some who say that the study of philosophy had its beginning among the barbarians. They urge that the Persians have had their Magi, the Babylonians or Assyrians their Chaldaeans, and the Indians their Gymnosophists; and among the Celts and Gauls there are the people called Druids or Holy Ones, for which they cite as authorities the Magicus of Aristotle and Sotion in the twenty-third 1 book of his Succession of Philosophers. Also they say that Mochus was a Phoenician, Zamolxis a Thracian, and Atlas a Libyan.
If we may believe the Egyptians, Hephaestus was the son of the Nile, and with him philosophy began, priests and prophets being its chief exponents. Hephaestus lived 48,863 years before Alexander of Macedon, and in the interval there occurred 373 solar and 832 lunar eclipses. The date of the Magians, beginning with Zoroaster the Persian, was 5000 years before the fall of Troy, as given by Hermodorus the Platonist in his work on mathematics; but Xanthus the Lydian reckons 6000 years from Zoroaster to the expedition of Xerxes, and after that event he places a long line of Magians in succession, bearing the names of Ostanas, Astrampsychos, Gobryas, and Pazatas, down to the conquest of Persia by Alexander.
These authors forget that the achievements which they attribute to the barbarians belong to the Greeks, with whom not merely philosophy but the human race itself began. For instance, Musaeus is claimed by Athens, Linus by Thebes. It is said that the former, the son of Eumolpus, was the first to compose a genealogy of the gods and to construct a sphere, and that he maintained that all things proceed from unity and are resolved again into unity. He died at Phalerum, and this is his epitaph: 2
Musaeus, to his sire Eumolpus dear,
In Phalerean soil lies buried here;
and the Eumolpidae at Athens get their name from the father of Musaeus.
Linus again was (so it is said) the son of Hermes and the Muse Urania. He composed a poem describing the creation of the world, the courses of the sun and moon, and the growth of animals and plants. His poem begins with the line:
Time was when all things grew up at once;