The Epistle of Ignatius to the Antiochians
Chapter I.—Cautions against error.
Chapter II.—The true doctrine respecting God and Christ.
Chapter III.—The same continued.
Chapter V.—Denunciation of false teachers.
Chapter VII.—Exhortation to consistency of conduct.
Chapter VIII.—Exhortations to the presbyters and others.
Chapter IX.—Duties of husbands, wives, parents, and children.
Chapter X.—Duties of masters and servants.
Chapter XI.—Inculcation of various moral duties.
These things I write to you, thou new olive-tree of Christ, not that I am aware you hold any such opinions, but that I may put you on your guard, as a father does his children. Beware, therefore, of those that hasten to work mischief, those “enemies of the cross of Christ, whose end is destruction, whose glory is in their shame.”26 Phil. iii. 18, 19. Beware of those “dumb dogs,” those trailing serpents, those scaly27 The text is here doubtful. dragons, those asps, and basilisks, and scorpions. For these are subtle wolves,28 Literally, “fox-like thoes,” lynxes being perhaps intended. and apes that mimic the appearance of men.