The Epistle of Ignatius to the Antiochians

 Chapter I.—Cautions against error.

 Chapter II.—The true doctrine respecting God and Christ.

 Chapter III.—The same continued.

 Chapter IV.—Continuation.

 Chapter V.—Denunciation of false teachers.

 Chapter VI.—Renewed cautions.

 Chapter VII.—Exhortation to consistency of conduct.

 Chapter VIII.—Exhortations to the presbyters and others.

 Chapter IX.—Duties of husbands, wives, parents, and children.

 Chapter X.—Duties of masters and servants.

 Chapter XI.—Inculcation of various moral duties.

 Chapter XII.—Salutations.

 Chapter XIII.—Salutations continued.

 Chapter XIV.—Conclusion.

Chapter XII.—Salutations.

I salute the holy presbytery. I salute the sacred deacons, and that person most dear to me,44 Literally, “the name desirable to me,” referring to Hero the deacon. whom may I behold, through the Holy Spirit, occupying my place when I shall attain to Christ. My soul be in place of his. I salute the sub-deacons, the readers, the singers, the doorkeepers, the labourers,45 A class of persons connected with the Church, whose duty it was to bury the bodies of the martyrs and others. the exorcists, the confessors.46 Such as voluntarily confessed Christ before Gentile rulers. I salute the keepers of the holy gates, the deaconesses in Christ. I salute the virgins betrothed to Christ, of whom may I have joy in the Lord Jesus.47 Some insert here a clause referring to widows. I salute the people of the Lord, from the smallest to the greatest, and all my sisters in the Lord.