Council of Basel
SESSION 1 14 December 1431
SESSION 2 15 February 1432
SESSION 3 29 April 1432
SESSION 4 20 June 1432
SESSION 5 9 August 1432
SESSION 6 6 September 1432
SESSION 7 6 November 1432 [Interval for a papal election]
SESSION 8 18 December 1432
SESSION 9 22 January 1433
SESSION 10 19 February 1433
SESSION 11 27 April 1433
SESSION 12 13 July 1433
SESSION 13 11 September 1433
SESSION 14 7 November 1433
SESSION 15 26 November 1433
SESSION 16 5 February 1434
SESSION 17 26 April 1434
SESSION 1 8 26 June 1434
SESSION 19 7 September 1434
SESSION 20 22 January 1435
SESSION 21 9 June 1435
SESSION 22 15 October 1435
SESSION 23 26 March 1436
SESSION 24 14 April 1436
SESSION 25 7 May 1437
SESSION 1 8 January 1438
SESSION 2 10 January 1438 [On the legitimate continuation of the council of Ferrara, against the assembly at Basel]
SESSION 31 15 February 1438
SESSION 42 9 April 1438
SESSION 5' 10 January 1439
SESSION 6 6 July 1439
SESSION 7 4 September 1439
SESSION 8 22 November 1439 [Bull of union with the Armenians]
SESSION 9 23 March 1440
SESSION 10 27 May 1440
SESSION 11 4 February 1442
SESSION 12 14 October 1443
SESSION 13 30 November 1444
SESSION 14 7 August 1445
[This session was devoted to reading: Petition of the promoters of the council against the pope and the cardinals. ]