The Epistle of Cyril to Nestorius.
The Epistle of Cyril to Nestorius with the XII. Anathematisms.
The XII. Anathematisms of St. Cyril Against…
The XII. Anathematisms of St. Cyril Against Nestorius.
Excursus on the Word Θεοτόκος .
Excursus on How Our Lord Worked Miracles.
Decree of the Council Against Nestorius.
The Letter of Pope Cœlestine to the Synod of Ephesus.
The Canons of the Two Hundred Holy and Blessed…
The Canons of the Two Hundred Holy and Blessed Fathers Who Met at Ephesus.
Excursus on the Conciliabulum of John of Antioch.
Excursus on the Words πίστιν ἑπέραν
The Letter of the Synod to Pope Celestine.
Whosoever shall not recognize that the Word of God suffered in the flesh, that he was crucified in the flesh, and that likewise in that same flesh he tasted death and that he is become the first-begotten of the dead, for, as he is God, he is the life and it is he that giveth life: let him be anathema.
If any one, in confessing the sufferings of the flesh, ascribes these also to the Word of God as to the flesh in which he appeared, and thus does not distinguish the dignity of the natures; let him be anathema.
St. Cyril.
( Adv. Orientales , ad XII. Quoting Athanasius.)
For if the body is of another, to him also must the sufferings be ascribed. But if the flesh is the Word’s (for “The Word was made flesh”) it is necessary that the sufferings of the flesh be called his also whose is the flesh. But whose are the sufferings, such especially as condemnation, flagellation, thirst, the cross, death, and other such like infirmities of the body, his also is the merit and the grace. Therefore rightly and properly to none other are these sufferings attributed than to the Lord, as also the grace is from him; and we shall not be guilty of idolatry, but be the true worshippers of God, for we invoke him who is no creature nor any common man, but the natural and true Son of God, made man, and yet the same Lord and God and Saviour.
As I think, these quotations will suffice to the learned for the proof of the propositions advanced, the Divine Law plainly saying that “In the mouth of two or three witnesses every word shall be established.” But if after this any one would still seem to be contentious, we would say to him: “Go thine own way. We however shall follow the divine Scriptures and the faith of the Holy Fathers.”
The student should read at full length all Cyril’s defence of his anathematisms, also his answers to the criticisms of Theodoret, and to those of the Orientals, all of which will be found in his works, and in Labbe and Cossart, Concilia , Tom. III., 811 et seqq .