X. “If thou wilt be perfect.”11 Matt. xix. 21. Consequently he was not yet perfect. For nothing is more perfect than what is perfect. And divinely the expression “if thou wilt” showed the self-determination of the soul holding converse with Him. For choice depended on the man as being free; but the gift on God as the Lord. And He gives to those who are willing and are exceedingly earnest, and ask, that so their salvation may become their own. For God compels not (for compulsion is repugnant to God), but supplies to those who seek, and bestows on those who ask, and opens to those who knock. If thou wilt, then, if thou really willest, and art not deceiving thyself, acquire what thou lackest. One thing is lacking thee,—the one thing which abides, the good, that which is now above the law, which the law gives not, which the law contains not, which is the prerogative of those who live. He forsooth who had fulfilled all the demands of the law from his youth, and had gloried in what was magnificent, was not able to complete the whole12 The reading of the ms. is πραθῆναι, which is corrupt. We have changed it into περιθεῖναι. Various other emendations have been proposed. Perhaps it should be προσθεῖναι, “to add.” with this one thing which was specially required by the Saviour, so as to receive the eternal life which he desired. But he departed displeased, vexed at the commandment of the life, on account of which he supplicated. For he did not truly wish life, as he averred, but aimed at the mere reputation of the good choice. And he was capable of busying himself about many things; but the one thing, the work of life, he was powerless, and disinclined, and unable to accomplish. Such also was what the Lord said to Martha, who was occupied with many things, and distracted and troubled with serving; while she blamed her sister, because, leaving serving, she set herself at His feet, devoting her time to learning: “Thou art troubled about many things, but Mary hath chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her.”13 Luke x. 41, 42. So also He bade him leave his busy life, and cleave to One and adhere to the grace of Him who offered everlasting life.
10.1 "Εἰ θέλεις τέλειος γενέσθαι." οὐκ ἄρα πω τέλειος ἦν· οὐδὲν γὰρ τελείου τελειότερον. καὶ θείως τὸ "εἰ θέλεις" τὸ αὐτεξούσιον τῆς προσδιαλεγομένης αὐτῷ ψυχῆς ἐδήλωσεν. ἐπὶ τῷ ἀνθρώπῳ γὰρ ἦν 10.2 ἡ αἵρεσις ὡς ἐλευθέρῳ, ἐπὶ θεῷ δὲ ἡ δόσις ὡς κυρίῳ. δίδωσι δὲ βουλομένοις καὶ ὑπερεσπουδακόσι καὶ δεομένοις, ἵν' οὕτως ἴδιον αὐτῶν ἡ σωτηρία γένηται. οὐ γὰρ ἀναγκάζει ὁ θεός, βία γὰρ ἐχθρὸν θεῷ, ἀλλὰ τοῖς ζητοῦσι πορίζει καὶ τοῖς αἰτοῦσι παρέχει καὶ τοῖς 10.3 κρούουσιν ἀνοίγει. εἰ θέλεις οὖν, εἰ ὄντως θέλεις καὶ μὴ ἑαυτὸν ἐξαπατᾷς, κτῆσαι τὸ ἐνδέον. "ἕν σοι λείπει", τὸ ἕν, τὸ ἐμόν, τὸ ἀγαθόν, τὸ ἤδη ὑπὲρ νόμον, ὅπερ νόμος οὐ δίδωσιν, ὅπερ νόμος οὐ 10.4 χωρεῖ, ὃ τῶν ζώντων ἴδιόν ἐστιν. ἀμέλει ὁ πάντα τὰ τοῦ νόμου πληρώσας "ἐκ νεότητος" καὶ τὰ ὑπέρογκα φρυαξάμενος τὸ ἓν τοῦτο προσθεῖναι τοῖς ὅλοις οὐ δεδύνηται, τὸ τοῦ σωτῆρος ἐξαίρετον, ἵνα λάβῃ ζωὴν αἰώνιον, ἣν ποθεῖ· ἀλλὰ δυσχεράνας ἀπῆλθεν, ἀχθεσθεὶς 10.5 τῷ παραγγέλματι τῆς ζωῆς, ὑπὲρ ἧς ἱκέτευεν. οὐ γὰρ ἀληθῶς ζωὴν ἤθελεν, ὡς ἔφασκεν, ἀλλὰ δόξαν προαιρέσεως ἀγαθῆς μόνην περι εβάλλετο, καὶ περὶ πολλὰ μὲν οἷός τε ἦν ἀσχολεῖσθαι, τὸ δὲ ἕν, τὸ τῆς ζωῆς ἔργον, ἀδύνατος καὶ ἀπρόθυμος καὶ ἀσθενὴς ἐκτελεῖν· 10.6 ὁποῖόν τι καὶ πρὸς τὴν Μάρθαν εἶπεν ὁ σωτὴρ ἀσχολουμένην περὶ πολλὰ καὶ περιελκομένην καὶ ταρασσομένην διακονικῶς, τὴν δὲ ἀδελ φὴν αἰτιωμένην, ὅτι τὸ ὑπηρετεῖν ἀπολιποῦσα τοῖς ποσὶν αὐτοῦ παρακάθηται μαθητικὴν ἄγουσα σχολήν· "σὺ περὶ πολλὰ ταράσσῃ· Μαρία δὲ τὴν ἀγαθὴν μερίδα ἐξελέξατο, καὶ οὐκ ἀφαιρεθήσεται αὐτῆς." 10.7 οὕτως καὶ τοῦτον ἐκέλευε τῆς πολυπραγμοσύνης ἀφέμενον ἑνὶ προσ τετηκέναι καὶ προσκαθέζεσθαι, τῇ χάριτι τοῦ ζωὴν αἰώνιον προστι θέντος.