Chapter 14.
And on the third day after the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, the most blessed Mary went forth out of the cave, and entering a stable, placed the child in the stall, and the ox and the ass adored Him. Then was fulfilled that which was said by Isaiah the prophet, saying: The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master’s crib.33 Isa. i. 3. The very animals, therefore, the ox and the ass, having Him in their midst, incessantly adored Him. Then was fulfilled that which was said by Abacuc the prophet, saying:34 Hab. iii. 2, according to the LXX. reading, שְׁנַיִם תִיִיס two living creatures, for שָׁנִיִם תַיַיוּ years make alive. Between two animals thou art made manifest. In the same place Joseph remained with Mary three days.