The Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew.

 The Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew.

 In those days there was a man in Jerusalem, Joachim by name, of the tribe of Judah. He was the shepherd of his own sheep, fearing the Lord in integrit

 Chapter 2.

 Chapter 3.

 Chapter 4.

 Chapter 5.

 Chapter 6.

 Chapter 7.

 Chapter 8.

 Chapter 9.

 Chapter 10.

 Chapter 11.

 Chapter 12.

 Chapter 13.

 Chapter 14.

 Chapter 15.

 Chapter 16.

 Chapter 17.

 Chapter 18.

 Chapter 19.

 Chapter 20.

 Chapter 21.

 Chapter 22.

 Chapter 23.

 Chapter 24.

 Chapter 25.

 Chapter 26.

 Chapter 27.

 Chapter 28.

 Chapter 29.

 Chapter 30.

 Chapter 31.

 Chapter 32.

 Chapter 33.

 Chapter 34.

 Chapter 35.

 Chapter 36.

 Chapter 37.

 Chapter 38.

 Chapter 39.

 Chapter 40.

 Chapter 41.

 Chapter 42.

Chapter 21.

And on the day after, when they were setting out thence, and in the hour in which they began their journey, Jesus turned to the palm, and said: This privilege I give thee, O palm tree, that one of thy branches be carried away by my angels, and planted in the paradise of my Father. And this blessing I will confer upon thee, that it shall be said of all who conquer in any contest, You have attained the palm of victory. And while He was thus speaking, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared, and stood upon the palm tree; and taking off one of its branches, flew to heaven with the branch in his hand. And when they saw this, they fell on their faces, and became as it were dead. And Jesus said to them: Why are your hearts possessed with fear? Do you not know that this palm, which I have caused to be transferred to paradise, shall be prepared for all the saints in the place of delights, as it has been prepared for us in this place of the wilderness? And they were filled with joy; and being strengthened, they all rose up.