Chapter XV.—Heretics Not to Be Allowed to Argue Out of the Scriptures. The Scriptures, in Fact, Do Not Belong to Them.173 [See Marcion, B. I. Cap. xxii. infra, note.]
We are therefore come to (the gist of) our position; for at this point we were aiming, and for this we were preparing in the preamble of our address (which we have just completed),—so that we may now join issue on the contention to which our adversaries challenge us. They put forward174 Obtendunt. the Scriptures, and by this insolence175 Audacia. of theirs they at once influence some. In the encounter itself, however, they weary the strong, they catch the weak, and dismiss waverers with a doubt. Accordingly, we oppose to them this step above all others, of not admitting them to any discussion of the Scriptures.176 De Scripturis. But as this preposition is often the sign of the instrument in Tertullian, this phrase may mean “out of,” or “by means of the Scriptures.” See the last chapter.
If in these lie their resources, before they can use them, it ought to be clearly seen to whom belongs the possession of the Scriptures, that none may be admitted to the use thereof who has no title at all to the privilege.
Porro ad propositum veniens Tertullianus, praescribit non admittendos haereticos ad ullam de Scripturis disputationem.
Sed ipsi de Scripturis agunt, et de Scripturis suadent. Aliunde scilicet loqui possent de rebus fidei, nisi ex literis fidei? Venimus igitur ad propositum: huc enim dirigebamus, et hoc praestruebamus allocutionis praefatione , ut jam hinc de eo congrediamur, de quo adversarii provocant. Scripturas obtendunt, et hac sua audacia 0028C statim quosdam movent; in ipso vero congressu firmos quidem fatigant, infirmos capiunt, medios cum 0029A scrupulo dimittunt. Hunc igitur potissimum gradum obstruimus, non admittendos eos ad ullam de Scripturis disputationem. Si hae sunt illae vires eorum, uti eas habere possint , dispici debet cui competat possessio Scripturarum, ne is admittatur ad eas, cui nullo modo competit.