Chapter IV.—Of the Hindrances Which an Unbelieving Husband Puts in His Wife’s Way.
But let her see to (the question) how she discharges her duties to her husband. To the Lord, at all events, she is unable to give satisfaction according to the requirements of discipline; having at her side a servant of the devil, his lord’s agent for hindering the pursuits and duties of believers: so that if a station133 For the meaning of “statio,” see de Or., c. xix. is to be kept, the husband at daybreak makes an appointment with his wife to meet him at the baths; if there are fasts to be observed, the husband that same day holds a convivial banquet; if a charitable expedition has to be made, never is family business more urgent. For who would suffer his wife, for the sake of visiting the brethren, to go round from street to street to other men’s, and indeed to all the poorer, cottages? Who will willingly bear her being taken from his side by nocturnal convocations, if need so be? Who, finally, will without anxiety endure her absence all the night long at the paschal solemnities? Who will, without some suspicion of his own, dismiss her to attend that Lord’s Supper which they defame? Who will suffer her to creep into prison to kiss a martyr’s bonds? nay, truly, to meet any one of the brethren to exchange the kiss? to offer water for the saints’ feet?134 1 Tim. v. 10. to snatch (somewhat for them) from her food, from her cup? to yearn (after them)? to have (them) in her mind? If a pilgrim brother arrive, what hospitality for him in an alien home? If bounty is to be distributed to any, the granaries, the storehouses, are foreclosed.
Sed viderit, qualiter viro officia pendat. Domino certe non potest pro disciplina satisfacere, habens in latere diaboli servum, procuratorem Domini sui ad impedienda fidelium studia et officia: ut si statio facienda est, maritus de die condicat ad balneas; si jejunia observanda sunt, maritus eadem die convivium exerceat; si procedendum erit, nunquam magis familiae occupatio obveniat. Quis enim sinat conjugem suam visitandorum fratrum 1294B gratia vicatim aliena et quidem pauperiora quaeque tuguria circuire? quis nocturnis convocationibus, si ita oportuerit, a latere suo adimi libenter feret? quis denique solemnibus Paschae abnoctantem securus sustinebit? quis ad convivium dominicum illud, quod infamant , sine sua suspicione dimittet? quis in carcerem ad osculanda vincula martyris reptare 1295A patietur? Jam vero alicui fratrum ad osculum convenire? aquam sanctorum pedibus offerre? de cibo, de poculo invadere, desiderare, in mente habere? Si et peregre frater adveniat, quod in aliena domo hospitium? si cui largiendum erit horreum, proma praeclusa sunt.