Chapter XVII.—Heretics, in Fact, Do Not Use, But Only Abuse, Scripture. No Common Ground Between Them and You.
Now this heresy of yours184 Ista hæresis. does not receive certain Scriptures; and whichever of them it does receive, it perverts by means of additions and diminutions, for the accomplishment of it own purpose; and such as it does receive, it receives not in their entirety; but even when it does receive any up to a certain point185 Aliquatenus. as entire, it nevertheless perverts even these by the contrivance of diverse interpretations. Truth is just as much opposed by an adulteration of its meaning as it is by a corruption of its text.186 Stilus. Their vain presumptions must needs refuse to acknowledge the (writings) whereby they are refuted. They rely on those which they have falsely put together, and which they have selected, because of187 “De” has often the sense of “propter” in our author. their ambiguity. Though most skilled188 Literally, “O most skilled.” in the Scriptures, you will make no progress,189 Quid promovebis. when everything which you maintain is denied on the other side, and whatever you deny is (by them) maintained. As for yourself, indeed, you will lose nothing but your breath, and gain nothing but vexation from their blasphemy.
Deinde quod nihil proficiat congressio Scripturarum; cum haereses quasdam non recipiant, et si quas recipiant, adjectionibus et detractionibus intervertant, aut 0030A non recipiant integras, et si aliquatenus integras, diversas expositiones comminiscantur.
Deinde, quoniam nihil proficiat congressio Scripturarum, nisi plane ut stomachi quis ineat eversionem, aut cerebri. Ista haeresis non recipit quasdam Scripturas: et si quas recipit, non recipit integras: adjectionibus et detractionibus ad dispositionem instituti sui intervertit: et si aliquatenus integras praestat, niholominus diversas expositiones commentata convertit. Tantum veritati obstrepit adulter sensus, quantum et corruptor stylus. Variae praesumptiones necessario nolunt agnoscere ea, per quae revincuntur ; his nituntur quae ex falso composuerunt, et quae de ambiguitate ceperunt . Quid promovebis, exercitatissime Scripturarum, cum si quid defenderis, negetur 0030B ex diverso, si quid negaveris, defendatur? Et tu quidem nihil perdes, nisi vocem in contentione; nihil consequeris, nisi bilem de blasphematione .