Origen's Commentary on Matthew.
From the First Book of the Commentary on Matthew.
From the Second Book of the Commentary on the Gospel According to Matthew.
3. The Shining of the Righteous. Its Interpretation.
5. The Field and the Treasure Interpreted.
7. The Parable of the Pearl of Great Price. The Formation and Difference of Pearls.
8. The Parable Interpreted is the Light of These Views.
9. Christ the Pearl of Great Price.
10. The Pearl of the Gospel in Relation to the Old Testament.
11. The Parable of the Drag-Net.
12. The Divine Scriptures Compared to a Net.
13. Relation of Men to Angels.
15. The Householder and His Treasury.
16. Parables in Relation to Similitudes. Jesus in His Own Country.
18. Prophets in Their Country.
19. Relation of Faith and Unbelief to the Supernatural Powers of Jesus.
20. Different Conceptions of John the Baptist.
22. The Dancing of Herodias. The Keeping of Oaths.
24. The Diverse Forms of Spiritual Sickness.
25. Healing Precedes Participation in the Loaves of Jesus.
2. Exposition of the Details of the Miracle.
3. The Exposition of Details Continued. The Sitting Down on the Grass. The Division into Companies.
4. The Multitudes and the Disciples Contrasted.
5. The Disciples in Conflict. Jesus Walks Upon the Waters.
6. Interpretation of the Details in the Narrative. Application Thereof to All Disciples.
7. The Healing of the Sick on the Other Side. The Method of Healing.
10. The Traditions of the Elders in Collision with Divine Law.
11. Exposition of the Prophecy of Isaiah Quoted by Jesus.
12. Things Clean and Unclean According to the Law and the Gospel.
13. The Offence of the Pharisees.
14. Why the Pharisees Were Not a Plant of God. Teaching of Origen on the “Bread of the Lord.”
15. Eating with Unwashed Heart Defiles the Man.
16. Concerning the Canaanitish Woman. Meaning of the “Borders of Tyre and Sidon.”
17. Exposition of the Details in the Narrative.
2. Why the Pharisees Asked a Sign from Heaven.
3. The Answer of Jesus to Their Request.
4. Why Jesus Called Them an Adulterous Generation. The Law as Husband.
5. Concerning the Leaven of the Pharisees.
6. The Meaning of Leaven. Jesus’ Knowledge of the Heart.
7. Relative Magnitude of Sins of the Heart and Actual Sins.
8. The Leaven Figurative Like the Water Spoken of by Jesus to the Woman of Samaria.
11. The Promise Given to Peter Not Restricted to Him, But Applicable to All Disciples Like Him.
12. Every Sin—Every False Doctrine is a “Gate of Hades.”
13. The “Gates of Hades” And the “Gates of Zion” Contrasted.
14. In What Sense the “Keys” Are Given to Peter, and Every Peter. Limitations of This Power.
16. Gradual Growth in Knowledge of the Disciples.
17. Reasons for that Gradual Knowledge.
18. Jesus Was at First Proclaimed by the Twelve as a Worker and a Teacher Only.
19. Importance of the Proclamation of Jesus as the Crucified.
20. Why Jesus Had to Go to Jerusalem.
21. The Rebuke of Peter and the Answer of Jesus.
22. Importance of the Expressions “Behind” And “Turned.”
23. Peter as a Stumbling-Block to Jesus.
24. Self-Denial and Cross-Bearing.
25. Reference to the Saying of Paul About Crucifixion with Christ.
26. The Less of Life And the Saving of It.
27. Life Lost to the World is Saved.
28. The Exchange for One’s Life.
29. The Coming of the Son of Man in Glory.
30. The Word Appears in Different Forms The Time of His Coming in Glory.
31. The Simpler Interpretation of the Promise About Not Tasting of Death.
33. Interpretation of “Tasting of Death.”
34. Meaning of “Until.” No Limitation of Promise.
35. Scriptural References to Death.
36. Concerning the Transfiguration of the Saviour.
37. Force of the Words “Before Them.”
38. The Garments White as the Light.
39. Jesus Was Transfigured—“As He Was Praying.”
40. Discussion of the Saying of Peter.
41. Figurative Interpretation of the Same.
42. The Meaning of the “Bright Cloud.”
43. Relation of Moses and Elijah to Jesus. The Injunction of Silence.
2. “The Spirit and Power of Elijah”—Not the Soul—Were in the Baptist.
6. Influence of the Moon and Stars on Men.
8. Jesus’ Prediction of His “Delivery” Into the Hands of Men.
9. Satan and the “Delivery” Of Jesus.
10. Concerning Those Who Demanded the Half-Shekel.
15. Greatness Varies in Degree.
16. Why the Great are Compared to Little Children.
17. The Little Ones and Their Stumbling-Blocks.
18. Who Was the Little Child Called by Jesus.
19. The Parallel Passages in Mark and Luke.
20. The World and Offences. Various Meanings of World.
21. The “Woe” Does Not Apply to the Disciples of Jesus.
22. What the “Occasions of Stumbling” Are.
23. In What Sense “Necessary.”
24. The Offending Hand, or Foot, or Eye.
25. The Eye or Hand Allegorized.
26. The Little Ones and Their Angels.
27. When the Little Ones are Assigned to Angels.
28. Close Relationship of Angels to Their “Little Ones.”
29. The Little Ones and the Perfect.
31. The Power to Bind on Earth and in Heaven.
2. The Harmony of Husband and Wife.
3. The Harmony of Body, Soul, and Spirit.
4. Harmony of the Old and New Covenants.
7. Exposition Continued: the King and the Servants.
8. The Principle of the Reckoning.
9. The Time Occupied by the Reckoning.
10. The Man Who Owed Many Talents.
11. The Servant Who Owed a Hundred Pence.
12. The Time of the Reckoning.
13. No Forgiveness to the Unforgiving.
14. How Jesus Finished His Words.
17. Union of Christ and the Church.
21. Union of Angels and the Souls of Men.
22. The Marriage of Church Dignitaries.
23. Some Laws Given by Concession to Human Weakness.
18. Prophets in Their Country.
“But Jesus said unto them, A prophet is not without honour, save in his own country.”123 Matt. xiii. 57. We must inquire whether the expression has the same force when applied universally to every prophet (as if each one of the prophets was dishonoured in his own country only, but not as if every one who was dishonoured was dishonoured in his country); or, because of the expression being singular, these things were said about one. If, then, these words are spoken about one, these things which have been said suffice, if we refer that which is written to the Saviour. But if it is general, it is not historically true; for Elijah did not suffer dishonour in Tishbeth of Gilead, nor Elisha in Abelmeholah, nor Samuel in Ramathaim, nor Jeremiah in Anathoth. But, figuratively interpreted, it is absolutely true; for we must think of Judæa as their country, and that famous Israel as their kindred, and perhaps of the body as the house. For all suffered dishonour in Judæa from the Israel which is according to the flesh, while they were yet in the body, as it is written in the Acts of the Apostles, as having been spoken in censure to the people, “Which of the prophets did not your fathers persecute, who showed before of the coming of the Righteous one?”124 Acts vii. 52. And by Paul in the First Epistle to the Thessalonians like things are said: “For ye brethren became imitators of the churches of God which are in Judæa in Christ Jesus, for ye also suffered the same things of your own countrymen even as they did of the Jews, who both killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and drave out us, and please not God, and are contrary to all men.”125 1 Thess. ii. 14, 15. A prophet, then, is not without honour among the Gentiles; for either they do not know him at all, or, having learned and received him as a prophet, they honour him. And such are those who are of the Church. Prophets suffer dishonour, first, when they are persecuted, according to historical fact, by the people, and, secondly, when their prophecy is not believed by the people. For if they had believed Moses and the prophets they would have believed Christ, who showed that when men believed Moses and the prophets, belief in Christ logically followed, and that when men did not believe Christ they did not believe Moses.126 John v. 46. Moreover, as by the transgression of the law he who sins is said to dishonour God, so by not believing in that which is prophesied the prophet is dishonoured by the man who disbelieves the prophecies. And so far as the literal truth is concerned, it is useful to recount what things Jeremiah suffered among the people in relation to which he said, “And I said, I will not speak, nor will I call upon the name of the Lord.”127 Jer. xx. 9. And again, elsewhere, “I was continually being mocked.”128 Jer. xx. 7. And how great sufferings he endured from the then king of Israel are written in his prophecy. And it is also written that some of the people often came to stone Moses to death; for his fatherland was not the stones of any place, but the people who followed him, among whom also he was dishonoured. And Isaiah is reported to have been sawn asunder by the people; and if any one does not accept the statement because of its being found in the Apocryphal Isaiah,129 Probably the Ascensio Isaiæ. Cf. Orig. Ep. ad Afric. c. 9. let him believe what is written thus in the Epistle to the Hebrews, “They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, they were tempted;”130 Heb. xi. 37. for the expression, “They were sawn asunder,” refers to Isaiah, just as the words, “They were slain with the sword,” refer to Zacharias, who was slain “between the sanctuary and the altar,”131 Matt. xxiii. 35. Cf. Orig. Ep. ad Afric. c. 9. as the Saviour taught, bearing testimony, as I think, to a Scripture, though not extant in the common and widely circulated books, but perhaps in apocryphal books. And they, too, were dishonoured in their own country among the Jews who went about “in sheep-skins, in goat-skins, being destitute, afflicted,” and so on;132 Heb. xi. 37. “For all that will to live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.”133 2 Tim. iii. 12. And probably because Paul knew this, “That a prophet has no honour in his own country,” though he preached the Word in many places he did not preach it in Tarsus. And the Apostles on this account left Israel and did that which had been enjoined on them by the Saviour, “Make disciples of all the nations,”134 Matt. xxviii. 19. and, “Ye shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem and in all Judæa and Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.”135 Acts i. 8. For they did that which had been commanded them in Judæa and Jerusalem; but, since a prophet has no honour in his own country, when the Jews did not receive the Word, they went away to the Gentiles. Consider, too, if, because of the fact that the saying, “I will pour forth of My Spirit upon all flesh, and they shall prophesy,”136 Joel ii. 28. has been fulfilled in the churches from the Gentiles, you can say that those formerly of the world and who by believing became no longer of the world, having received the Holy Spirit in their own country—that is, the world—and prophesying, have not honour, but are dishonoured. Wherefore blessed are they who suffer the same things as the prophets, according to what was said by the Saviour, “For in the same manner did their fathers unto the prophets.”137 Luke vi. 23. Now if any one who attends carefully to these things be hated and attacked, because of his living with rigorous austerity, and his reproof of sinners, as a man who is persecuted and reproached for the sake of righteousness, he will not only not be grieved, but will rejoice and be exceeding glad, being assured that, because of these things, he has great reward in heaven from Him who likened him to the prophets on the ground of his having suffered the same things. Therefore, he who zealously imitates the prophetic life, and attains to the spirit which was in them, must be dishonoured in the world, and in the eyes of sinners, to whom the life of the righteous man is a burden.