Introduction on the Date of the Council.
Note on the Text of the Canons.
The Canons of the Council of Sardica.
The Canons of the Council of Sardica.
Canon XVI.
Bishop Aëtius said: Ye are not ignorant how important and how large is the metropolitan city of Thessalonica. Accordingly presbyters and deacons often come to it from other provinces and, not content with staying a short time, remain and make it their permanent place of residence, or are compelled with difficulty and after a very long delay to return to their own churches. A decree should be made bearing on this matter.
Bishop Hosius said: Let those decrees which have been made in the case of bishops, be observed as to these persons also.
Bishop Aëtius said: Ye are not ignorant how large and important is the city of Thessalonica. Presbyters and deacons often come to it from other regions, and are not content to remain a short time, but either make their residence there or at least are with difficulty compelled to return after a long interval to their own place.
All said: Those limits of time which have been decreed in the case of bishops ought to be observed as to these persons also.
Ancient Epitome of Canon XVI.
What things have been decreed for bishops with regard to the length of their absence, applies also to presbyters and deacons.
Van Espen.
This canon needs no explanation.