The Holy Spirit gives life, not in a different way from the Father and the Son, nor by a different working.
29. And what wonder is it the Spirit works Life, Who quickens as does the Father and as does the Son? And who can deny that quickening is the work of the Eternal Majesty? For it is written: “Quicken Thy servant.”262 1 Cor. viii. 6. Ps. cxix. [cxviii.] 17. He, then, is quickened who is a servant, that is, man, who before had not life, but received the privilege of having it.
30. Let us then see whether the Spirit is quickened, or Himself quickens. Now it is written: “The letter killeth, but the Spirit giveth life.”263 Rom. v. 5. Rom. viii. 11. So, then, the Spirit quickens.
31. But that you may understand that the quickening of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is no separate work, read how there is a oneness of quickening also, since God Himself quickens through the Spirit, for Paul said: “He Who raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies because of His Spirit Who dwelleth in you.”
Spiritum sanctum non secus ac Patrem et Filium, operatione non diversa vivificare.
29. Quid autem mirum si Spiritus operator est vitae, qui vivificat sicut Pater, vivificat sicut Filius (Joan. V, 21)? Vivificare autem quis abnuat esse majestatis aeternae? Scriptum est enim: Vivifica servum tuum (Psal. CXVIII, 17). Vivificatur ergo qui servus est, hoc est, homo, qui vitam ante non habuit, sed ut haberet, accepit.
30. Videamus igitur utrum vivificetur Spiritus, an ipse vivificet. Sed scriptum est: Littera occidit, Spiritus 0749B autem vivificat (II Cor. III, 6). Ergo vivificat Spiritus.
31. Sed ut intelligas Patris et Filii et Spiritus sancti vivificationem non esse divisam, accipe quia vivificationis quoque unitas sit; quando ipse per Spiritum vivificat Deus; dixit enim Paulus: Qui suscitavit Christum ex mortuis, vivificabit et mortalia corpora vestra propter inhabitantem Spiritum ejus in vobis (Rom. VIII, 11).