Chapter XLIII.—Loose Company Preferred by Heretics. Ungodliness the Effect of Their Teaching the Very Opposite of Catholic Truth, Which Promotes the Fear of God, Both in Religious Ordinances and Practical Life.
It has also been a subject of remark, how extremely frequent is the intercourse which heretics hold with magicians, with mountebanks, with astrologers, with philosophers; and the reason is,443 Scilicet. that they are men who devote themselves to curious questions. “Seek, and ye shall find,” is everywhere in their minds. Thus, from the very nature of their conduct, may be estimated the quality of their faith. In their discipline we have an index of their doctrine. They say that God is not to be feared; therefore all things are in their view free and unchecked. Where, however is God not feared, except where He is not? Where God is not, there truth also is not. Where there is no truth, then, naturally enough, there is also such a discipline as theirs. But where God is, there exists “the fear of God, which is the beginning of wisdom.”444 Ps. cxi. 10; Prov. i. 7. Where the fear of God is, there is seriousness, an honourable and yet thoughtful445 Attonita, as if in fear that it might go wrong (Rigalt.). diligence, as well as an anxious carefulness and a well-considered admission (to the sacred ministry)446 In contrast to the opposite fault of the heresies exposed above. and a safely-guarded447 Deliberata, where the character was well weighed previous to admission to the eucharist. communion, and promotion after good service, and a scrupulous submission (to authority), and a devout attendance,448 Apparitio, the duty and office of an apparitor, or attendant on men of higher rank, whether in church or state. and a modest gait, and a united church, and God in all things.
Notata etiam fuisse eorum commercia cum magis, circulatoribus, astrologis, philosophis; adeo ut doctrinae 0058B ipsorum non verae index sit disciplina non bona.
Notata sunt etiam commercia haereticorum cum magis quampluribus: cum circulatoribus, cum astrologis , cum philosophis, curiositati scilicet deditis: QUAERITE ET INVENIETIS, ubique meminerunt. Adeo et de genere conversationis qualitas fidei aestimari potest: doctrinae index disciplina est. Negant Deum timendum; itaque libera sunt illis omnia et soluta. Ubi autem Deus non timetur, nisi ubi non est? Ubi Deus non est, nec veritas ulla est; ubi veritas nulla est , merito et talis disciplina est. At ubi Deus, ibi metus in Deum, qui est initium sapientiae. Ubi metus in Deum, ibi gravitas honesta , et diligentia attonita, et cura sollicita, et allectio explorata, 0058C et communicatio deliberata, et promotio emerita, 0059A et subjectio religiosa, et apparitio devota, et processio modesta , et Ecclesia unita, et Dei omnia.